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Books5 Minutes to Stress Relief

Books5 Minutes to Stress Relief

Learn how to release the three fuels of stress INSTANTLY with Lauren Miller's amazing book, 5 Minutes to Stress Relief. After going through two of life's top stressors at the same time, Lauren is committed to equipping people with the tools and techniques needed to expand their experience of inner faith, purpose-driven living and inner peace. Too often people don't deal with their unease until it becomes a disease, as was the case for Lauren. Now she's an expert on stress... and HOW TO BEAT IT. 5 Minutes to Stress Relief is preventative medicine....

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CoursesSay Goodbye to Anxiety

CoursesSay Goodbye to Anxiety

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!

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BlogDon’t Believe Your Fears

BlogDon’t Believe Your Fears

I like to think I am fearless, and in many ways I am. But in some ways I am not. One of the most noticeable ways is in regards to…

BlogHave You Become a Type A Personality?

BlogHave You Become a Type A Personality?

The concept of a Type A personality has not been around for long. It was actually identified in the 1950s by two cardiologists, Drs. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, who…

BlogWhy Are You Reluctant to Stop Doing It All?

BlogWhy Are You Reluctant to Stop Doing It All?

When the behaviors of a Type A are out of control, we can take responsibility for situations and outcomes, for the feelings and experience or others, and for absolutely everything around us.…