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BlogAre you living your dream?

What’s your dream? Are you living it? Take just a moment, close your eyes and bring that dream into your mind’s eye. See it. Feel it. Really look at the…

BlogChange isn’t your enemy

Why do we resist change so very much? I just spent the last hour coaching my good friend, Bob, on how to handle a difficult situation. He founded a company…

BlogBejeweled and the Game of Life

What do you do when your mind is so full of stuff that you find it just zipping from one “to do” to another? Occasionally, I do something mindless, like…

BlogAre you living in the red or green?

I’m sure you’ve heard how our thoughts become things? We’re taught we should not only think happy thoughts, but also FEEL the joy from our thoughts, and that’s how they…

BlogPerspective and Judgment

Have you ever noticed that everything in life is a matter of perspective and eventually judgment? Imagine you arrive late to your office, complaining because your car broke down, only…

BlogLiving from Ecstasy

What is Ecstasy? Rapture Joy Delight Bliss Thrill Pleasure These are but a few FEELINGS that you may have when you are LIVING from ecstasy. What's the big deal about…