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In my opinion, there is one thing that is much more important than anything else: learning to be happy and fulfilled in your life.

Truly happy people tend to be richer, more giving, more productive, and even a lot healthier than everyone else. So how can you easily become much happier in this fast paced, crazy world we live in?

Fortunately there are many simple, powerful methods that can make a dramatic difference in your level of happiness. In fact, some methods that take only a minute a day, have been proven to have more effect on your level of happiness than if you suddenly doubled your income!

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to try out some simple methods and see which ones work best for you. According to researchers, over 30 methods have been scientifically proven to increase a person’s level of happiness.

One of my personal favorites is the following. Once a week, I simply ask myself, “What could I schedule this week that would be fun to do, or create a special moment with someone I care about?” That’s it. Then, when you get your answer, immediately schedule this experience into your upcoming week.

Nowadays we’re all so busy that we tend to do only what we schedule, but most people only schedule their work–so they miss out on creating special moments for themselves. By scheduling time for what you really enjoy, you can make sure it happens. By actually doing the things that you most value each and every week, you’ll inevitably become happier, healthier, and more caring to those you love.

On one of my appearances on Oprah, I shared a similar method that Oprah especially loved. The “method” I shared was to simply do two brief acts of kindness per day for anyone you interact with. Studies show that small acts of kindness are incredibly effective in boosting your own mood. Kindness temporarily takes us out of ourselves and helps us connect with our own caring heart.

You can tune into the power of this method by simply asking, “What could I do today for someone that would be a kind and fun thing to do?” Recently, I was having a really stressful day, so I asked myself this question. I ended up writing a brief note of appreciation for my wife, and giving our dog a big bone. My mood immediately brightened, and the love I received from both of them later that night made me feel even better. In under three minutes I went from stressed out to blissed out, and I even made those I care about happier!

By trying out a variety of happiness boosters, you can discover what truly works best for you. Once you find methods you resonate with, your life will never be the same. Instead of just having more intellectual information, you’ll have a practical way to transform the actual moments of your daily life.

Then, no matter what life throws your way, you’ll be able to tap into the peace and happiness that are always living inside of you…!

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Jonathan Robinson is a psychotherapist, author of 10 books and a professional speaker from Northern California. He has reached over 250 million people with his books, seminars and media appearances. Jonathan has made numerous appearances on Oprah and CNN, as well as other national TV shows. His work has been featured in USA Today, Newsweek, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, and dozens of other publications. His specialty is teaching people incredibly quick and powerful methods to help them add quality and depth to their daily lives.

Jonathan's newest book is Find Happiness Now: 50 Shortcuts for Bringing More Love, Balance, and Joy Into Your Life. He also has written two other New York Times bestsellers, The Little Book of Big Questions and Communication Miracles for Couples. In addition, Jonathan is the author of the audio course, "Deeper Happiness: One Month to a Lifetime of Greater Fulfillment." On his website,, Jonathan offers free audio downloads and articles about how to find greater happiness and personal fulfillment.

For more information, please visit

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Very good helpful and true to life , the Inspire of 21st. April 2.014. It is really amazing how overjoyed we feel when we do something nice, thoughtful, loving to those who truly appreciate it, it makes us happier to see those we love and care for, happy.

  2. I am in 100% agreement with you that ” attitude” and hope are the path to happiness. Yet bad things do happen to good people. Please reply.

    1. Yes, bad things do happen to good people. No way around that. Yet, by knowing how to be resilient in the face of difficulties, and knowing how to tap into our innate happiness–no matter what is happening in our lives, then overall your life will be filled with joy and peace…

  3. I have found that my own happiness has a lot to do with focusing more on others and less on myself.

    So often I get rapped up in self rather than being truly aware and focusing on others and their wants and needs. By giving of myself – whether it is a smile, a listening ear, a ride, or extending an invitation to dinner I am truly blessed. By helping others we do help ourselves.

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