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Dina Proctor is a mind-body connection coach, engaging speaker and author of the bestselling book Madly Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day. Dina has taken her journey from hitting an emotional rock bottom through struggling with addictions, food issues and depression, to having now found a consistent happiness (little known to most people) and turned it into a simple, practical method for others to change their own lives.

Quite by accident she discovered what she calls "3x3 Meditation" (3 minutes, 3 times a day), which has been the catalyst for her own (and now her clients') transformation. From weight loss and banishing addictive cravings to reconstructing relationships, this easy and yet incredibly effective method has caught the attention and support of Jack Canfield and Bruce Lipton, PhD, among others, and the media. Dina's raw and real ability to share herself and her story so openly, along with the power of her 3x3's, has enabled countless others to begin on the path to wellness in their own lives.

For more information, please visit

Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time

Wellness in the body begins in the mind. Dina Proctor's course Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time will help you start a 3x3 meditation practice (3 minutes, 3 times a day), so you can quiet your mind at will and use the technique to release weight and promote healing and wellness in your body. Over three weeks, Dina will share real-life examples and insights as well as breakdown the process step-by-step in several instructional videos. With your choice of guided audio meditations to enhance your experience each week, you'll be well on your way to releasing negative thought patterns and enhancing your mind-body connection. If you're ready to learn how the mind's focus and thought patterns can physically impact the body's wellness, this course is for you!

Register now!

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Top 9 Tips For Joy, Love and Fulfillment

I'm so inspired to share the top nine most important things I've learned about life and how to navigate through it to experience the most joy, love, and fulfillment possible! (1) Being of service to others is the biggest factor in maintaining my connection with my innermost source of energy. I uplift others by letting my highest self shine through my being and inspire the actions I take. When my highest self expresses itself through me, it draws out that same highest self from others. (2) Meditating for 3 minutes, 3 times a day (what I call 3x3 Meditation) is…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Find My Gift In Life?

"I work at a hospital and I'm not sure what my gift is in life -- I'm not sure what I like doing. Need help!" ~ Vivian, Chicago, IL Dear Vivian, I can so appreciate your question! Just a few years ago I was in the same place myself - in a job I was good at but didn’t love and feeling empty inside, like I didn’t know where I was headed. I think I can help you with this by sharing a bit of my journey with you. First, it’s important to recognize that even if we are good…

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Ask a Luminary

How Do I Live From the Heart?

"How can I move from being in my head to coming from my heart?" ~ Tina, Glenside What a fantastic question! And I’ve found that the answer to it has let me to discover the gateway to transformation, healing, and tremendous breakthroughs. The best way I’ve found to move from my head into my heart is to use meditation. When we are “in our heads” it’s almost like our thoughts are thinking us, rather than us choosing which thoughts to think! We have an extraordinary amount of ideas, things to do, worries, and wonders all rolling around in our minds…

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