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Live Your Dreams and Shine

Let your fears and your dreams dance as one. Don’t allow either side to win, instead embrace both, and become neither. Both of them are your creations, and neither of them are who you really are. Learn to dance in this paradox, it will save you much heartache and disappointment. Don’t be afraid to be the one who loves the most. The secret of the one who loves the most is that they are also the happiest. Give and forgive, without any fear that you may ever lose, because it is not possible. Loss is an illusion of the mind,…

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Wabi Sabi Love

Does your significant other do things that make you crazy? Have you noticed they probably aren't going to change? There is an easy solution, and it's a fabulous book that shows you how to go from "annoyed to enjoyed" quickly! You can fall in love all over again when you read Arielle Fords's Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that honors all things old, worn, weathered, imperfect, and impermanent. In fact, it seeks to find “beauty and perfection in the imperfections.” The best way to learn Wabi Sabi Love is through stories and fun, simple exercises, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book. Arielle reveals the Wabi Sabi secrets that create a passionate, joyful, and loving relationship. If you are ready for more love, fun, harmony, and passion in your relationship....

Order Wabi Sabi Love now!

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Lead with Love. Always.

Love first. Always. No matter what. • Love and follow your heart's highest dreams to the best of your ability. • Love your friends and family - even the difficult ones. Hold them as close as you can, even if you live at a distance. • Love the planet. You live upon it, are fed by it. Every time you hurt it, you hurt yourself and everyone and everything else on it. Every time you care for it, you care for everything on it. • Learn to love money correctly. Every dollar you earn is a unit of appreciation: you…

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Where Hard Work Can Take You

From the beginning of life we are meant to be happy and joyous. It is all too easy to be bogged down by negative experiences or life challenges, but every day, we can choose our responses to our circumstances. On the journey of life, I've learned to choose happy, joyful and positive thoughts during challenging times or in situations that are trying to bring me down. Good old-fashioned work ethics can bring you far in life. I heard a great quote the other day from my neighbor, "Some people are lucky-- but the harder I work the luckier I get!"…

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Say Goodbye to Anxiety

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!

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Avoiding Relationship Troubles

We all struggle in our relationships with others. We want to be understood and to understand, but something prevents us from getting to the place we desire in most of our relationships. And, many times we find relationships where we just don't connect, can't relate or fundamentally dislike the other person. We waste time and energy lamenting these relationships, or trying to "fix" another person. The difficult person can consume our focus and zap our energy. I have learned that the root of our problems with others is that fundamentally we simply don't understand other people. We don't take the…

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Making Choices with Love

I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven't done. Not so much "mistakes" made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these. I've learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I've learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with…

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The Best Year of Your Life

Are you ready to make this the best year of your life? You may be wondering what it would really mean for you to have the best year of your life.... Would you need to have it all together? The perfect body, your dream job, a full bank account or the ideal relationship? Debbie Ford's The Best Year of Your Life will help you understand that it isn't the outer achievements that actually give you true fulfillment. For this to be your best year, you will need to become the person you've always wanted to be. Debbie provides you with a profound, easy-to-follow weekly practice that will give you exactly what you need to become someone who stands in your power, counts your blessings, takes risks, is able to say no, and is able to learn from the mirror of your relationships.

Start The Best Year of Your Life now!

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Go Forth and Be – How to Live in the Present

Just be. Be happy, gregarious, inquisitive…whichever adjectives you want, whatever qualities you feel are true to you. Actually be them. Embody them through the way you walk, the words you say, the foods you eat, the clothes you wear, the company you keep. And know that in being you, you are enough. Somehow, we westerners have forsaken “being” in our relentless pursuit of “doing.” It’s as if, over time, we harnessed the parts of us that are active and productive, and started rewarding and lauding them without limit. A successful business person, therefore, must be the CEO of not one but…

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