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Do You Have Passion for The Possible?

On this day of my life I see clearly that we must explore and develop those ways to engender the passion for the possible in our human development while discovering what that "possible" is. In so doing we will discover ways of transcending and transforming the local self so that extraordinary life can arise. There is no question but that a larger life is latent in the human species and that we live only a small part of the life that is given. Thus it will require from those of you who are really serious about making a difference something…

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Pressure Makes The Diamond

When we are young, life seems endless, days last forever and we feel invincible. As the years creep by, and you hit those twilight years the days ahead are shorter, move faster and you feel anxious because you are running out of time and have not accomplished all you wanted to do. A few years ago, I was in a serious car accident. My car was going uncontrollably fast off the interstate towards a large tree. My life quickly running through my head, I thought of my family whom I would be leaving prematurely. Then I reconciled and said, “Lord,…

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