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Getting Past Your Fears

My highest teaching is this: do everything you can to get beyond fear in your life and work. By doing that, you will find greater success than you can imagine. Fear holds us back like nothing else. But it's so tough to root out because it's pervasive in our lives—it's in our relationships, our self-image, and, especially, in our work. The work-related fears can be the worst: fear of not making enough money, not being successful, not meeting the expectations of others (usually our boss), or fear of being judged harshly by those around us. Any one of these fears…

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Say Goodbye to Anxiety

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!

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Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Heart

What constitutes quality of life? Everyone has a different perception of this concept, just as we all purchase different cars, homes and have varied tastes. One similarity when we speak of the quality of life, is happiness, health and love. This is the trio most people strive for most of their lives. Everyone deserves to be adored. You could die tomorrow, and if you know you were adored in this lifetime, and you were able to adore and love others, or even one significant other, well life surely is complete. Healthy happiness can be found in your own love den.…

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3 Easy Practices for a Balanced Life

Practice kindness. It's a simple word that is used frequently but practiced not nearly enough. To be kind on a daily basis can be quite a challenge - it seems to encompass so much. If we are kind, we won't judge another, lie, cheat, steal, be mean or spiteful, resent... the list goes on. Practicing kindness makes us more compassionate, understanding and accepting. It isn't easy and certainly few of us remember to be kind every moment of every day but when we are kind, things that come our way are usually met with calmness, thoughtfulness and acceptance. What doesn't…

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The Wahls Protocol

In her new book, The Wahls Protocol: How I Beat Progressive MS Using Paleo Principles and Functional Medicine, Dr. Terry Wahls details an integrative approach to healing chronic autoimmune conditions, including MS. This is an amazing story of hope, courage and the hidden ability we have to heal and repel illness through positive thoughts, a smart diet and practical lifestyle choices. What truly sets The Wahls Protocol apart is that it presents compelling scientific facts and important nutritional information in a voice that’s simple and easy to understand. If you or a loved one have been impacted by health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, autoimmune disease or mood disorders—this wonderful book can be the first step towards reclaiming the joyful life you are meant to live. Get it now!
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14 Lessons on Life, Love, Career and Pursuit of Personal Fulfillment

Life isn’t searching for perfection Life is perfection in itself. Awareness, truth and introspection Are keys to learning that yourself. ***** Any profession that you choose Can make you rich someday From selling stock to shining shoes White collar, blue or grey Profession is the recipe You are the secret sauce Love what you do and you will see The money will come forth. ***** What you believe tends to transpire So choose whichever takes you higher! ***** The search for Love cannot succeed By looking outside Love is within, it is a seed So water it with pride! *****…

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The Key Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Roses

My chief hobby is growing roses, a tradition handed down from my grandmother through my mom and now to me. But more than a connection to my family or a source of peace and therapy, such an undertaking has afforded me many life lessons, serving as a highly effective metaphor. The essential ingredients to growing great roses are the correct soil mixture and proper preparation of the bed in which the rose shall be planted. The right mix of nutrients, the right drainage and retention of water, the right depth of the roots, and the right amount of mulch are…

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Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate

As the world continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, you may find yourself searching for ways to resolve all fears and limiting thoughts, as a craving for peace and simplicity rises to the surface. Join Julie Dittmar in Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate as she decodes and unlocks hidden life lessons and powerful spiritual teachings while using metaphors, such as chocolate, as an extraordinary way of finding true and lasting inner peace during these times of global transformation and ascension. Lessons are filled with potent life wisdom (based on the teachings of Matt Kahn), simple exercises, and relaxing guided meditations so you may directly experience inner peace and emotional freedom. Lessons and meditations act like a squeegee for your mind, and provide healing frequencies for your body. It’s a welcomed break for the overstimulated nervous system, and a chance to receive the balance, rest, and renewal your heart longs for at its core.

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An Extraordinary Life is Your Birthright

You were put on this earth to experience an extraordinary life: a life of joy, purpose and abundance. It is your birthright. The fact that so few do disturbs me greatly. As Henry David Thoreau so aptly said, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their music still in them.” I don’t want this to be you! Even if you do not believe this is possible for you at this moment, I don’t ever want you to stop searching for answers. Constantly ask yourself, “How can I live an extraordinary life? What do I…

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