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Winning the Game of Fear Webinar

Motivational "happy thoughts" and philosophical points about the human condition Do NOT Solve The Deep, Underlying Fears, Feelings and Thoughts that NAG At You, Keep Reminding You of shortcomings and Rise Up Inside You when you even TRY something outside of your comfort zone! My friend John Assaraf has spent most of his adult life searching for real answers to tough questions AND the SCIENTIFIC PROOF behind these solutions! Maybe you've seen John talk about these PROVEN solutions on National TV or read about it in one of his international bestselling books. My Greatest Fear:  Not adequately conveying YOUR POWER…

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4 Essential Steps for Your Conscious Business Success

Imagine the feeling of having everything in your business flow easily, effortless and abundantly.... where your ideal clients are happy to pay you for your products and services and you are having a blast in your business. You feel the energy and anticipation of everything coming together and your hard work and disciplined mindset are paying off in the results you experience every day. This is when you know you're in the "sweet spot" of your business. But, how can you find this "sweet spot" in your business? What can you (as a conscious entrepreneur) be doing, thinking and intending…

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Choosing the Path of Least Resistance

Stay naive in the belief that everything is going to be all right. Because if you don't trust that this is true, the Universe won't be able to assist you. Don't take your thoughts too seriously. Learn to laugh about yourself. Choose the path of least resistance, which isn't the lazy or comfortable one, but the one led by your enthusiasm and joy. Understand that happiness can only be experienced now, in the embodiment of the present as it is. Happiness isn’t excitement. It’s not even an emotion. Happiness is a state of no-resistance, of acceptance of what-is. It’s neutrality within, regardless…

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Dare to Dream

I am sitting in a self-development workshop. The year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we'd love to do before we die and likely never will. My "Bucket List"... climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I'm not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me. Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035' on the top of Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain. Aside from two Japanese people, I am…

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Take Risks, Make Choices, Create Change

If I could leave one piece of wisdom to the people on this planet before I go it would be that we always have a choice. We have a choice of not only what we put in our mouths for nutrition but also what we put in our minds and how we live our life. So much emphasis is placed on exercise and physical health, and that is indeed important. But we have to remember our emotional/spiritual health as well. We must choose to only accept positive thoughts, positive self talk, and remember with every exhale we have the ability…

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Patience – A Practice for Success

As a survivor of a Traumatic Brain Injury, I experienced a rebirth in my life. As someone who had to re-learn how to successfully work and share with people in every aspect of life, there is one practice that applies everywhere. That practice is patience. Patience is fed with the ability to listen, stay centered and be thoughtful. Trust in those things and there will be patience. Patience proves that the old phrase endures: Good things come to those who wait. What are you waiting for? To get better from an illness? For a loved one to recover from a…

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Always Know Your Why

So many people reference survivors and how strong they must be. Yet strength is only part of it. An ability to be mindful, to dance with the full circle of emotions that arise from adversity, to process feelings of discomfort, to lean on another for support and to deeply attune with your own inner-truths are the qualities that make you resilient. In this you can do more than just survive. You can thrive. When you awake, take a moment to quietly experience the space. Open your minds’ eye with the curiosity of a child to see what is available to you. Take…

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Time for You to Live Vibrantly

Live vibrantly. Now. As quick as you can! Our existence on this planet is for but an instant – the strike of a match, a quick burn, and then it’s extinguished never ever to be reproduced in exactly the same way again. For the brief moment that is your mortal life and you have a choice: The flame that is your spirit can spark a blazing fire, giving light to the world, heat to the people, and spread wildly into something vast and eternal. Or, it can swiftly fade and fizzle out, back to the nothingness from where it came.…

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5 Steps to Take Action

Take Action! So many of us wait for things to be perfectly aligned before we take action. I’m not talking about following a specific timeline that gives you the necessary steps to reach your goal. I’m referring to those who wait for things to be aligned just right before they make a move. We wait for the perfect time to get married. The perfect time to own a home. The right time to have children. The right time to start a business. The right time to take a family vacation. The right time to make a business decision. The right…

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How You Can Choose Wealth Over Riches

I’m proud of my financial position in life, but contrary to what a lot of people may think, I never aspired to be rich. I wanted to be wealthy. It wasn’t always that way, though. I think there was a lot of fear driving me. Fear of being poor again and fear of going back to that impoverished life from my childhood. Being rich and being wealthy seem to be synonymous with success. However, there’s a big difference between the two. The main difference between being rich and being wealthy is knowledge. Wealthy people know how to make money, while…

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