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4 Principles To Create a Magnificent Life

I made the most life-changing discovery of my life when I was 20 years old. I began to realize to fully grasp the fact that our thoughts and emotions are physical in the universe. I began to realize that time and time again, the thoughts and emotions that I was experiencing the most frequently were directly dictating how my life played out before me. When I made this realization, I had the "AH-HA" moment that I had complete control over how my life would transpire until I left this consciousness. It was one thing to understand this on an intellectual…

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Making the Most of the Hand You’re Dealt

Life has a way of dealing each of us a deck of cards that ranges in numbers and colors. Each and every day we wake up and pull a card and the day has been defined. There are good days and great days and sad days and unhappy days; however there is one thing that is is guaranteed – you have the freedom to accept what you are dealt or you can fold. Over the course of a little more than four years, I had no idea what cards I would be dealt or that I would desperately need to find…

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When Everything Changes, Change Everything – The 7 DVD Set

Are you experiencing change in your life that leaves you feeling hopeless? Is it something you wish to change? Or perhaps someone you care about is going through change and you wish to change their hopelessness?  If you are at a loss as to how to navigate the changes in your life, check out When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat. This new 7-disc DVD set from Neale Donald Walsch presents a huge number of tools and how to apply them into real world situations. While nothing can compare with attending one of Neale’s retreats in person,these highlights, filmed at an actual live retreat, are a great way to get some of the many great benefits of one in your own home. Today is the day to take charge and change your life. Order When Everything Changes, Change Everything: Highlights from an Extraordinary Spiritual Renewal Retreat now!
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5 Daily Habits for a Bountiful Life

Here are five things to believe in for a bountiful life in the human community; five life habits that if considered daily, you can’t help enrich your existence. One: Truly listen. Look in the eyes of others and be in the moment. Wait to speak. Take in the words they offer and savor them before reacting. You might call this “the patience of thought.” You cannot honestly connect with another living thing if you are only considering your own response. Understand your fellow human and you will understand yourself. Two: Be kind. Consider your fellow human being’s experience, background, personal,…

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You Are Not What Happens To You

Looking back on my life it's easy to see that all of it was perfect - that is, from here. It certainly didn't feel that way when I was crawling through hell to get to this side of heaven. We all have stories of pain. In fact it seems to be that very pain that points us in the direction of what we're here to do. Look closely at where you hurt because under that pain lives a purpose and a mission. Little did I know that the trauma and loss I experienced as a child and as a young…

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28 Days to a Life of Gratitude

What if you could live in a state of joy--not just some of the time, but always? What if you could revisit every passage of your life, from birth to adulthood to your final days--and see it as a profound soul journey? What if the hardships of the past faded away, and you saw them as simply part of the path we each travel? With warmth and compassion, spiritual teacher Sara Wiseman helps you open your eyes to the beauty of your own life--the good, the bad, the all of it--and recognize it as infinite blessing. As you journey through each of the 28 vignettes, you'll come to a new understanding of your life from a soul perspective, including: growing into your authentic self, building a life of meaning and purpose, releasing old hurts and regrets, and more. If you're ready to let go of adversity and find joy, it's time for 28 Days to a Life of Gratitude.

Enroll now!

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Why Life ISN’T Unfair

Life isn't unfair... it is always fair! Now, I can imagine the tremendous leap of faith that embracing this premise might require. We've all posed the question: "Why me? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a good God allow such injustices to occur?" None of us is immune to seemingly negative occurrences, but life's events become calamities only if we make the conscious decision to make tragedies out of them. The storms in one's life, while they have the potential of creating incapacitating turbulence in the mind, do not have to. We might just as easily…

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Bob Urichuck

Disciplined For Life: You are the Author of Your Future

Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Any behaviour that gets recognized and/or rewarded gets repeated. To be disciplined for life requires that you recognize and reward yourself accordingly. So let's start with the first question: who is the most important person in the world? While you are at it, who is your greatest enemy? It is fair to say that you came into this world as a miracle. Then what happened? You got exposed to the…

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Having It All

Learn Scientifically Proven Strategies To Re-Script Your Self Worth Have you ever considered the possibility that your life or financial success is caused by your own self-worth?  Maybe you've never thought of it this way, but your financial worth -- your income, business revenues, even your net worth -- is tied into your self-worth. If you think you may be one of these people, and would like to learn a few techniques and tips to adjust your self worth, register below for a "mini" 3 video series where my good friend John Assaraf will teach you scientifically proven strategies to start re-scripting your brain to achieve your life's goals and dreams.

>>Click Here To Register!

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