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10 Ways to Remain a Kid at Heart

When I grow up I have decided to be a "big kid" instead of an adult. What made me decide to do this? I watch my mom and dad and all of their friends have fun, but I still think they are missing out on the good stuff kids get to do.... I think there should be an option to grow up but still do kid things. This would make the world a better place because everyone would be having fun. In the world full of "big kids" everyone would get to do stuff like: Play outside everyday. Don't just…

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5 Simple Techniques to Get Unstuck

It happens to each one of us at one time or another. We become stuck. We enter a state of lethargy. Whether it involves our work or our home life, there are just days (and unfortunately sometimes weeks and months) where we feel stuck. We don’t seem to have the energy to move forward. We feel the need to get things done but can’t find a grain of momentum to make it happen. After a while we know we have to do something, yet we sit on the couch like an immobile brick. Stuck. When this happens, remember that feeling…

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How to Truly Forgive Yourself

What would happen if you were to realize that everything you have done is just a part of the natural unfolding of life, and that it is forgivable?  What would it be like if you forgave yourself for all of it? I have been reading the book, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed, and I want to share this inspirational excerpt about forgiveness: “What if I forgave myself?  I thought. What if I forgave myself even though I’d done something I shouldn’t have?  What if I was a liar and a cheat and…

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