Today’s Brilliance from Betsy Muller
Have you ever wondered what your life purpose might be? Before you pay a psychic or spiritual counselor for another hour of time, I advise you to look inward. Emotions play a critical role in helping your soul navigate the big life lessons that bring true purpose to your unique mission as a human being. Many of the blocks you have experienced can be traced to emotions stuffed away for weeks, months and even years. You can't heal what you don't recognize or accept. Stress only compounds as emotions are ignored. Having intense emotions does not mean that you are…
- Be kind to yourself right now. In this moment, you are a perfect you.
Today’s Brilliance from Kathi Casey
I would let my children and grandchildren know that everything in life is by choice. When we wake up feeling a little tired, or "get up on the wrong side of the bed", we can choose to smile and reach for a shining moment from our past or a dream of the future that excites us, and then keep that thought in the back of our minds all day. We can choose to feel joy until we once again, gratefully sink into our lovely bed at the end of another day and sleep soundly in the knowledge that today was…
- You can have anything in life you want if you want it badly enough and are willing to pay the price.
Today’s Brilliance from Kirsty Dunphey
If I were able to pass on anything I'd learned to the world it would be these 4 points: 1. Life can be fleeting, regret the things you've done, not those you didn't do. Recently I've lost friends who were 42 and 33 years old who were amazing people whose lives ended way too quickly. Whether I live to 33 or 133 though, I want to be able to look back on my life on my last day here on this Earth and say that I tried everything I wanted to try. I had a go, I gave it my…
- Want love? Be love. Want peace? Remember your worth and God-infused ability to receive and give love.
Staying Focused When Confronted By Adversity
I was born, as they would say today, visually handicapped. That means I've had to adapt my life in countless ways. And I've learned that if you don't adapt, and often adapt quickly, you'll be miserable, filled with self-pity, and not be the person you were meant to be. The key to overcoming physical or psychological challenges is simple, but very hard to learn. If you want to do something, get something, or be something badly enough, you can't let other people or old thinking get in the way of your goals. And you can never give in or give…
- FLY – Forgive and Love Yourself. Then take the lead in your life and soar!
Say Goodbye to Anxiety
Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!
Today’s Brilliance from Jon Stein
Live, Laugh, Love! My message to the world is to just chill! We get so caught up in things that we think matter and forget the beauty of going through life with Grace and Ease. When we trust and let our Higher Power work his magic, life is a better place. Remember each day to take a big drink of positive mental protein when you are thirsty. Read and listen to positive messages. Read things that expand your mind and empower you. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Today, go find something that will make you say…
- Life is filled with unlimited potential. When we set goals based on our life’s passion and approach those goals with optimistic belief, nothing is impossible.
What’s the Cost of a Great Life?
One of the most thought provoking pieces of advice I received came in the form of this question: "How much money do you really need to live a great life?" The answer? Ultimately, it's not about the money! Many people have trouble understanding this and are consumed by making money to improve their standard of living, often feeling that money solves their problems. Of course money helps if you have bills to pay but it won't necessarily make you happy. While financial worries can cause numerous problems, money isn't the answer to living a successful life. Consider this. I have…
- Champions don’t panic….We P.U.S.H… Pursue Until Success Happens!
Don’t Be Afraid to Try
Never give up. Each of us starts out in this game of life being dealt a certain hand. It is then up to us to decide how we will play our cards and deal with the unavoidable obstacles that will continually try to knock us down. While there may be times when it would be easier to just throw up our hands and give up, sticking it out and giving it our all can lead us to greater rewards than we could ever imagine. As a young girl I was diagnosed with a muscular affliction that prevented me from doing…