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Align Yourself with Universal Love

By Michael Cupo. We make our life what it is, but we are not the creator of it. We are created by Universal Love with the intention of spreading Love and making the lives of others a masterpiece. Think of your life as a giant canvas. Everyday you have an opportunity to paint a new picture. The more your mind is settled, the more in touch you become with your creative self. You can make each day a masterpiece inspired by love, or you can just create an ordinary day of existence. There is nothing wrong in this, it just…

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Unlucky in Love? Check Your Belief System

"I'm in my mid 50's and always keep my eyes out for someone to love but never find anyone. In my mid 20's I was engaged to a really great guy. We would have married but between the Church and families and moving our plans just got derailed. After that I thought I was in love a few times but they really didn't love me. They just didn't. In 1998 I adopted a daughter on my own because I desperately wanted children. She is the love of my life. But I really wanted a whole family. So in 2000 I…

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Don’t Let Your Triggers Control Your Reactions

By Michael Cupo. We all have our triggers that set our reactions in motion. To be in harmony with life, we need to learn what pulls our trigger. A reaction can not occur if the trigger isn't pulled. What triggers the mind from a place of peace to an agitated state? This will have to be understood if you are to go beyond the triggered control. It happens so fast that you alone can't stop it from occurring. This is where knowledge is of no use. You can be very intelligent, but it doesn't equate to knowing how your own…

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Providing Motivation for Staff and Colleagues

By Grahak Cunningham. Whether you are a manager, business owner or employee, everyone wants to have a good day at work. This article aims to look at some ways to motivate yourself and/or your staff and how to avoid the opposite. What prevents us from having a great day Most of us have a position of employment which involves being repetitive on some scale. Regular work place, regular work hours and regular repetition of the same tasks. Without the right mindset, it is a simple recipe for losing satisfaction, motivation and fulfillment in a workplace, either yourself or your staff.…

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Our Higher Self

By Michael Cupo. Our higher self is always there, just waiting. When we understand the stillness beneath all our stories, we will align and connect with our waiting higher self. We are not always aligned with our higher self and this is our misgiving. It's not that we can't always be aligned, but we have to do the things that will allow it. Our alignment is in relation to how much we try and control our life. This is thought based. Certain aspects of our life need to be controlled, but the parts that are beyond our control, why do…

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Being Right or Being at Peace

By Michael Cupo. Even if you are right, the question is: are you at peace? Selfish energy or the loving energy of God, this is our choice. The energy selected becomes the energy of our life, this is our dilemma. When we are wronged even if our anger is justified, if we do not love we are the ones who suffer along with all those around us. But are there no exceptions to this, how about if a loved one is harmed? The Old Testament said an "eye for eye," but the message of Jesus was to "turn the other…

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Taking on God’s Role

By Michael Cupo. When we judge, we take on the role of God. Who am I to think I know what's best for anyone else unless I think I know all? And who can claim to know all but God? We all breathe the same air and are dependent on the same elements for our existence, but it seems our mind is conditioned to focus more on our differences than our similarities. It is only a thought that creates a judgment that makes a concept or belief about something. We all want to defend what we believe is the right way…

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Why Waste Your Energy Worrying?

Are you wasting your energy on the could of's, should of's, would if's, but's, feeling guilty, etc...? If so, here are some things to think about: Staying in the worry - guilt - would of's, could of's - keeps you STUCK in the past. Imagine... if you spent all of that energy focusing on who, what, when, and where you wanted to be, do & become now. Nobody is perfect, we all have a past - own it - learn from it. Learn to LOVE ALL of you. The past? Let it go and forgive yourself and others. The present? No matter…

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No Pain, No Gain: Is This Quote Motivational or Problematic?

By Grahak Cunningham. "No pain, no gain" has been yelled at us by personal trainers, business motivational speakers and keynote speakers. Explained to us by life coaches, business trainers and wellness practitioners. Sold to us by investment bankers and probably chanted by tomorrow's future champions. In business it means investing now for rewards later. Putting time, effort or finances into something to get the future results. On a personal level at work it might mean working harder (though not necessarily smarter). You’ll have longer hours, no weekends and plenty of stress and no doubt achieve good results, earn your bonus…

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Bouncing with Style: Mistress-B-Gone

By Sandra Beck. I have been reading the comments on my posts and the email I get from men and women all over the world-- I love it. One of the things that comes up again and again is how awful we feel when we encounter our ex-husband’s mistress – even years later because the wounds of infidelity and broken trust run deep. This is especially challenging when she was your friend. I know this happened to me and it happens to men. I know they tell me feel just as bad as we do when we are betrayed, but…

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Bouncing with Style: Mean Girls Have Affairs

By Sandra Beck. Since my husband left me for a local woman shortly after we moved here, I will be the first to admit I didn’t exactly rush out to make new friends in my neighborhood. It was more like combat when I picked up my kids from school. Stay mission focused. Don’t make eye contact. Extract the kids and get out of there with a helpful tailwind. Foolishly I thought my ex had hooked up with the only mean girl in town. She did mean things to me through my kids. She redressed my kid on the first day…

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The 2 Most Dangerous Beliefs About Money That Keep You In Debt

We all have a dark side that we don't want others to know. This can also include the people, places, and situations that we were around as children growing up. It can also involve things we weren't aware of-- that at the time may not have been that big of a deal---which ultimately surfaced and became a major challenge, even a life threatening situation. Growing up I was blessed to have wonderful parents and a step father who taught me some powerful life skills that completely transformed my life in a positive way. There were also many wonderful friends and…

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