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BlogA Conversation With God?

BlogA Conversation With God?

About a month ago I sat in front of my laptop with some heavy thoughts on my mind. In trying to figure out a difficult situation, I gave up and…

NewsTwo More Days to Celebrate our 2nd Birthday!

NewsTwo More Days to Celebrate our 2nd Birthday!

We're 6 days into our week-long 2nd Birthday Celebration for and the party's still going strong! If you've been following the Birthday Contest you know that our celebration ends…

BlogThe Present of Being Present

BlogThe Present of Being Present

The best present we can give to another is to BE present. And, I don't mean just being in the same room. With the abundance of technology surrounding us in…

BlogReclaim Your Personal Power!

BlogReclaim Your Personal Power!

There are some things in life we can control and some that we can't. We all have dominion and mastery over our own lives. We have personal power and we…

BlogMagnifying Magnificence

If you can feel one single spark of magnificence in yourself or another, nothing stands in the way of your fanning that flame. Nothing stands in the way of creating…