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Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. provides free inspiration, each day from a new Inspirational Luminary, to a global community of folks from over 150 countries. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Gerber, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter.

Prior to, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. As a result of the success of their co-penned song, "Baby Come Back Home", Gail accompanied her daughter to bases in the US and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba where Carly performed for our troops. Gail and Carly created the 'World's Longest Letter' of love and support and delivered the 18-mile long scroll on a month-long tour of Iraq and the Persian Gulf in 2006.

Gail is excited to present her latest course, Love in 21 Days, a step-by-step guide to finding love online. Love in 21 Days is founded on a logical process that has been tested - and proven! - by not only Gail, but also by students around the world who too have found love.

Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana. Follow Gail on Twitter or Google+.

Inspire Me!

Do you remember the last time you were inspired? Really inspired? Do you remember the energy in each molecule of your body that felt like you were dancing even if you were standing still? Maybe it was from a rousing sermon from your favorite minister, from a piece of music, perhaps from a motivational speaker or maybe just watching a sunset and realizing your connection to the Universe. Inspiration comes in many forms, but no matter the form, it’s something that’s as important to us as breathing. Inspiration is an integral part of life and something we need on a…

Read more Launches New Design!

The last few days I've been on a rollercoaster with the launch of our new website design yesterday. On Sunday night when the new site was supposed to be uploaded, I was in tears at the massive list of things that still weren't complete. We've been working on this for months and we're already well beyond the deadline we set to present this to you. It's frustrating when things don't go as planned or as expected. What a lesson I learned in expectation. By last night, only a day later, everyone was happy. We had such a great response from…

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Visualize Your Dreams- it works!

I just had the pleasure of interviewing John Assaraf from The Secret, for His feature day is coming up soon. Knowing how John creates his life with Vision Boards, I shared this story with him (which he loved!) In January of 2007 I decided to relocate from California to Colorado. My children were grown and this was the first time that I could live wherever I wanted to live.  I made my vision board and included the things that I wanted in my new life. Some of the things that were on the board were a home in the…

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Remember Who You Are

If you remember the movie, The Lion King, Mufasa told Simba, "Remember who you are". They could have been four of the best words ever spoken in any movie. Why do we forget who we are? Deep in our hearts, most of us know the true magnificence that we are inside. We know that first and foremost, we are a part of something so much bigger than ourselves- we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  We know that we create our own realities, and that we are both the director and the actor in our own little screenplay called…

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Inspired by a Dog

We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Most days I take Koda, our year-old Samoyed pup for a long walk in the mountains and truly enjoy the beauty of Colorado. Yesterday I was too busy with commitments and only had time to visit the dog park in North Boulder. Koda was excited to be there to play with the other dogs. I was struck by the simplicity of life at the dog park. Each time we enter, no matter if there are two dogs or twenty, Koda happily bounds up to each one, tail flying, nose sniffing,…

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Celebrate Life by Living it to the Fullest!

Today would have been Randy Pausch's 48th birthday. We were fortunate enough to have Randy Pausch as one of our Inspirational Luminaries on  Randy, known for his "Last Lecture", passed away in July from cancer. I know how special birthdays are, for I just celebrated my 50th three days ago, surrounded by family and friends. On my birthday, one of my good friends, who is only in her early 40's, had surgery for cancer. All three of these things are reminders for me of just how short life really is. I think we all live our lives just assuming…

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Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Forget the hype.... forget the warnings. The "Big 5-0" is no big deal at all! Yesterday I celebrated my 50th, surrounded by family and friends in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Thank you to all who sent birthday wishes. I don't think I've ever had a birthday where I felt so loved. Thank you! For those that wrote and sent requests, here you go... a few photos of the day. Thanks again! Hugs, Gail

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Reflections on 50

My apologies for the delay in writing this blog post, as I've been enjoying a mini vacation. I'm writing this from a beautiful beach house in Hilton Head, South Carolina. My family has come here for the week to celebrate with me, as tomorrow is my 50th birthday. Wow, 50! I remember a time when 50 year-old people seemed ancient. Did all of those people that I thought were so old feel as young then as I do now? Did the number change, or just my perspective? It no longer seems so old. Matter of fact, it doesn't seem old…

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InspireMeToday Brings Inspiration to Iraq

(to our readers, I know this is a long blog post but I want you to understand who we are and why we're doing what we're doing. Please indulge me and read this post. Thank you!) Inspiration has always been a very special part of my life. For many years I’ve listened to upbeat music on my iPod when I worked out aerobically at the gym. But, on the mornings that I did weight training, I would listen to books on tape- inspirational messages from people like Jack Canfield, Wayne Dyer or one of many others. Those morning inspirational messages…

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Faith vs. Fear

A few years ago I was working on an entrepreneurial project, living off savings. Some days were financially scary as I was learning to live on faith instead of fear. One day I was standing in the checkout line of my local grocery store, very aware the woman in front of me was taking a long time to check out. Although I had no pressing appointment, I became impatient and annoyed at having to wait so long.  Finally, I realized that being annoyed wasn’t doing me any good and I started to pay attention to what was unfolding before me.…

