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BlogRegret vs. Gratitude

BlogRegret vs. Gratitude

Regret is something that none of us want and yet all of us have. It's the rare human that doesn't feel regret over some aspect of their life. The past…

BlogSponsor a HUG Today!

It's not often that we have the chance to really reach out and make a tangible difference in the world for only $10. With our Global Hug Tour, that is…

BlogWhatever We Imagine

BlogWhatever We Imagine

Two evenings ago Darryl and I were sitting outside on the deck at a ranch in Montana we're visiting. Just the two of us on 310 acres, surrounded by the…



Last week I was blindsided by a state. Not a state of mind, but by the state of Montana. Our family went to visit a ranch we owned for nearly…

BlogToday’s Brilliance by Scott Milford

BlogToday’s Brilliance by Scott Milford

Each week we select our favorite submission for Today's Brilliance from anyone who cares to contribute to our blog. (Details are available here.) This week’s Brilliance comes to us from…

BlogLions, Tigers and BEARS! (Oh My!)

BlogLions, Tigers and BEARS! (Oh My!)

Last week I posted a blog from Montana, about a noise that we heard on two different nights. Many of you wrote to me to ask if we ever figured…