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How to Welcome and Learn from Restlessness

I used to seek change outside myself: a new promotion or job, home, country to explore, a new relationship. I also channeled my restless nature in physical exertion and a full diary. I was goal-driven, and achievement-focused. As long as I was busy, all was well. To slow down made me painfully aware of the discontent that trailed me like a twinge. I started climbing mountains as a hobby. In the outdoors, my mind slowed and I would return to my sea-level life fresh and recharged. Over time, I wanted to commit to my mountaineering passion as a way of…

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Heal Your Soul, Heal Your Self

The purpose of life is to align with our I AM, which is to be who we are. Living in a pure I AM state without resistance or opposition is the highest spiritual bliss. When we divert from who we are, we get sick. The illness manifests first in the mentally unaligned thought, then can be felt emotionally, and will finally appear as physical symptoms. The body is the faithful puppy dog for the mind and will always express that something is wrong when the person is choosing to believe things that are not true. The symptoms are helpful messengers…

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Your #1 Priority

Believe in yourself, no matter what. Living brings challenges, traumas test you; obstacles threaten to block your every move. The only element strong enough to overcome all of these things is your belief that you can transcend them. Your belief system is at the core of everything you do, say, think and feel. The beliefs you hold influence your interpretation of yourself, the world, events and all that's possible in your life. Out of all the beliefs you carry, the most important ones are those that relate to how you perceive yourself. If you believe you are strong, courageous, creative…

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Be Yourself and Be Free

If the Truth we all seek, whatever that may be, is to be found at the top of a hill, how can you find the direct route, the clearest path? Know who you are. Live with thought-free awareness. The mind is the source of the suffering blocking your path; only when controlled and quieted can Truth be found. A thought can give you a headache, but does not define who you are. Close the lid, turn off the screens, end the illusion by ceasing to believe in it. Relinquish desire. Demand less; give more. Be content with you as you are.…

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Choose to Know and Love Yourself

Dear Hearts, I write this love letter for you. To you, I say love. You are here to love. To do anything other than love goes against all that you are. Love everything and everyone---the light and the darkness, the bitter and the sweet. Choose love over hate, pettiness, the need to be right, the illusion of financial security, and all the things that don't even come close to LOVE. Because, there are no do-overs in life. You can't erase the past or get back those moments that you missed so live now. Know that each moment is a gift and…

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Finding the Courage to Be Yourself

I may only be 8 years old, but I have learned a great deal. I've learned that bullying is for losers and losers are just not cool! Writing two books has shown me that I may be young but, I can achieve whatever it is that I put my mind to. If I strive hard and really focus on what it is that I want, I can do it all. I want other kids my age to know that they can do the same things I've done if they put their minds to it. If I had just 500 words…

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7 Paths to the Life of Your Dreams

Be your authentic self. Be true to yourself always. Don't worry what other people will think. March to the beat of your own unique drum and do the things that make you happy. Magical things happen when you're following your passions, the things that you really love in life. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Always seek to be around people who amplify your energy. After interacting with them, you'll feel uplifted and excited about life. Look for this reaction when considering friends, coaches, business partners, mentors, clients, Mastermind Group members, etc. Practice blissful thinking. Dream the biggest dream…

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Bring Out Your Inner Diamond

I believe that each of us is a rock, the most beautiful, strongest rock imaginable - a diamond. You are a diamond, and like that precious stone your life has many facets which took years to forge. Diamonds begin as lumps of carbon deep in the earth's surface. Years of extreme pressure and force shape them into unique, amazing stones. Isn't life like this? Over time you go through great pressures and forces that shape the person you become. Extracting diamonds takes work; they don't just magically rise to the earth's surface. The same is true for your life. Cultivating…

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All Is Welcome

Some of the most important things to me are… To be authentic. Just be yourself, love yourself, and everyone else will love you. When we love ourselves it spills over and makes it a lot easier to love everyone. We get the feeling there’s only one of us here. To be grateful. Opening our eyes in the morning and being alive on this beautiful planet is already a miracle worthy of dedicating the day to thanks and appreciation. Once we start, there’s no end to the gifts to be grateful for. To be generous and available. Living in gratitude puts awareness on…

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Living From Your Heart

Think about this statement: "Nobody ever changes, we just reveal more of who we really are". Have you really changed over the years or have you just EXPANDED? Did you really get rid of those parts that you didn't like or are they still there, in the background, waiting for you to retreat to a lower state of mind, energy and consciousness? Change has been a topic I've studied for many years and I have concluded that nobody really changes. People hate it when I say that. They'll quote some new age text such as 'the only constant in life…

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Being Your Authentic Self

My pearls of wisdom are these: have faith, a sense of humor and do something completely random. God will always have your back if you just let Him. Don't take everything so seriously. Bring levity to your life daily because it really is the best medicine. Help a complete stranger if you can, because the blessings will come back to you tenfold and you can impact their life (as well as yours) in a positive way. Whether it's a helpful hint, a smile in passing or giving a kid change at the checkout because Mom didn't quite have enough in…

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The Only Way to Survive

No matter who you are or where you come from, you are human. Humans are the only creatures with the ability to create love. For that reason, you have the ability to create love. True love is unconditional and does not have levels or distinctions: otherwise, it's not true, it is not love. Unless we learn to create love constantly and make it our highest priority, humanity will not survive for long. It would be a shame that our species do not survive to see the highest evolution of our minds. The same way that we now know that the earth…

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The Art of Authenticity

The words I would like to leave to humanity are walk in your own authenticity. While this may sound elementary, as I have walked through several phases of my journey, I realized I lost valuable time not being completely authentic. I am aware the growing process had a vast impact upon the way I viewed and perceived myself. However, decisions I made based on the environment, and peers caused me to present a facade which was not my character nor my stature. Authenticity to me is the ability to reach within myself and expose even to myself, my triumphs and…

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