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10 Pithy Tips for Empowered Living

I would share these ten tips. 1. Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet. 2. Don't confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are. 3. Slow down. What you're chasing may be trying to catch you. 4. Prayer is a path where there is none. 5. Put your faith and not your fears in charge. 6. God only gave you two arms. If you're…

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10 Quick Tips for Living an Inspired Life

"Can you believe in something simply because it matters to you? Then act on it to prove you really do." These are my 10 quick tips for living an inspired life: 1. Set an Intention: Understand the power and importance of intention as the rudder to steer your life. 2. Maintain Integrity: Intention and integrity together form the key building block for manifestation. Live with integrity by keeping agreements with yourself and others. It is essential to clear up aspects from your past that can get in your way now. 3. Live on Purpose: Standing in your purpose, the quality of your dreams…

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15 Tips for Creating The Life You Want

Goethe famously wrote "One lives in this world but once..." If that is the case, ask yourself, "What do I want my life to look like?" Then make it look that way. In making that journey, here are some provisions for your psychological backpack: Do not invite regret into your life. Instead, take chances, try new things, and take the path less traveled. Regret never dissipates, and second chances are rare. Beware of scripting your life.... Storytelling can trap us in other people's scripts. Let life happen rather than forcing it to fit someone else's idea of what a life…

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14 Lessons on Life, Love, Career and Pursuit of Personal Fulfillment

Life isn’t searching for perfection Life is perfection in itself. Awareness, truth and introspection Are keys to learning that yourself. ***** Any profession that you choose Can make you rich someday From selling stock to shining shoes White collar, blue or grey Profession is the recipe You are the secret sauce Love what you do and you will see The money will come forth. ***** What you believe tends to transpire So choose whichever takes you higher! ***** The search for Love cannot succeed By looking outside Love is within, it is a seed So water it with pride! *****…

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15 Simple Lessons for Creating the Future You Want

1. Be yourself. 100% authentically you. YOU matter, YOU make a difference. 2. Watch the movie The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Watch it twice... with loved ones. Tell those loved ones your deepest truth in the here and now, don't wait. 3. Surround yourself by people who demand more of you than you do of yourself - these are the people who love you the most. Sometimes it looks like tough love. 4. As Marianne Williamson says, we are more afraid of our light than our darkness. But your playing small does not serve the world. As you…

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A Caring Future Is In Your Hands

It is hard to put a lifetime of experience into so few words. There are so many angles to look at it from and most lessons come from the past. I want to look at what lessons could come from the future, a future we can all aspire to today. There is a future reality where all ages of life are valued. A baby is never ill-treated by uncaring adults. A young child is never bullied or insulted by his friends. A teenager doesn't consider taking their life because there is no hope for a job or career. No child…

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Life Secrets of the Butterfly, as told to her young

Fear and love feel the same when first you feel them. Fear is like moving from a flame, Love is like flying into it. Love will make you do things only a silly fool would do, but only if it is true love. True love may appear to hurt, but it will never injure you. It may stir the senses, but never leave you senseless. True love will call you to places that you never knew existed. True love is a stream that always runs in the driest times. Beware the spider, true but the strongest web is woven by…

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50 Lessons In Life

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. 8. It's okay to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace…

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9 Lessons for A Happy Life

I would offer my 9 steps to a happy life.... 1. Build something that you believe in - a relationship, a family, a company or a project. Focus on what you can do today to get where you want to be. 2. Learn the art of letting go. You will have to let go of friends, family, beloved pets, money and objects during your lifetime and sooner you accept change the easier life becomes. 3. Smiles and compliments are free and they make all the difference in the world as our connections with people are relational and have a ripple…

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7 Life Lessons To Light Your Path

The things I know for sure at this point are deceptively simple in mere words, but they are as follows: As you evolve, your world evolves - it all starts with your own development. Grow with every challenge to give you the opportunity for transformative healing. Align with what feels right; your spirit knows more than your conscious mind. Trust and let it grow you to match the infinite consciousness of your being. You are creating your reality; own what you've created so far to give yourself the permission and the power to create your new future. Be conscious in…

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The Importance of Asking Questions

We spend so much of our lives seeking answers to others’ questions and to the Big Questions: Who are we? Why do we exist? Why do we die? What happens afterward? How should we live? How can we be happy? How can we give back? What does it all mean? It’s important that we give these questions their due, that we try to answer them for ourselves. But we must also strike out on our own. In contemplation of the grail quest, comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote, “Where there is a way or path, it is someone else’s path; each…

