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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Eagle Medicine

A few days ago I was visited by not one, but two eagles. They came in the morning and spent the entire day with me, just outside my office window at our home in northwestern Montana. Throughout the day they traded places, but one of them was always perched in my favorite tree, looking right down on my office. I talked with friends who've lived in this area for some time, as well as friends on-line from around the world. Regardless of their individual spiritual or religious tradition, they all  strongly suggested I "pay attention" as the eagle in Native…

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Happy Sunday from Snowy Montana

To me, snow is one of the most magical things in the world. I love how the world can be transformed in minutes as the planet is covered with fluffy white. The tranquility that I feel with the new fallen snow is nothing short of reverence for Mother Nature. My blog today is a bit different from normal, as I'm sharing our morning snow with you. As an added benefit you get to see the golden eagle from a few days ago also, as she returned to her perch in my favorite tree this morning. May your day be filled…

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Montana Community Inspired by Holiday Spirit

I've lived many places in the Unites States and have never felt more at home anywhere than I do right now. In order for any place to feel like home, it must have a sense of community. It's the interaction with other like-minded people that gives life meaning and enriches our everyday experiences. This morning I literally walked into a Currier and Ives picture postcard, in our town of Bigfork, Montana. I was invited to "be an elf" and help decorate the small town we call home. This is our first Christmas to be living here, so this was a…

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Corporate America

This morning I woke from a bizarre dream that seemed so real. In my dream, my husband Darryl and I went to go play miniature golf. I was given a pink ball, but the outer coating of the golf ball was peeling away rendering the ball unusable. When I asked for another ball, the woman at the counter gave me a telephone number and told me I had to call this number to get another one. Reluctantly, I called the number, only to have someone answer the phone, "Hello Zappos- How may I help you?" Obviously I was taken aback,…

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The Brilliance of Twitter (in 140 characters or less)

Each day on our website,, we ask our Luminaries to share the greatest things they've learned in life, in 500 words. Yesterday, I wondered what folks would say if they have to pass on a lifetime of wisdom in just 140 characters. So, I asked this question on Twitter and here are some of the responses. This is also a great list of interactive real people that you might want to follow. We made all of the names live links to make it easy for you. If you like the wisdom, follow them, or just follow them all. Either…

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The one thing constant about life is change. Just when we think we've figured out how to make life work, often we are thrown an opportunity to grow in a different direction. It's our ability to adapt that makes the difference between a life of frustration or excitement. Nature is our best example of adaptability. Dogs know when to shed their excess fur without someone telling them to do so. Birds know when to fly south for the winter. Squirrels know when to gather and store nuts. If the cold weather comes early one year, Nature adapts without thinking about…

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The Perfection of Imperfection

Yesterday I shared with you that I'm planning to write a blog each day for the next 30 days. That brought up all kinds of stuff for me. What if I don't have enough material? What if I don't have the time? What if they're not perfect? I even received a blog comment yesterday from a man named Scott, who also had the same concern for his blog- "What if they're not perfect?". Can you imagine things in Nature asking that? Look at some of the most bizarre creatures and think, what if a pelican looked at an eagle and…

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A Personal Note from Gail

The past two weeks I've really thought long and hard about my  blog. If you've been reading it for some time, you know that I used to write much more frequently. When I started writing for the Huffington Post last April, my own blog - this blog, suffered. That's not meant to be an excuse; it's just that my focus was divided. The insight that I just had yesterday was that the two blogs are different, or at least they should be. I want this blog to be a reflection of who I am, what I'm thinking and how…

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Unlimited Possibility

We live the majority of our lives trying to fit into boxes that our society has created. We base our education, our friendships, our careers and the vast majority of our decisions on what is "expected". What we believe may be possible gets pushed aside by what we believe is probable. But what if you didn't know any better? What if you believed in unlimited possibility? What if you were an alien that just beamed onto Earth and you didn't know the rules?  What if you didn't know the way things were done and you were free to create a…

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Love is the Answer (Always!) : The Secret to Surviving Divorce

Divorce is one of the most difficult transition periods in life. Not only is it losing the dream of something that once was, it's also dealing with anger, rejection, failure and an incredible fear of the unknown. That uncertainty can cause our inner defense mechanism to kick into high gear and have us think thoughts of revenge and destruction that we wouldn't normally think. Yesterday I talked with my friend Rob (not his real name), whose parents are going through a very nasty divorce. I felt somewhat qualified to listen and help him, for ten years ago I too went…

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Water – Our Most Precious Resource

Last night I watched's Poetic Social Mission streaming live on their site. Celebrities from around the globe shared their talents and gathered together to bring attention to the worldwide problem of water.  I was touched in a very deep way and feel connected to the world right now in such a profound way. I was fortunate enough to interview Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque du Soleil for and for my blog in the Huffington Post and also fortunate to connect with his staff at Cirque du Soleil and at I have been touched by these great people.…

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Guy Laliberte’s Interview from Space!

