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You are a Child of the Universe

The Nei Jing, a classical Chinese medicine text written several thousands of years ago, states: “Men are born on the Earth, but Life itself is held in the hands of Heaven. When the Qi of Heaven and Earth harmonize, this is called a human being.” In other words, the beautiful material forms of human beings enter this reality filled with life force and Heaven’s unconditional love. Just as sure as you are the child of your mother and father, you are also a child of the Universe, created from this source and connected to it every day and forever. You’re…

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Do You Have Passion for The Possible?

On this day of my life I see clearly that we must explore and develop those ways to engender the passion for the possible in our human development while discovering what that "possible" is. In so doing we will discover ways of transcending and transforming the local self so that extraordinary life can arise. There is no question but that a larger life is latent in the human species and that we live only a small part of the life that is given. Thus it will require from those of you who are really serious about making a difference something…

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Seize This Brand New Day

Today is a brand new day. A day full of opportunity. Regardless of your current situation you hold within you the ability to achieve amazing strides. We are all given opportunities to choose our paths in life. Often that task seems daunting but if we can keep the faith and just hold on, victory is on the way. Today you were given a gift that many were not given - the gift of life. Every moment that we are allowed to stay on this earth is a gift which should not be taken for granted. I have learned the hard…

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5 Principles To Lead A Fulfilled Life

1. To learn anything, you cannot be afraid to ask questions. This fear no doubt harkens back to grade school, when other kids would poke fun at the kid who asked for clarification on something. Unfortunately, most people don't grow out of it, fearing others will think them simple. The reality is, while everyone is an expert at something, no one can be an expert in everything. If you don't ask, you won't learn. Ask questions until you are satisfied you understand the answer. This may be the only opportunity you have to learn. Don't miss out on the experience.…

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Embrace Your Connectedness and Affirm Your Greatness

Recognize that we are all connected. There is a Oneness of all Life, so leave your thoughts of exceptionality and separation behind and embrace that Life. A daily practice of meditation, prayer work, affirmations and reading will grow, over time, from daily practice to what you practice daily. That is a whole new way of life. Be aware for synchronicity and follow your guidance. What you call your intuition is the voice of God - Guidance-On-Demand. The Source of all your experience is at the very core of your being. Spirit is in me and I am in Spirit and…

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Have Faith in Your Next Adventure

Dear fellow human being, You are standing on the shore of your next great adventure, looking out to sea as Columbus did more than 500 years ago. Everyone kept telling him that he would fall off the end of the world and surely die, but he refused to believe them, and he remained true to his convictions. And, he was right! The world is not flat, no matter what anyone tells you. Always set your sail for the far horizon, and embrace the splash of seawater across the bow! Don’t ever drop anchor, because that’s where limits come from. Don't…

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The First Step to Managing Change

The nature of life is change. And, the more we strive to keep things the same, the greater the changes seem to be. Nothing lasts forever. We only need to visit any cemetery to get a fresh reminder of the transient nature of our existence. Economies and industries rise and fall. Remember Kodak film? How about vinyl records, cassette tapes and VCRs? It is a given that, at some point in time, in each one of our lives, we will all experience the bitter taste of failure as well as the savory sweetness of success; the vulnerability of weakness as…

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Focus on Love, Not Worry

When people are asked, at the end of their lives, what they wish they had done differently, there is a clear theme. Invariably, people say they wished they had appreciated the little moments more. This is consistent both among those perceived to have accomplished a lot, and those who had led simpler lives. Those who have spent their lives worrying become bitter toward the end, while those who appreciated the journey end their lives with joy. Think about how you will feel on your own deathbed, and let it impact your attitude right now. Place No Limits on Life’s Joy…

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3 Ways To Reveal Your Talents

Sometimes, we conceal ourselves from ourselves. Not wanting to acknowledge the person we are, in all our special gifts, until we are forced to be guided by the wits of what life has taught us. A failure to engage, stuck in the rut, feeling unfilled, because.... We do that until we grow into this ever-evolving trail of life, eventually seeking ways to find meaning after challenges have found us with no zap in our story. Then we start on the quest to find value in our narratives. We are each bestowed with abilities of wonder, making us this unique blend.…

