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Sponsored: Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation

Profound discovery awaits you as you train to develop leadership and resilience skills in yourself and others. Experts know that when we integrate the mind in healthy ways, we can foster healing, growth and resilience. Be part of the inaugural group to earn the first ever  Leadership and Resilience Coach Certification Designation from BlueRio Strategies. This course, lead by nationally recognized CCE-Board Certified Coach and Resilience Advisor Jessi LaCosta, offers a supportive platform for building coaching skills and helping others to lead more fulfilled lives. Lead and Thrive is grounded in traditional and innovative coaching approaches, the underpinnings of IPNB (Interpersonal…

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Live Life Abundantly

I've lived in lack. For instance, for a time in my early days I survived on anemic welfare checks and degrading food stamps. And there was a time I lived in a 12-foot-long trailer with another person. I've lived in abundance. For instance, I've had two six-figure windfalls come in within a three-month period. And I've gone years at a time not having to work a job, having had enough money to live on. I found that financial lack often meant I had to do work I disliked doing in a place I disliked being. I've learned that financial abundance…

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When Everything Changes, Change Everything

Sometimes we humans don’t like the change we’ve encountered, whether it’s a loved one passing, a lost job, or a lost opportunity. As Neale Donald Walsch notes, "Most of us have experienced events which we have called, when they were happening, the worst moments of our lives, only to find as time went by that what occurred was one of the best things that ever happened to us." These changes can feel absolutely devastating. We may ask “Why me?” and “How could this happen?” and feel that “this is a nightmare, this is not real” when it seems like our world has flipped upside down. Neale's book When Everything Changes, Change Everything shares extremely vital tools to cope with change, the very thing that is always constant in our lives.  If you're ready to take a closer look at the deep issues of change and how to deal with them, check out When Everything Changes, Change Everything.

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Today’s Brilliance from Carol Goddard

Dare to be YOU. Dare to be YOU, and live the unlived life within you, the life you were born to live. Have you ever felt like your life so far has been a diluted form of what is possible for you? Guilt and fear keep you disconnected from who you really are. When you reconnect to your essence, guilt and fear are no longer there, they have dissolved, and the magnificence of who you are radiates from you. Resistance is what stands between the life you live and the unlived life within you. Resistance comes in many forms, such…

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Today’s Brilliance from Alina Frank

Reflecting upon the years of my work, I have found one consistent truth: one's emotional state will in no small way determine the quality of one's life, the depth of one's relationships, and the degree of physical well-being that is achieved. Stress is thought of as an amorphous catch-all, and we know it contributes to dysfunction and disease, but the truth is even more potent than that. Emotions are vibrational energy and energy is the source of all creations and manifestations. When we feel guilt about having more money than members of our family, we limit our ability to create…

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Attract Genuine Abundance

If you want to create miracles you can see and feel in your life, you are ready to learn the real secrets of the Law of Attraction. In this on-line course from best-selling author Gay Hendricks, you will learn how to use manifestation to make your dreams come true. Gay Hendricks has spent a lifetime and some hard-learned lessons gaining priceless insight into the manifestation process. Through this program, he shares his wisdom in ways that are simple and highly effective. This 8 week course shares detailed information on how to make the Law of Attraction work for you and how to avoid two critical mistakes that cause most manifestation projects to fail. It contains powerful audio and video, along with instructions to help you master the Five Wishes Practices and liberate the full power of the Law of Attraction to work miracles in your life.

Enroll in Attract Genuine Abundance now!

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Today’s Brilliance from Penny Kane

Each and every one of us is put here to do something spectacular, something that will better this earth. Your personality, your character traits, everything in your DNA was given to you as a gift. A gift that will propel you to new heights to achieve exactly what you came here to do. Trusting in your gifts and aligning yourself with integrity are two very important things to remember. When you come to your last day and take your very last breath, you cannot take money or fame with you. Those things are not reality and they do not serve…

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Today’s Brilliance from David Daniels

If this were my last day, my only day - there is only love. All there ever was and will be is love. Brilliance comes from the inner knowing of this. And by love, I mean the connection of us humans in body, mind, and heart - souls together in harmony with gratitude for what is. When love is present everything radiates and beauty abounds. We are not captured and hostage to our personality structure, to our opinions or our judging mind, and we know that the fabric of the universe is seamless until we cut into it, creating cause…

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[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

How do you feel about getting more out of life than you currently do? Can I ask you if you’ve found it harder than you thought it would be to achieve all you’ve wanted in life? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple way you could learn to think that made it easier to succeed and get what you want, than it was to struggle and eventually fail… Can you imagine it being easier to succeed than to fail? Too good to be true isn’t it? Well not if the way it’s taught is completely different to anything else you’ve tried before… Please don’t misunderstand me, the techniques you are about to learn are similar, maybe even the same. But what’s different is the way it is taught and the way you learn. If you’d like to try ‘something very different’ for yourself… Check out for free the first five chapters of my friend Andy Shaw’s book

Creating A Bug Free Mind

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Today’s Brilliance from LeeAnn Taylor

Truly, we are individuals of immense worth. Whether or not we realize it, you and I hold within our very lives the opportunity to be and do and become all that we choose to, allowing us to act as creators of choice, architects of existence, and inventors of reality We, as individuals of divine origin, are creating more than we realize! We are, in fact, designing a masterpiece the likes of which can effectuate the future of people the world around. But what is the nature of this masterpiece? It is LIFE, the luminous journey we travel while here. It…

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