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Begin with self-value…

Value yourself. Value your Self. Your value never changes. You can’t increase it and you can’t diminish it. Sure, the value of your actions can vary, but the value of who you are never, ever will.

Never confuse your actions, possessions and connections with who you are. If you don’t yet know the difference between who you are, and all the things you do and own, it’s time to start on getting to know yourself in a whole new way.

Imagine yourself as a song. What is your personal “tone”, your personal “sound”? Make it part of everything you do. Put more YOU in your life.

To deny your worth is to deny the worth of the Divine spark in us all. Value who you are.

Value yourself enough to dare not to compare…

When used in a way to make your ego feel either superior or inferior to someone else, comparison is a happiness-killer.

You will never get your best answers through comparison, and you’re better off playfully, purposefully exploring your own capacities regardless of what others are thinking or doing.

Don’t let comparison or another person’s opinion of you disconnect you from your own inner-guidance.

Everyone is on their own journey. Replace comparison with taking inspiration from accomplishments and breakthroughs of others. Dare not to compare.

Value yourself enough to pursue your desires…

Are you in touch with your desires? Without desire at all levels of creation, life can’t continue to evolve and expand. Without your desire, forward motion in your own life would cease.

You are of the greatest value to yourself and others when you are pursuing your heart’s desires with grace and confidence.

Value yourself enough to be kind to yourself…

If you can’t treat yourself with kindness, how can you extend true, heartfelt kindness to another? Kindness is an attitude of consideration, generosity, and friendliness.

True kindness acknowledges the Divine nature of creature-hood and the core spark of Divine Spirit in everyone.

Value yourself enough to listen to your emotions…

Your emotions are not reality, but they are your best friend. Emotions are information about the choices you are making. Honor your emotional nature, and work with your emotions as cherished messengers. Instead of trying to change or suppress them, follow them to where they lead you in your inner world. Along the way, you’ll discover valuable information about your beliefs and attitudes.

Follow your emotions to greater self-knowledge.

Value yourself enough to seek the way of freedom and joy in all things…

Freedom will always prevail. Receive gracefully, yet remember your freedom to choose. Yes, we are all connected, but our choice to connect and co-create is most empowering and beautiful when it is a felt as a choice, and not a co-dependency.

The capacity for joy is at the core of our being. The desire for its realization is powerful, and often manifests through other wants. You may seek wealth, the perfect mate, or simply to uplift others. Regardless of the “surface” desire, recognize that underlying all other wants, are the desires for joy and freedom.

Remember your central desire for Joy. How can you get closer to Joy? What will best serve your desire in this moment?

Value yourself—to do otherwise deprives the world of your potential, and deprives *you* of your fullest freedom and joy…

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Mark is the founder of Success Waypoint, LLC. He also is a managing partner in a sales and marketing firm that represents premier professional production lighting and audio equipment to retailers, production companies, and contractors, so he has to walk his talk.

His work with Success Waypoint includes Executive coaching; delivering professional and personal development workshops; and speaking about emotional mastery, self-leadership, and practice toward overall wellbeing, to anyone interested.

Because Mark is also currently active in business, he can bring this experience into his coaching, classroom and speaking engagements.

All techniques, concepts, practices and perspectives are those he has tried himself. It's all intended for practical effect, right now—and the benefits of the teachings increase with practice.

Mark's background also includes leadership or team leadership positions in consumer electronics, information technology services, and financial services Industries.

He's held performance consulting, training, and program/project management positions in the information technology services, business services, and financial services (health insurance) industries.

Prior to his current roles, he enjoyed more than 15 years in corporate training, including time with IBM, CIGNA Corporation, and IKON Office Solutions.

Mark has formal training in personality type (both the Enneagram of Personality and Jungian-Meyers typologies). He is a lifelong learner with a special interest in communication, general psychology, metaphysics, and personal wellbeing.

Mark's 500 words are about self value. For more information on the difference between self esteem and self-value, you might like his blog entry at WordVibes! His business Website is at

For more information, please visit

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Sarah, if I may suggest, if you haven’t already, make a “value corner” in your journal, and write about the things you have thought or are thinking that have made you feel more—or less—worthy. Through this process, you may find it easy to Identify, and put the lie to, the things that make you *feel* unworthy (you can never actually diminish your worth, you can only *feel* less worthy based on errant thoughts and beliefs). 😉 Part of my personal mission statement includes inviting others to consider new perspectives about themselves and their capabilities. Give that, you might imagine that I find your reply uplifting. 🙂

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