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19 Principles to Strive For

1. Happiness and fulfillment come from getting the results you want - whether it's developing personal relationships or changing the world. The path is seldom easy, but the formula for success is: 1) Know where you want to go 2) Take action toward that goal 3) Learn from the feedback to adapt your course 4) Take more action, and 5) Keep repeating these steps until you get there. 2. Small changes add up. Be endlessly curious, always look for opportunities to learn and improve. A slight change in your path today will lead to a massively different outcome down the…

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The Best Lessons I Have Learned In My Life

I have learned that life is truly a gift I have learned how important it is to be specific about what you wanted because if you are not, something else may be ordered up and it may not be what you wanted I have learned to listen to my heart and not every person that comes along with an opinion of how they think I should do things I have learned to be REAL and AUTHENTIC all the time I have learned that taking care of your body, mind and spirit will help you accomplish your dreams even faster than…

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Prioritizing Relationships in This Unpredictable World

Many blessings in life are sadly taken for granted. You will never understand how precious life is until you face a life-threatening disease. I discovered this after being diagnosed with breast cancer six days after giving birth to my first child. I truly believe God sent me my son to spare my life because He had a great plan in store for me. I learned that we experience trials and tribulations to learn life lessons. We can either sulk in our misery or grow from the experiences and help others. Had I not struggled through a devastating disease, I would…

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What I’ve Learned in Life

I have learned that the most important things in life are free. That as long as I never forget that my spiritual life comes before my material life, I will be ok. That I should never judge a man for the color of his skin, his faith, the car he drives, or the clothes he wears. That when you speak to someone, always do it looking him straight to his eyes. That fear is just a state of mind, and nothing else. That I should be aware of how I see the world, because the world will be exactly as…

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8 Tips For Living a Fulfilled Life

1) My father, disabled and unable to work, always told me, "Anger will get you nothing. What you have to do is turn around the person who is doing an injustice. You do this by being forgiving and loving. That will win them, more so than if you physically hit them because then they will hit you back. Then you get nothing back but a fight." 2) You have to believe in yourself and never stop trying. Although the world had robbed my father of his ability to work, he never lost his ability to make a difference to those…

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From Tragedy To Transformation

I have experienced a life-changing event that almost killed me. I would like to share some lessons I have learned that continue to guide me on my journey through life. Overcoming Obstacles We are all presented with obstacles everyday in many different forms, some big, some small. Obstacles can test and push you and everyone around you to their absolute limit. As with any experience that you have in life, your perception can make all the difference. If you look upon the obstacle as a devastating tragedy that you will never recover from, that is exactly what it will be.…

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Take Back Your Inner Freedom

As a psychotherapist and wellness speaker for 35 years, I have been fortunate to have learned many lessons about life from the many people who have shared their innermost thoughts with me. Certain lessons that I have learned time and time again, and they have helped shape my understanding of life. These insights have helped me tremendously both personally and professionally in helping others. Life has a way of teaching us lessons that no one ever could. Although of course there is a place for teaching others, all too often we want others in our lives to change so much…

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Finding the Good Even When Things Get Bad

Learn to love yourself. Once you love you, it opens you up to all different types of experiences in this world. Whatever you focus on is what you get, so why not focus on the good and the positive? Do your very best to live love and kindness and not in the Ego. When we live in our ego, life is complicated and distorted. If you want to experience everything fully, let go of your ego. Forgiving is key. Without forgiveness, you will stay stagnant. Remember when you forgive someone, it is for you, not for them. You are not…

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Awaken Your Inner Possibility

Walk softly upon the earth knowing that truth can only be experienced in silence. In soulful spaciousness, questions are answered, and possibility unfolds. See divinity in all that you meet, recognizing the light of the creator in all that you see. We are all connected. We are all one. Recognize that in knowing others, you are in truth being given an opportunity to know yourself. Even the most hurtful and vicious of them is you and by extending a loving hand, you are gathering up the discarded parts of your humanity. Marvel in your uniqueness and recognize it as a…

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Getting Over That Bump in the Road

Remove from your head everything you've ever been told you are or are not. You probably know yourself better than anyone else does anyway. Nothing that anyone else says you are can change who you really are. So forget them! They only hold you back. If you think you are capable of achieving great things, but some voice inside tells you it can't happen or won't, recognize the voice and shun it! As long as you listen to that voice, you'll only go as far as that voice allows you. This is your voice of inner confidence. Don't live your…

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