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Issues? Never Let It Take You Down!

I truly believe that everyone has some disability and shouldn't let it get in the way of their dreams. There are disabilities that are visible and others that aren't. Because of my dystonia, I have trouble using my arms to do certain things. I can't carry some things, write or do certain sports. Sometimes I get embarrassed in school when I drop something or my arms twitch uncontrollably. My friend, Max, made me feel so much better one day when he said to me that at least I wasn't short. He said that being short isn't something you can hide…

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How To Work With Your New Year’s Intentions

Here we are again, at the time of year when we are invited to change our lives by making New Year’s resolutions.  So we set goals, but after the first few weeks they begin to fade.  Why does that happen?  Because healing does not come from trying to make yourself or your life into what you think it should be.  In fact, whatever you want to get rid of you actually empower (and if you look closely, you will see most of your goals are about getting rid of something you don't like so you can get to what you perceive as the…

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