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Within the last few days the subject of integrity has come up in several conversations. I think there's a buzz in the air, specifically with the upcoming elections, our failing financial institutions and the lack of integrity that we sometime see around us. I sent out a few tweets on Twitter asking, "Integrity is….", and asking friends in the social media world to comment. The comments were interesting and quite consistent: Integrity is… … returning someone's phone call when you say you will … keeping your word even when it's not easy … consistently listening to your soul … keeping…

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Bloggers Get Real in Vegas

Last weekend I had the honor of going to BlogWorldExpo in Las Vegas and meeting many of my on-line friends in person. In these days of social media and high technology, we sometime miss the personal contact with other real people. I went to Blog World at the request of my friend Dave and he was so right in suggesting I attend. (Thank you Dave!) Not only did I learn from the speakers in the various seminars, I got to meet many Twitter and on-line friends face to face. What struck me the most, from any other seminar I've ever…

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When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough take Baby Steps

I live in a beautiful little house in the foothills of Boulder, CO. Our home is ideally situated between several mountains, perched on a ridge and can be seen from the surrounding areas in all directions. Our neighborhood is filled with windy, twisty roads, some with the same name and folks often get lost up and down the sides of the mountains. This morning Koda, our Samoyed pup, and I decided to take a walk. Instead of our normal predictable path, we set out in the opposite direction. We were both invigorated by the cooler fall temperatures and the glorious…

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GPS- Global Persistence System

My girlfriend Elaine has a business project she's been working on for nearly a year. This morning when we spoke she voiced her frustration about how her project seems to be going in a different direction than what she anticipated. I smiled and shared an experience with her. Recently we drove from Seattle to Boulder, about 1500 miles. Our Prius has a GPS unit that makes life so easy. I just enter where I want to go and within seconds, I'm given the choice of three routes including the shortest distance, the shortest time and an alternative route, with more…

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The River of My Life

Recently a friend of mine told me that I have an interesting mind: one that can see anything physical and through metaphor, relate it to my life. Lately, just to see if she's right, I've been paying attention to things around me, choosing an object and seeing how I can relate it to my life. Yesterday as I flew from Philadelphia to Seattle, via Dallas, I decided to see if she was right. As we were nearing Dallas, a river intrigued me, bending and winding through a very dry area. From 30,000 feet it looked like a cinnamon pretzel, twisty,…

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It’s Just a Little Fog

Our time in Anacortes is coming to an end, as we're returning to Boulder in about a week. The past few weeks have been simply beautiful here with clear, sunny, blue skies filled with white puffy clouds and warm temperatures. I can tell that fall is on the way. Not only are the leaves on the big tree by the house already turning red, but yesterday morning I woke up in the middle of a cloud, surrounded by a swirling mist of fog. One of my interviews yesterday was with an incredible man, Stephen Hopson, who is a deaf motivational…

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What Are Your Jellyfish?

We're spending this week with a friend, sailing the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. We've never been here before and the scenery is stunningly beautiful. My husband and I are enjoying a great week. One of our intentions for this week was to do some brainstorming for, but very little of that has happened so far. Just before I left to come up here I was interviewing one of our Inspirational Luminaries. I asked them to discuss change and how that can affect our lives. This Luminary shared that one thing they've learned is that if you…

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Off to the wild (and wet) blue yonder

My greatest inspiration comes to me when I’m in the shower. It’s like I’m showering myself with great ideas and somehow finding answers to elusive questions. It’s become such a joke in our family that when I’m stuck on the “how” of a situation, my husband will encourage me to “just go take a shower”. In trying to analyze why the shower has this effect on me, I think it’s because I’m unavailable to the world. For those 15 minutes, cell phones, office lines and email can’t reach me. I’m free to just listen and just be. There’s something magical…

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Watch What You Ask For

A few months ago I married the most amazing man, Darryl. He’s a pilot who travels and is home for a week, then gone for a week. Flying is his passion and he loves what he does. I fully support his flying and the time that it takes him away from “us”, but at the same time, I miss him. Because Darryl travels and I can work from anywhere, we’ve been spending time in Anacortes, WA, house sitting for a good friend while he’s out sailing. Just last week Darryl and I were talking with his mother about having her…

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How Deep Are Your Roots?

My son and I went for a walk today in an oceanfront park in Anacortes, WA, in the San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. Lush green, towering cedar trees and fauna of all kinds surrounded us. This forest receives a lot of precipitation making it a very green sanctuary. Many of the trees were covered with moss and the floor was covered with many varieties of lush plant life, from ferns to fungus. If wet had a scent, this was the place to smell it. My nose was filled with the musty smell of dampness mingled with the sweetness…

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Yellow Bugs

My husband and I are spending time in the Seattle area, house-sitting for a friend until the end of September. Today I began the drive from Boulder to Seattle, through Wyoming and Montana. It rained most of the morning, but by early afternoon, the scenery was simply spectacular. The colors seemed so alive and vivid, the landscape fresh and new. One particular field of sunflowers simply took my breath away. I’d driven for more than 700 miles when I started to pay attention to the ribbon of highway in front of me.  The road looked just like the ribbon candy…

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