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Practicing Mindful Happiness

We are a world of people in a hurry. We are stressed and striving to make it through another day. We sometimes feel used and abused. And every now and then, we want to scream at the top of our lungs, joining in the chorus of miserable people saying, "I'm sick of my life!" When is this chaos going to end? Where are we all going? What are we trying to accomplish by living our lives in pursuit of something we can never seem to catch? We're always trying to get a better job, to improve our relationships, pay off…

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Today’s Brilliance from Leah Larson

Have you ever dreamed of doing something big but then dismissed the idea because you thought it was impossible? I founded, edited and published a national quarterly magazine when I was only 13. You're probably wondering how this happened. It all started in the school lunchroom in sixth grade. The lunchroom bustled as my class found our seats. Then, I had a brainstorm, "Wouldn't it be cool to publish a magazine for Jewish girls?" My friend was used to my constant flow of ambitious but usually impractical ideas, so she simply responded, "Yeah, but we could never do it." And…

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3 Easy Steps to the Results You Want

I used to be a little insane, just a bit crazy. Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". That was definitely the insane and crazy me. Then I realized if I wanted my results to be different I needed to change my behavior. I learned that three things could change my results, and my life: Desire... You need to really want to change. Commit... Make the commitment to yourself and to really add power commit out loud to someone else. Persist... NEVER give up until you…

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