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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Changing Habits- Update on Day Five

Have you ever had a day when you had to drag yourself out of bed?  That was my morning yesterday. I just couldn't get my body moving. Koda and I even delayed our walk until mid morning, because I had little energy. It seems my body was trying to tell me something. I know I'm making changes. We are such habitual creatures. Over these 21 days I know that I'm creating new habits with a new eating and exercise plan and that changes in how I feel are to be expected. I just want them to be positive changes! The…

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When We Admit Something To Ourselves (We’re usually the last to know!)

Day Four was so much better than Day Three! After a sleepy late start, I missed exercise yesterday in the morning, because of pre-scheduled appointments. I broke my own rule and jumped right out of bed and into work without taking the time for me. Sometimes when there are too many things on our plate, it's difficult to schedule time for us. In spite of missing my walk, the day evolved into a very productive one. I had good energy all day and wasn't hungry or grumpy. Most importantly, whatever was going on the day before seems to have gone…

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Where’s This Coming From?- Day Three Update

In case you wondered, on occasion, I too have days that are less than perfect, and today was one of them. Instead of bouncing out of bed to go for an early walk, I wanted to just roll over and go back to sleep. I was up far too late last night talking with friends on Twitter and writing yesterday's blog. Yeah, I know, my choice. That's exactly what I thought this morning too, so I dragged my butt out of bed and took Koda for a long walk. The walk was great and I had plenty of energy. I…

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Thanks for Your Support (Day Two Update)

I believe my blog yesterday resonated with quite a few people. Between the email, the tweets, the calls and the comments, it seems I'm not the only one dealing with this issue. To all who reached out with love and support, thank you! I really want you to know how much it means to me. Now, let me give you the update on Day Two…. I woke up full of energy and took Koda (our 1-1/2 year old Samoyed pup) for a 1-1/2 hour hike in the mountains.  It was just beautiful! (Yep, that's a photo of where we were,…

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How Did I Let This Happen To Me?

A recent tweet lead to a conversation, which in turn showed up today as a catalyst to change my life. The tweet was from my friend Dr. Leslie Romer. Dr. Leslie is the author of a book entitled, Getting Into Your Pants (meaning your own!). I interviewed her a year ago as a Luminary for Inspire Me Her message Saturday was an innocent invitation to get together. My mind instantly went to the failure I felt for not being able to get into my pants! She's so thin and beautiful and I felt embarrassed at gaining weight since we…

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The Answers You’re Looking For Are Inside of You!

Something seems to be going on right now that is affecting a lot of people. Maybe it's because of the upcoming full moon, or maybe it's the state of the world right now. This past week I've been contacted by more than a handful of people, all looking for help in finding answers for challenging situations in their lives. What I found to be the most interesting thing was that as I mentored them through the process, several of them said, "I know this, but I've forgotten". It seems like when we get too stressed, instead of taking the time…

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Change- A Guest Post by Kute Blackson

Today's guest post is from my friend, Kute Blackson. As one of our Inspirational Luminaries, this man always makes me think and always opens my heart. His video Love Now gives me chills, and I've seen it dozens of times! Please read what he sent me this morning and tell me what you think. Comments are welcome below, thank you! ------ "What YOU are never Changes." Change is a constant part of life, and life is continually changing all the time. This is one thing that doesn't change. When you remember this, you realize that everything will pass. All experiences…

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Sunset and Other Illusions

If you've been following my tweets and postings on Facebook for the last week or so, hopefully you've enjoyed some of our sunset photos. We moved to a new home in Montana that has some of the best sunsets I've ever seen. About a week ago I was out on the deck with my mother when something she said really hit me. She mentioned that the sun was setting and for the first time, I really thought about what that meant. Her simple comment made it an introspective experience for me. We all know what sunset is and can picture…

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Moving Through Life

In case you're wondering why you haven't heard from me this week, we're in the process of moving from our home from Colorado to a new home in Montana. The past two weeks have been spent sorting and packing our treasures for the 1000 mile trek. And boy, has this brought up a lot of stuff for me! Physically relocating from one place to another is just like moving from one place to another emotionally, through the changes in our life. Why is it then, that we wait until we're ready to move to rid ourselves of excess baggage, in…

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Update on the Global Hug Tour

So, what's up with the Global Hug Tour? I think the most honest answer to that question is to explain that we're going through the same things in life that you are. In other words, while enthusiasm and belief are strong, time and money are limited. It's a big project with a lot of moving pieces. Imagine the planning that would go into a two-week vacation to Europe. Now make that a 5-month trip with 50 events worldwide and you have the picture of the task we've been facing. The logistics alone are staggering, let alone adding in things like…

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Walking Through Scary Times

Companies are closing, pension accounts are being drained, unemployment is going up, folks are losing their homes and the bankruptcy rate is escalating. Many feel as if they're walking through scary times as they watch their piggy banks sink. It all sounds like a train wreck in another state- something tragic but also distant While we're empathetic, the impact is lessened because it doesn't affect us personally. Until it does. Then, very suddenly, things shift and it becomes very real, very fast. Just this past week I've had some personal issues with some real estate investments that are now upside…