Yesterday I was asked to send questions to Guy Laliberte, in space! Guy is at the International Space Station to promote the cause of All for Water, Water for All. For more detail, please read yesterday's post. Many of you were generous enough to help us compile a list of questions for Guy which we forwarded to him. Today, I received this audio file back from his team. It is a part of the interview where they asked Guy seven questions- and two of them were from! Here's the audio file for you to listen to. Please keep in…

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Out of This World! (Seriously, I mean literally!)

WOW, I am jumping up and down excited and had to share this with you! I just got an email from Guy Laliberte's team- from space! Guy is currently with the cosmonauts at the International Space Station. I hope you listened to my interview with Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque du Soleil and I was one of my best interview ever. If not- check it out! Anyway, I've been invited to submit three questions to Guy WHILE HE'S IN SPACE! He'll answer the questions and we'll post the mp3 file here for you to listen to his answers. I'm…

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Inevitable Dreams- the Global Hug Tour

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. ~ Christopher Reeve Almost a year ago we had the vision for the Global Hug Tour….. 2 people in a small prop plane, flying 31,000 miles around the world on a 5-month tour to gather inspiration, deliver 100,000 hugs and share millions with important non-profit causes. We created a preliminary flight plan, an itinerary, identified the non-profits we wanted to help and actively searched for the funding. Knowing the cause was great; we created a team…

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Twitter’s Made Me a Better Writer

Twitter has made me a better writer. When you have only 140 characters, you learn how to communicate in fewer words. After more than 13,300 tweets, I've taken this one step further and now unconsciously condense all of my thoughts into fewer words. All of my written materials, blogs, website copy, etc, are now shorter, punchier and more concise than they were pre-Twitter. My most powerful tweets all started out as something so much bigger, longer and more complicated. I edit and condense continually. Recently I was moved to offer assistance when some peeps whined about how helpless they were…

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Do Unto Others

Thanks for all of the personal emails to my last post on religion. Seems like it brought up a lot of beliefs for quite a few folks. In the last week I came across something very interesting that I wanted to share with you. In focusing on the 90% where all religions seem to agree, I went to the core of each religion- to the Golden Rule... Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Interestingly enough, each major religion says pretty much the same thing..... (listed in alphabetical order) Brahmanish: This is the sum of duty:…

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The Only Road to Travel is Love

There are two things we typically don't talk about- politics and religion. Yesterday I received an email from a friend out of the blue, telling me in a harsh way that unless I adopt the same religious beliefs he has, I'll never be happy. Funny thing is, I haven't talked with this friend in months, and even more interesting- I am happy! Because his chosen religion has brought joy to his life, his way of loving others is now sharing these beliefs with them. His religion teaches him that it's his job to reach out and convert others to his…

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Watch What You Ask For… You Might Just Get It!

Wooohooooo!!!!! This past week, one of my wishes came true. Six years ago my daughter and I walked into the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville to hear four songwriters perform. The place was jammed and the only two seats were stools at the bar. Grateful, we sat and listened to the music. Within minutes I was captivated. One of the songwriters, Josh, played a song, Forever Valentine. The song was about a 50ish year-old woman looking back at her life, knowing that we can't live forever. I was so moved not only by this handsome young guy, his incredible musical talent,…

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A Votre Sante (To Your Health!)

(The past week has been very difficult as you may have guessed from my silence. The longer I waited to write, the worse the procrastination became. Please accept my apologies in advance for the tardiness of this post.) In the last blog post I wrote about the diet I was undertaking and how I needed to see some tangible results if that specific plan would work for me long term. I've been silent for two reasons. Perhaps I shared my original "solution" prematurely, as what I was doing wasn't working for me. The last thing I want to do is…

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The Balance of the Scales- Day 6 update (for Friday)

One of the themes in my life is definitely balance. As you know, this past week I've begun the process to release some extra weight. I'm not a patient person and I want it gone now. Don't you just love arguing with reality? I don't usually get great results when I do that. Anyway, I followed a very strict program for the last week and it's not fun. I know, it's not "supposed" to be fun, but I guess I look at it this way. In my mind, there are three main indicators that what I'm doing is working- 1)…

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