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The Fastest Way To Happiness

The fastest way to happiness and peace is the absolute acceptance of WHO YOU ARE right in this moment. The nature of humanness is divinity. This is evident in many of the daily "miracles" of our existence: our body, the seasons, the supreme organization of the universe. We know this in our cells, our bones. There is a deep resonance to the truth that we are all connected, that divinity expresses ITSELF as us, exactly as we are. The ego says, "Ok, you have the capacity to love and sure, you might be an expression of the divine, but until…

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The Only Way to Survive

No matter who you are or where you come from, you are human. Humans are the only creatures with the ability to create love. For that reason, you have the ability to create love. True love is unconditional and does not have levels or distinctions: otherwise, it's not true, it is not love. Unless we learn to create love constantly and make it our highest priority, humanity will not survive for long. It would be a shame that our species do not survive to see the highest evolution of our minds. The same way that we now know that the earth…

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Peace Begins with Me

I don’t need five hundred words to share with the world the most precious wisdom attained in my lifetime. My message is simple - "Peace begins with me." These few words are so simple, yet they contain a message so profound as to be the only key to the utopia our troubled world seeks. Words cannot open doors, but when we receive them with our hearts, we will perceive them with our minds in perfect harmony. Almost from the time we gain the ability to process thought, we set forth on a journey that takes us further and further away…

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Matthew Catlett

The Art of Seeing the Sky – How to Find Freedom and Compassion

The most fundamental confusion we have is between clouds and skies. When we strive to obtain a specific object or circumstance, we are seeking after a cloud. Even if we find it, it will hold only for a moment – and then it tumbles and evolves, changing endlessly. That is the nature of clouds. When we strive to arrange all the elements of our lives to match our vision of happiness, we are seeking to find a tableau of clouds all put together just right. Finding such a painting is even more difficult than seeking after a single cloud, and…

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3 Keys to Peace

I would share a message for my daughter.... If I don't wake tomorrow, I want to tell you that no matter what seems to be going on around you right now... Everything is alright. Really. I have learned, by living, teaching, coaching, listening, practicing and most of all, by loving, that there are three keys that make it possible to be at peace no matter what is going on... 1. Everything you ever suffer from is just a thought. 2. You always have choice and therefore you always have the power. 3. Love is what you are, not something that…

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How I Became Aware

One of my first really big insights came when I read Fritz Perls' little gem of a book, Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. He wrote that simple awareness can often be curative. What a brilliant perspective on life: if only I could become more aware, I might be able to solve a whole lot of my "problems." Shortly thereafter, I heard Eric Hoffer say, "You can never get enough of what you don't really need to make you happy." That one got me thinking about all the "things" I had been focused on and how little they actually mattered once I had created…

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As Is, I’m Here

During a weekend recently three big challenges came up for me and and I used one of my favorite mantras over and over again, “As Is, I’m Here.”  Saying “As Is” reminds you of the willingness to allow yourself to be exactly as you are in this moment. It invites you to let go of struggling with whatever is (your usual mode), so you can move into the place of healing that comes from allowing yourself to be exactly as you are. “I’m Here” reminds you to be keenly attentive to what is, in a way that invites your heart to be open to…

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How You can Find Healing that Lasts

How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are a part of your journey home – back to yourself and back to Life – instead of feeling that your challenges are here because you have done something wrong or you are being punished or God fell asleep on the job? What would happen if your illness, your difficult relationship, your demanding boss, your compulsions, and maybe even your troublesome dog were showing up in your life to help you heal? The healing you long for comes when you discover how to play the warmer, warmer/colder, colder game. Remember that…

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How To Use The Mantra, “Just This Much”

If you watch your mind, you will see that it goes into the past or future all day long.  It especially loves to go into the future and when it really gets activated, it moves from a whole different place.  It will convince you that that you can’t do it right, or you can’t do it at all, or something bad is going to happen, and the thoughts go on and on.   These thoughts are just not true because we don’t know what is going to happen.  All we have is this present moment, but you can begin to see…

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At One with Your Circumstances

There have been many times in my life, and still some today, when I fight reality. I want a different outcome. I desire for things to be different than they are. I pray for divine intervention to change the facts. What usually occurs are that the facts remain and all I have done is create pain and disappointment for myself. It is said that what we resist, persists. What if instead of resisting, we accepted? Recently I was introduced to the Navajo word “Hozho.” It is the most important word in the Navajo language. Roughly translated it means peace, balance,…

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Wishing You a Wonderful Holiday

On this beautiful Christmas morning, I wish you peace and love. May you be blessed with a heart that understands abundance and always have plenty to share with others. May you be kind to others and experience kindness in return. May you know that you are not only good enough, but already perfect, just the way you are. May you share compassion, knowing that everyone else is also doing the best they can. May you trust in the infinite wisdom that is there for all of us, and realize that you are a part of something so much greater than…

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Mindful Communications

By Sheevaun Moran. Most days we walk through the day without much thought about how we will communicate. We speak to our family in the same old way. Our chatter with the store clerks is fleeting. The emails we send are filled with our wants, needs, desires and demands. Where is the communication that is filled with goodness and intention? We say our intention is to communicate with love and kindness, but is that really true? If that were so true then our own inner voices would be much kinder and loving. The thought towards someone who is homeless would…

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