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How to Find Wisdom

I have discovered that there are many bright minds in the world but few that consider themselves to be truly enlightened. Wisdom, it would seem, comes slowly and in bite-sized morsels such that it is almost specialized. Like a discipline, say physics or chemistry or literature, there are many who have a piece of the puzzle (perhaps). Integrating these pieces into one whole could arguably be said to be more difficult than finding that one universal general theory, theory of everything, that our scientists have sought since at least Einstein. What is a person to do then, without a guide…

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3 Important Principles For Getting What You Want

Appreciate people. Growing up as a shy girl, I always kept to myself. I never felt compelled to depend on others or even communicate with the many wonderful people that surrounded me. Now all grown up and having come out of my shell, I realize that one of the most happiest feelings in the world can be found in the connections that we make with others. The general kindheartedness that I find in people is enough to light up the universe. We live in one life but also in one world that we share. As much control as we have over…

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The Two Keys To Releasing Your Pain

You may not believe it, but you hold your own transformation in your own hands. You can turn darkness into light, turn any issue you have into an asset, convert suffering into wisdom and along the way shine the light for others. You are the ultimate alchemist. Mindfulness and creativity are the two keys to releasing yourself from your own pain and transforming it into something valuable. When you stand back and get some distance from 'the story of your life' and you can then look at it differently and learn from it. Now this is when then magic starts…

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It Isn’t Personal

Seek to understand, for with understanding comes acceptance, peace, and – in many instances – love. We cannot hate what we understand. Remove the ego. Everyone you meet, every person who makes you smile, dance, cringe, swear, and scream, each one is simply trying to get through the day the best way she knows how. Each is striving to become the person he wants to be. Each is working to live the life she wants to live. Whatever pain anyone in your life may cause you, remember this: It isn't personal. It is simply a product of that person moving…

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How to Take Advantage of Your Opportunity

The thrill of soaring comes with the fear of falling. Despite that, we should all aspire in life to dream big. There is so much opportunity just waiting for you - if you are willing to be consistent and persistent, there is no doubt you can achieve your dreams. It helps to discover who you truly are and live in a way that is authentic to yourself. You must do what you can to discover your truth... to achieve a deep connection with yourself and then with other people. Think about who you are now. If you are seeing habits,…

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Sitting in the Realm of Abundance

When you realize to your core of being that there is only love, you start to live life knowing that there is nothing that can harm you nor can anyone harm you. You will also not consider harming anyone with your words or deeds. We have all been gifted with invisible powers and they create our reality. They are the power of thought, imagination, and intention. We create or mis-create with these gifts and we also re-create our reality if we find we don’t like what we’ve created. Thoughts are substance, energy and things, and we can form whatever we…

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4 Practices for a Healthy, Happy Inner Child

I would speak about what I have learned from the angels of transparency who have inspired me throughout my life. Look inside yourself and heal your inner child. This is the part of you that you have hidden for such a long time, that you have abandoned and rejected. Doing this for myself, I felt like a new world was coming to life - like I was reborn. It felt like my skin was being regenerated somehow and that all my old issues were being healed and addressed. When we heal our inner child, then we can think of moving…

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