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Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days

Intuition is a spiritual practice—and the moment you understand this, it is a simple matter to open your “psychic” or intuitive abilities. In this four-week course, we will cover the four core psychic abilities from a spiritual perspective. This will include: Psychic Hearing (Clairaudience), Divine Receiving (Channeling/Messaging), Psychic Seeing (Clairvoyance), and Astral Projection/Remote Viewing. Using guided meditation suitable for all levels, we’ll work with each of these abilities from the starting point of Divine connection: a place where you will experience expansion of consciousness, raising of vibration, and healing, growth and transformation.

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Today’s Brilliance from Tisa Silver

Looking over my life, I have spent a lot of time. Quite often, good things seemed to come to me. Just in the nick of time, I was able to take advantage of them. When I was about to finish college, the job market was bad so I applied to one graduate school program and I was accepted. As graduate school came to an end, I didn't have a job. The business school at my alma mater had an opening for a finance instructor. A friend recommended me, so I applied for the job and was quickly hired. People around…

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The Gift of Our Existence

Words spoken and unspoken millions of times Actions taken countless times throughout the day Trying at each moment to explain 'Love' As if 'Love' is a concept that can stand on its own The tendency to take concepts that are the embodiment of our soul and our being and trying to explain them as if we can remove ourself from that which by its definition is from within. This is a flaw of Western Logic. The most extraordinary pursuit we as human beings may endeavor during our lives, is to become whole, that is to fully prepare for our spiritual…

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Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate

As the world continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, you may find yourself searching for ways to resolve all fears and limiting thoughts, as a craving for peace and simplicity rises to the surface. Join Julie Dittmar in Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate as she decodes and unlocks hidden life lessons and powerful spiritual teachings while using metaphors, such as chocolate, as an extraordinary way of finding true and lasting inner peace during these times of global transformation and ascension. Lessons are filled with potent life wisdom (based on the teachings of Matt Kahn), simple exercises, and relaxing guided meditations so you may directly experience inner peace and emotional freedom. Lessons and meditations act like a squeegee for your mind, and provide healing frequencies for your body. It’s a welcomed break for the overstimulated nervous system, and a chance to receive the balance, rest, and renewal your heart longs for at its core.

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Today’s Brilliance from Sarah Maria

What do you see when you look in the mirror? If you are like most people, looking in the mirror doesn't conjure up magnificent images of beauty like a Michaelangelo painting. On the contrary, here is the reflection that most people see staring back at them: My butt is too big My arms are too flabby My hair is too flat, too curly, or too drab My face has too many wrinkles I have cellulite on the back of my thighs My breasts are starting to sag My muscles are non-existent I am way too short I am way too…

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Unhappiness Happens… But So Does Happiness!

I'd like to tell you that you can be happy all of the time or that happiness is always about choice. But I can't because I don't believe it. I know some people believe it and claim to live it. And if you're one of them, I'm very happy for you... and even a little envious. But for those who seek happiness because we aren't happy all of the time, the best advice I know to give is this, "Happiness happens. Unhappiness happens." If you want to be happy you can't ignore unhappiness. Sometimes our unhappiness is of our own…

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Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

Do you long to create a direct connection with your guides, angels, saints and holy ones who are continually with us? Are you ready to become a Divine conduit--to step into a place where ascended masters and teachers can communicate with you clearly and completely? Would you like to learn to communicate with the departed--beloved ancestors, friends and family who seek to support and encourage you? Indeed, these are simple tasks, available to everyone! In this intensive, emotionally rich and joyous course, you will learn how to simply and easily create direct connection with the Divine beings who are waiting to communicate with you.

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Today’s Brilliance from Elisabeth Fayt

If today were my last day on Earth, it would be my desire to leave the world with three very profound thoughts on how to find happiness, peace and fulfillment. Be you So often we try to mimic others. We have role models and mentors and we try to re-do what others have done. We also allow the opinions of others to shape us, mold us, or even push us down from what we could be. Each one of us as many gifts and with those gifts come a great responsibility-we must share them with the world! No one in…

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Today’s Brilliance from Michelle Casto

Your most important assignment on earth is to excavate the caverns of your inner self to uncover the jewels of your own soul. Self-transformation is a process that can be self-initiated and self-guided. It is often helpful to have a guide to help you bring to light what is hidden in your subconscious programming. To make lasting change, embrace everything and see the challenges, failures, and limiting beliefs as diamonds in the rough. The things that you wish you didn't have to deal with are part of your humanity and actually help you to become who you are meant to…

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