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The Four Fundamental Questions of Life

These days I tell everyone that I can to do whatever it takes to make sure that they are not among the 98% of people who spend 98% of their time on the 98% of things in life that don't matter. Until way too late in my life, I included myself in that group. Now I make sure that everything I think, say, and do is directly related to the Agenda of my Soul—which has nothing to do specifically with the desires of my body or the insatiable and usually non-beneficial activities of my mind. I have chosen in these…

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What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Life and Men

We gravitate towards what we contemplate, so believe the best about everyone. Constantly extend grace, kindness and forgiveness to all mankind. Until we know who we are and why we were created, we risk the temptation of allowing other things and other people to define our worth. Feelings can keep us from accomplishing our purpose; since we can't change the way we feel, we have to learn how to change the way we think. God invites us to align our thoughts with His. One of the greatest gaps existing in life is the gap between knowing and doing. To live…

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Finding Gold

In my many years working as a counselor and pursuing truth, there are two things I know for sure. First, we all need each other like the ocean needs the sand, and second, learning to be authentic is a task that requires truth, courage and commitment. So often in life people try to pursue a quick fix to their problems, and the truth is that any real problem worthy of being solved, does not and will not ever happen overnight. Finding gold takes time. Finding gold takes patience. Finding gold takes others. The gold I'm referring to is not the…

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Learning to be Self-Full in Divine Order

Through my 43 years, I have learned to be comfortable in my own skin by understanding that I must have GOD first in everything I do and say. When I was 34 years, I had a moment of self-discovery. I realized my life was flashing by, and I did not feel complete as a woman. There were many things personally I wanted to accomplish before I settled into a relationship/marriage and have children. But I questioned those ideas - will I ever get married or is marriage in my future? Do I want to get married, and have children? Yes,…

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Healing Your Pain

If I only had a few shards of wisdom to leave this world, I’d go straight for the bull’s eye. What’s life about anyway? I think it’s about being happy. However, that road to happiness includes learning how to heal pain and connect to that source of healing. It’s learning how to experience your version of God (or whatever you want to call it). It all begins in the mysterious world of the subconscious mind, the place where our pain is harbored. All emotion is born to be experienced. When we experience emotion fully, it will vaporize and dissolve into…

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Why Are We Here?

We are all searching for something that will answer those two questions that lurk within in our thoughts, especially when we are flummoxed by life. Why are we here? What purpose do we serve? In my view, there is a perpetual, yet virtual lock on the true answer, yet we hold the key to unlock the question. We may have trouble arriving at the answers and, despite our best efforts, we never get the answer we seek. Despite our struggle, we must persevere. Each of us fulfills a divine purpose that was etched out fully by our creator, long before…

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Trusting in God

If this were my last day on Earth and I had to tell my kids some words to live by, I would tell them to trust God fully to have a happy life. It's a really hard concept to submit to and one we all resist in many ways our whole life but it's so important. So many difficult things that happened to me in my life have happened to bring me to a new and much better spot than I could have thought possible. Divorce, job changes, relationships beginning or ending, have all made a huge difference in the…

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Always Being, Always Creating

Being and Creation are ever present. They do not exist apart from one another. As God, you are always being and you are always creating in every moment. Being is the Essence of God. It is changeless, infinite, and absolute. It is the Light that encompasses all of Creation. It is the very fabric of all thought and form. Being is Who and What you truly are and the Consciousness with which you experience all of life. Creation, on the other hand, is the infinite expression of Being. It is the unlimited extension of God's Love through both the Holy…

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Want to Find God? Meditate

Given 30 seconds to say what is most important in life, it'd be simple: give yourself to God. God gets a mixed review, obviously a favorable spin from religious or spiritual types, but still one with vague undertones of uncertainty. The advice I gave sounds good but what does it really mean, why is it important, and how should one go about doing it? Let's cut to the chase. Life on earth isn't easy. Even when wealthy or healthy, people may be miserable. With no way to know what'll happen one minute to the next, control and security are illusory.…

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