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BlogGPS- Global Persistence System

My girlfriend Elaine has a business project she's been working on for nearly a year. This morning when we spoke she voiced her frustration about how her project seems to…

BrillianceThis Is Your Special Day!

BrillianceThis Is Your Special Day!

How you are greeting this fine day? Are you bringing to it high energy... fresh from pleasurable dreams and a good night's sleep? Or are you slumping tiredly from your…

BrillianceJust Be… A Timeless Treasure

BrillianceJust Be… A Timeless Treasure

While mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth have been pondering this for thousands of years... the mystery of life was unceremoniously revealed to me one Saturday afternoon.. What began as…

BrillianceThe Power That Lies Within

BrillianceThe Power That Lies Within

In my teachings, the one message that I really want to emphasize is that there is nothing more important than to stay connected to the Power within. It doesn't matter…