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Go Forth and Be – How to Live in the Present

Just be. Be happy, gregarious, inquisitive…whichever adjectives you want, whatever qualities you feel are true to you. Actually be them. Embody them through the way you walk, the words you say, the foods you eat, the clothes you wear, the company you keep. And know that in being you, you are enough. Somehow, we westerners have forsaken “being” in our relentless pursuit of “doing.” It’s as if, over time, we harnessed the parts of us that are active and productive, and started rewarding and lauding them without limit. A successful business person, therefore, must be the CEO of not one but…

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5 Lessons for Happiness

Here are a few of the best lessons I can happily share: 1. Life is tough Agreed, life is filled with trials and tribulations. To say one is happy all the time is a lie. To know happiness is available at any time is a truth. Happiness will not wait for us. Happiness will not invite us to the party. We must invite ourselves to say, "yes", diving deeply and happily into life... all of it... the ups, downs, twists and turns of our miraculous journey. Happiness exists in tandem with adversity. Happiness waits in all the nooks and crannies…

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Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time

Wellness in the body begins in the mind. Dina Proctor's course Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time will help you start a 3x3 meditation practice (3 minutes, 3 times a day), so you can quiet your mind at will and use the technique to release weight and promote healing and wellness in your body. Over three weeks, Dina will share real-life examples and insights as well as breakdown the process step-by-step in several instructional videos. With your choice of guided audio meditations to enhance your experience each week, you'll be well on your way to releasing negative thought patterns and enhancing your mind-body connection. If you're ready to learn how the mind's focus and thought patterns can physically impact the body's wellness, this course is for you!

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Avikal Costantino

3 Steps to Becoming Present

Take your time; there is no other time. Even when everything seems to accelerate beyond control - especially then - take your time. Time does not exist as an objective thing; it depends completely on your perception and your connection with yourself. If you are present, in touch with how you experience reality and open to what you are experiencing, then you are the master of time, not its slave. How do we do that? The method is simple: it has a few basic steps that require no particular skills, talents or techniques. It is called "practicing presence". I imagine…

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4 Intuitive Tips for Success

I have heard the term "uncertain times" used too frequently in the last few years. When were times certain? In business and life it is always essential to be pro-active, plastic, and prepared. We should never assume that things are certain, because this will only set us up for a great fall. In business, and especially in an economic downturn, it is the intuitive company that thrives. Those actual out-of-the-box ideas thrive in unsettled times. It's not worth waiting for miracles to happen, or things to get better. You must create the future on your own terms. How to Rule…

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Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light

Are you ready for passion and dance? To sense, feel, and embrace prosperity, joy, and health? Kundalini is the flame of life. Once ignited, it can burst your life into the song it is meant to be. This six-part e-course from Cyndi Dale and Chantal Monte will connect you to your own kundalini power source and through it, your divine spirit. When beckoned upward into the physical body, kundalini - shakti - clears the obstructions in your body, chakras, and soul, dissolving what lies between you and the future dreamed before birth. Changes occur right away, as you move through topics including chakras and kundalini, the breath, the dance of consciousness, the illusion, and the love of body. Express--love--kiss--sleep--even speak from the place of kundalini; come all the way into yourself starting with this course.

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Participating in Your Own Rescue

When people ask what I've learned from the experiences in my life I have to smile. What always comes to my mind is faith, accountability, courage, forgiveness and compassion. I have learned perception is everything, And, most of all participating in your own rescue is not an option. It's a necessity. My life has been an amazing adventure from the very beginning. Some may hear my story and say, "How did she survive"? I have gone from the highs and lows of a childhood where I had no idea that my sense of always being different, feeling and seeing so…

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Words of Wisdom

Wisdom is only valuable to the minds that will accept it and make room to store it for future use. You can share wisdom with anyone, but if they do not have a thirsty mind or enough drive to strive for greatness, it might not sink in. This is okay, share your wisdom with everyone you can, I promise you are helping change lives. You must share your ideas with everyone you can. Finding creative ways to interject your ideas and desires into conversations that are irrelevant to your passions is an entertaining challenge.  You never know who can help…

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Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate

As the world continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, you may find yourself searching for ways to resolve all fears and limiting thoughts, as a craving for peace and simplicity rises to the surface. Join Julie Dittmar in Finding Inner Peace Through the Joy of Chocolate as she decodes and unlocks hidden life lessons and powerful spiritual teachings while using metaphors, such as chocolate, as an extraordinary way of finding true and lasting inner peace during these times of global transformation and ascension. Lessons are filled with potent life wisdom (based on the teachings of Matt Kahn), simple exercises, and relaxing guided meditations so you may directly experience inner peace and emotional freedom. Lessons and meditations act like a squeegee for your mind, and provide healing frequencies for your body. It’s a welcomed break for the overstimulated nervous system, and a chance to receive the balance, rest, and renewal your heart longs for at its core.

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