“How can I move from being in my head to coming from my heart?” ~ Tina, Glenside
What a fantastic question! And I’ve found that the answer to it has let me to discover the gateway to transformation, healing, and tremendous breakthroughs.
The best way I’ve found to move from my head into my heart is to use meditation. When we are “in our heads” it’s almost like our thoughts are thinking us, rather than us choosing which thoughts to think! We have an extraordinary amount of ideas, things to do, worries, and wonders all rolling around in our minds in a way that may overwhelm or distress us. Moving from head to heart gets us to the place of choosing which thoughts and ideas are beneficial to focus on and also choosing which thoughts to release and withdraw our attention from.
I’ve found that the most powerful way to use meditation is in small increments throughout the day. Personally I meditate for 3 minutes, 3 times a day. If you prefer to meditate for a longer amount of time, that’s great! But I would also encourage a couple of additional short meditations to reinforce the peace you find in the longer meditation.
A meditation practice can be as simple as putting on a timer for just a few minutes and using that time to focus exclusively on your breathing, or the flutter of a candle flame, or just counting your heartbeats. If you catch your attention wandering (which is totally normal, especially in the beginning!), just gently release that thought and return your attention to your meditation focus.
Doing this several times a day gives you practice in exercising the “spiritual muscle” so that at the end of one week you have tapped into the heart’s space of peace 21 times! The more frequently you tap into that heart space, the more quickly it will become your new normal- your access point of solution, peace, and empowerment.
Dina Proctor
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