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C-A-R-E to Create Change

Some people look at their lives and say, "Poor me." They look at their home and wish it were bigger, better, or more organized. They look at their bodies and feel like they don't measure up. They look at their spouses, their kids, and themselves and the flaws become their focus. I've found the best way to beat these feelings of inadequacies is to get out and give. Helping other people not only takes our focus off our shortcomings, but it makes us feel better about ourselves. More than that, we touch lives and connect hearts! Here are four ways to C-A-R-E.…

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You Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of you, you always have a choice. Your choice is how you respond to the world around you, and how you navigate the world inside you. It's how you choose to translate what happens and what everything means. As simple as it may sound, or perhaps as difficult as this may be to hear, you and you alone have full control over the quality of your experience here in the physical…

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Mastering Conscious Creation

Wouldn't life be better if you could just create a blueprint and everything would develop nearly as you envisioned? You already have this power and it is time wake up and take charge of your life by Consciously Creating your future! Discover how managing your personal energy is the key to having the life of your dreams. You can control the course of your life by choosing to vibrate certain powerful energies that pave the way for success. Whether it's money, love, relationship harmony, self acceptance, inner peace, career advancement, personal freedom and expression or simply a less stressful existence, you can have it all once you learn the keys to managing your personal energies. Discover how to live at a higher frequency; speed up your manifestations; choose what you desire to experience; access wisdom, information and guidance and remember how to engage your REAL power.

Register for Mastering Conscious Creation now!

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You Can Do No Wrong

Let go of being connected to the results. Just do and be because you are inspired and passionate about what you are doing regardless of anyone else. This is how you know if you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. The most important task is to love and accept yourself. You always receive the answers to your questions. It just might not be what you were expecting. Life is like a treasure hunt. Half of the fun is figuring out the clues and overcoming the challenges to finally get to the treasure. It wouldn’t be the same if someone just handed…

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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days

Intuition is a spiritual practice—and the moment you understand this, it is a simple matter to open your “psychic” or intuitive abilities. In this four-week course, we will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective. This will include: Psychic Hearing (Clairaudience), Divine Receiving (Channeling/Messaging), Psychic Seeing (Clairvoyance), and Astral Projection/Remote Viewing. Using guided meditation suitable for all levels, we’ll work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and healing, growth and transformation.

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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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Become a Realistic Idealist

I'll confess that I'm an idealist at heart. I feel shy admitting this because idealism has a pretty bad reputation. Most of us think of idealists as people who dream big dreams but who don't know how to make things happen. Idealists are known for being impractical and naive. They often see the world as they would like it to be, not as it really is. But I'd like to make the case for a specific kind of idealism: Realistic Idealism. Before I get to that, I'll say with absolute conviction that anything great that has ever been accomplished has…

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Homework Headaches

If you’re tired of feeling like home-life is hijacked by school stress, or watching helplessly while your smart child struggles with school, then this program may just be the answer to your prayers.Elaine Taylor-Klaus & Diane Dempster's Homework Headaches offers the tools you need to support your kids without feeling like your family is being held hostage by school! A comprehensive training program, Homework Headaches is available online, 24/7, ANY time you need it, so you can go at your own pace and learn how to support your kids – without having to drive anywhere. The program combines training and coaching, exercises and strategies, and includes monthly calls with an ImpactADHD Coach. Don't give up on your child’s education, or sacrifice your relationship with your child just to get school-work done. If school stress is making you crazy, let Homework Headaches restore your sanity!

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