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BlogYou Are Desperately Needed

Today the Grandmothers woke me with this message and asked me to send it out. Please forward it on so we reach as many people as possible. "We ask you…

BlogJust Be Grateful

BlogJust Be Grateful

Each morning when we wake up we are given the most important choice of the day- for it sets the tone for the entire day. We can choose to wake…

BlogAsk + Connect + Collaborate = Success!

BlogAsk + Connect + Collaborate = Success!

We live in exciting times. Over the last couple of decades, we've shifted from "me" to "we". Competition has been replaced by connection and collaboration. Gone are the days when…

BlogTen Things That Inspire Me

Inspiration: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions. What inspires you? What inspires you to be a better person or to seek the unknown? It can be…

BlogMake Your Small Business a Success

Growing a small business can seem really scary sometimes. Yet I find that the fear is also part of the exhilaration! Personal satisfaction is created when you stand up to…