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Today’s Brilliance by Scott Milford

Each week we select our favorite submission for Today's Brilliance from anyone who cares to contribute to our blog. (Details are available here.) This week’s Brilliance comes to us from Scott Milford. Scott writes as @scottquitter on Twitter and Scott Quitter on I grew up often confused by the behaviors and actions of other people. Too often, people would say one thing then do another. Naturally, I assumed this was how things were done. After many years using this method, I started to question this way of doing things, but only after I suffered much heartache and pain from…

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Lions, Tigers and BEARS! (Oh My!)

Last week I posted a blog from Montana, about a noise that we heard on two different nights. Many of you wrote to me to ask if we ever figured out what caused it. The short answer is that we never did determine the cause of the "clink, clink, clink" noise. The long answer is that we were right to be cautious in roaming around the mountains in the dark of night. Just after I posted that blog it rained. The next day I went for a walk on the lane leading up to the main ranch home. I was…

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Last week I was blindsided by a state. Not a state of mind, but by the state of Montana. Our family went to visit a ranch we owned for nearly ten years but sold in 2004. We expected to have a great time with family and reconnect with Nature, but I didn't expect to turn my life upside down. Montana captured my heart the first time I visited in 1993, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised it happened once again. The result of our family vacation? Darryl and I are moving to Montana! As crazy as this may sound,…

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Whatever We Imagine

Two evenings ago Darryl and I were sitting outside on the deck at a ranch in Montana we're visiting. Just the two of us on 310 acres, surrounded by the Swan Mountains and 2 million acres of National Forest Service wilderness land, alone with just the wildlife, miles from the nearest neighbor. This land is home to grizzly and black bears, elk, moose, deer, coyotes, wolves and more. We enjoyed the sun until after 9:30pm, but when it finally dropped below the mountain, it became very dark, very fast. The sky was full of more stars than we've ever seen…

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Sponsor a HUG Today!

It's not often that we have the chance to really reach out and make a tangible difference in the world for only $10. With our Global Hug Tour, that is the exact opportunity we're offering to you. My husband and I are departing from the USA, flying 31,000 miles on a small prop plane, stopping in 50 international cities on a 5-month tour, to gather inspiration, deliver 100,000 hugs and sharing love and needed funds with important humanitarian causes throughout the world. (For more info on the Global Hug Tour click here) We're writing this post to ask you to…

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Regret vs. Gratitude

Regret is something that none of us want and yet all of us have. It's the rare human that doesn't feel regret over some aspect of their life. The past few days have been a time of introspection for me over a decision I made five years ago. For about ten years I owned a place in Montana called Dreaming Bear Ranch, which was my refuge from the world. I searched for three years to find this spectacular piece of heaven.  As a result of divorce and the resulting financial situation, I sold Dreaming Bear Ranch in 2004 as a…

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Today’s Brilliance by Nava Writz

Each week we select our favorite submission for Today’s Brilliance from anyone who cares to contribute to our blog. (Details are available here.) This week’s Brilliance comes to us from Nava Writz at  English is not Nava's native language, so she's asked for our apologies.... but I think her message transcends language and grammar. Thank you Nava for sharing your wisdom with us! ------- When you hear stories about people coming to the United States, to the "dream land" to fulfill their dreams, know that it happened to me. I am a success story. Back in 1981, I arrived…

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Blessings to YOU!

Recently, my friend Marci Shimoff shared a story with me that really touched my heart. Her friend CJ was very ill with lupus, but rather than complain about the situation, she was inspired to become a messenger of blessing. Everywhere she went she silently shared this blessing on behalf of others in her life. "May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease." From strangers on the street, to friends and family, CJ spent a year blessing other people. When waiting in line at the grocery store, she would say her mantra…

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Today’s Brilliance by Stephen Smith

Each week we select our favorite submission for Today's Brilliance from anyone who cares to contribute to our blog. (Details are available here.) This week's Brilliance comes to us from @Stephen at I think you'll enjoy this one! Thank you Stephen for sharing your wisdom with us! ----------- I am older today than I have ever been in my entire life.  What a ridiculous statement! Of course I am. Yet I feel younger today than I did at this time last year. I know this because I have been keeping a journal for years and I write in it…

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Share YOUR Brilliance!

For the last year we've been bringing you what we call Today's Brilliance each morning, from a different Inspirational Luminary. The time has come where we'd now like to invite YOU, our community, to submit your brilliance to be posted on What is Today's Brilliance? We believe that each person has untold brilliance within.  Our Today's Brilliance is just that- the beliefs and core principles that guide our decisions in life. I believe we have to not only know ourselves but also what we believe in before we can get anywhere in life. Otherwise, it’s like heading out on…

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