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The Secret to a GREAT Day

How did you start your morning? Pondering your “to do” list? Feeling frustration with a work challenge? Feeling overwhelmed with life? What if there was a way to change the course of your day so that by every evening, you end the day with a smile? It turns out we all have the ability to find the best in every day. Remember the giddy excitement you felt as a child the morning of your birthday and holidays? You KNEW it was going to be a great day and you took notice of all of the wonderful things that happened throughout…

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How To Turn Your Inner Light On!

I look within each person who has given up on themselves. If I had imaginary eyes, I would go within each person finding the darkest part of their lives and I would turn the light on those dark areas of their mind, body and soul. When it is dark no one can find their way. We stumble and become confused. When you turn the light on, you can find your way. Once the light is on, you will find the beauty within. You will no longer find thoughts like "I'm not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, can't do nothing…

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