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Accept the Real You

Strive to be all you, all the time. Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. Are you so busy wearing masks that you've lost touch with your authentic core? Don't judge the real YOU. Just OWN it, love it, express it, BE it. Change can be scary as hell, but it can also be transforming. Go with the flow of the Universe and be willing to allow change into your life, even when it feels uncomfortable. How would you live if you took fear out of the equation? Are the fears you…

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Be Your Inner Child, Don’t Just Get In Touch!

I was enjoying a conversation with a new friend. One of the things that came up was the idea of the "inner child." My friend told me how important it was for her to keep her inner child alive, well and active. I took that to mean she has a part of herself that she hides away from the world - that there is a private joy no one else gets to see. Maybe she's in a position in life where she has to conceal some of the essence of who she truly is...that happiness that bubbles up from the…

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4 Practices for a Healthy, Happy Inner Child

I would speak about what I have learned from the angels of transparency who have inspired me throughout my life. Look inside yourself and heal your inner child. This is the part of you that you have hidden for such a long time, that you have abandoned and rejected. Doing this for myself, I felt like a new world was coming to life - like I was reborn. It felt like my skin was being regenerated somehow and that all my old issues were being healed and addressed. When we heal our inner child, then we can think of moving…

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Cultivate Your Inner Adult

Grow up. It sounds a little abrupt, I know, but not many of us manage to become real adults. There are so few role models in public life! The good news is that there is an inner adult in you. Forget about bringing out your inner child. The world is already full of childish antics and behaviors. Cultivate the inner adult in you. It begins with being witness to yourself. Step outside of yourself and notice what you do, how you react, and the person you become in various situations. Witness your own thinking. What thoughts do you hold that…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Get Over Shyness?

"How can I stop being shy? I have had this problem since my early childhood and I can't get rid of it. Every time I try to make a change and finally become sociable and be comfortable with talking to new people or to stop blushing, something embarrassing happens and I fail. I feel like I'm stuck in this endless nightmare for the rest of my life. I always think my particular situation can't be solved because I BLUSH a lot and I can't control this. Please help me overcome this shyness and perhaps stop blushing and becoming more comfortable…

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Learning, Playing, Growing

Why is that, once we grow up, we think we have to stop playing? Actually, once we grow up, it is  even more important we continually find ways to bring the fun back into our lives. It is through playing that we are stimulating our senses - all of our senses, our entire multi-sensory being. The old saying "use it or lose it" is quite true. If you watch children, they learn by doing, but they also learn through playing. The same applies whether we are young or old. Our brains need that stimulus -- or  it gets dull and less…

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4 Tips for Staying Youthful — and Motivated!

USE YOUR IMAGINATION; BE SILLY; STAY IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER CHILD - AND YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING Unleash the power of your imagination and you will be a-mazed at what you can achieve. The possibilities are endless when you allow them to be. Putting your imagination to work unlocks your creativity and inspires you to come up with new ideas that you never thought possible. Also, don't forget to be "silly". Silliness is a very important trait, and allows you to do crazy create a book when you're only 7 years old, which is what I did. How…

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