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1) My father, disabled and unable to work, always told me, “Anger will get you nothing. What you have to do is turn around the person who is doing an injustice. You do this by being forgiving and loving. That will win them, more so than if you physically hit them because then they will hit you back. Then you get nothing back but a fight.”

2) You have to believe in yourself and never stop trying. Although the world had robbed my father of his ability to work, he never lost his ability to make a difference to those who needed it more than himself.

3) You need to have a faith in a higher power, someone or something that is greater than yourself. Once you believe, it is so easy to love and forgive. When you give up anger, hatred, and prejudice, it frees you. A strong faith will comfort you and provide encouragement and hope, a tremendous source of strength.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies before us and what lies behind us are very little compared to what lies within us.” There is a natural equilibrium and harmony in all things. What seems like a massive loss today will help us succeed tomorrow.

4) Regardless of the challenge you may be experiencing or the tragedy you are trying to overcome, you do not have to face it alone. You are going to get hit in this game of life, but you do not need to stay down.

5) Never stop learning. Once you stop learning you are through – there is nothing else for you. You must be prepared to invest in yourself and your business. If your future is to be better than your present, your future must have space. Your future must be built. And your future must be paid for.

6) The place to start improving your environment is inside your own head. Invest more time and money and effort into your mind, and finer things will start gravitating towards you. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Empty the coins in your purse into your mind and your mind will fill your purse with gold.”

7) The biggest compliment you can pay anyone is to simply listen intently. Listen to people in a way that says: “You are the only person in the world that matters to me right now. I am fully invested in your message”. Credibility is the quality of being reliable, worthy of confidence. Credibility grows when appointments are kept, promises are acted upon, facts are verified, and services are rendered.

8) If you have had success, mentor someone else. If you do not share what made you successful, it will die with you. The road ahead is so much clearer when you can stand on the shoulders of giants. Find the stories and the passion. Reach for the moon, because if you miss, you will land in the stars.

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Kevin is an international best selling author, change management specialist and motivational speaker. A native of Ontario, Canada, Kevin holds a biomedical science degree and in the past worked his way to the top 1% of financial planners by qualifying for the Million Dollar Roundtable since his first year in business.

Now Kevin inspires men and women alike, as someone who has mastered the art of resilience and hope, Kevin’s philosophy is a self-professed clarity builder is strategic and results driven.

Kevin has risen to the top and also faced some challenges that changed the trajectory of his life and career. He is now dedicated to helping individuals and teams flourish as they navigate through changing amid often-turbulent times.

His signature message and program The Change Revolution provides a blueprint for those navigating through change and achieving great results.

For more information, please visit

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A program designed for maximum impact.

The Change Revolution offers an easy to implement winning blueprint for managing change and achieving great results. Kevin T. Cahill loves igniting positive change. From transforming teams or engaging groups to the focused individual his system for success continues to bring about lasting results.  More information can be found HERE

Comments (8)

  1. Love this, Kevin! Especially love, Never Stop Learning. Our society tends to so revere the “experts” that people are often afraid of exposing that they don’t know everything. How nuts is that? Always stay a beginner on the path is a mantra I adhere to.
    Thank you for all of this!

    1. Thank you Susan Mary – I am honoured to be re-featured – this piece inspired my new book which was released today – For all that has happened and the opportunities still developing in my life, I feel blessed. I have been part of many small miracles and I would not trade that for anything. What seems like a massive loss at the time has the ability to shape our futures and now in my reflection they will be beautiful spiritual experiences for years to come. The lessons have affirmed my belief that our purpose of being is to follow our happiness, seek our passions and live our lives as inspirations to each other. Everything else flows from that. When we find the inspiration, it is our duty to take action for ourselves and our communities. Even if that means making a hard choice or cutting out something and leaving it in your past.

  2. Kevin, thank you so much for this, especially #1 at the moment. I am a stroke survivor and fellow IMT luminary, and have recently had a falling out with someone close to me. Although the circumstances were not of my doing, I keep getting the message inside that I need to be the better person and try to make amends. I know I eventually will, but I am still angry and I believe that we must allow ourselves to go through an emotion, but then release it so it doesn’t fester inside and create dis-ease. I will get to that point of release. Again, thank you for sharing your father’s wonderful message.

    1. You are very welcome Erica – sometimes all you can do is release with love. I sense you are familiar with the works of Dr. Thurman Fleet and Dr. Maxwell Maltz who were pioneers in the study of mental health and are considered by some as the fathers of modern psychology. Their work highlighted the need for understanding the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious minds in order to treat the underlying causes of mental health. When your subconscious mind is filled with fear it will lead to anxiety. We have all been trained as children to suppress our anxiety and by suppressing anxiety in the physical body will lead to depression. When your body is in a state of depression it is at Dis-ease which leads to Dis-Integration and the end result is no control.

      1. Actually Kevin, I am more of a proponent of Dr Carl Jung and his theories and philosophies. Of the process of individuation, the collective unconscious, archetypes, the anima and animus, etc and how they all play a role in our journey to self awareness, and thus wholesomeness, where disease is no longer part of the picture.

        1. Love it! Very much agreed – after suffering my 7th concussion I started studying the brain and that led me through studying 2000 years of as Plato referred to as “Philosopher Kings” to realize we all drink from the same aquifer we just come at it from different wells.

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