Do you know that you are Divine?
What do I mean by that? I mean that you are a treasure to the world, that’s right: YOU are a treasure. You have come to Earth to fulfill a very specific purpose, something only you and you alone are here to do. You are unique and powerful. You have the power to be, do and have whatever it is that you desire.
Maybe today you don’t quite feel this way. You could be struggling in some or all areas of your life. Have no fear for you are not alone. You are loved by a very powerful and positive life force-it’s called your higher self. If you take some time to quiet your mind, you will hear it. It’s speaking to you right now. It has much wisdom to share with you and wants to be heard.
Maybe you don’t have any positive support around you right now. If so, you are here reading these words on purpose. There are no coincidences. Your life is meant to be filled with all of the things and people you are passionate about. Dig deep down into your soul and ask it what it wants you to know. With a grateful and sincere heart, you will be given guidance.
Allow me to speak words of encouragement over you right now. As Joel Osteen would say, you are well equipped and empowered. You have all you need right inside of you to live a great life. Stop existing and start living. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
We may not know each other personally, but we know each other on a spiritual level. I want you to feel good about yourself right now, no matter what is going on around you. Stop for a moment and give yourself some kudos for who you are. It does not matter what’s behind you. Your best days are ahead of you.
You are a child of the most high spirit (GOD/Universe or whatever term you choose to use). There is a seat for you at the head of the table of the bounty of life. Come in and take your divine place. You deserve to be loved, cherished and adored. Life is a miracle and you are part of that miracle.
So what will you do with this gift that you have been given? Your time is now and the world needs your brilliance. YOU need your brilliance. When you allow yourself to feel good and succeed, you give others the permission to do the same.
I encourage you today to celebrate your life. Look for the hidden lessons and blessings. Begin CREATING your ideal life. Write about how you want to feel in any given situation. The Universe responds to our energy and when you begin your day with gratitude and positive intention, you allow the Universe to work behind the scenes on your behalf.
So go ahead and live your great life. Feel good about yourself and what you do. The world is waiting for your gifts and talents. Remember, YOU are DIVINE.
That was
so very awesome and inspiring thank you much!
This is great! Just came very timely. More power and God bless!
Honestly.. this really made my day 🙂 thank you for your kind, loving, and wisdom words <3
You have a beautiful soul and I pray everyone who reads this will be touched and encouraged to be awakened and start living their lives with Divine love!
How do you change your life for the positive when everyone around you likes you the way you are now- my husband- boss- they do not want a CHNAGED me but I feel like I do!
Hi Paula, I don’t claim to have all of the answers in life. Many of my life lessons have been learned in emotionally painful ways. My advice:-)….it’s great that others like you the way you are now. BUT, what about YOU? Listen to what your heart says and even have a talk with your husband. Share with him what your desires and dreams are and ask to be supported. I hope this helps. Blessings, Stephanie
Beautiful and very inspiring:) Thank you!
Thank you for your lovely comments everyone:-)