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Sergio Bambaren is an Australian citizen who was born on the seashores of Lima, Peru.  After receiving a degree in chemical engineering at Texas A&M University, he took a lucrative and highly successful job in Sydney. A keen surfer, Sergio left his position as the General Manager of a UK based company at the young age 34 years old to pursue his dreams and find the true purpose of his life. His love of the ocean inspired his first novel The Dolphin - Story of a Dreamer. The book has been translated into 40 languages and has sold 10 million copies worldwide. The Dolphin is based on his personal encounter with a lonely dolphin while surfing in Portugal. It’s a story of courage, of struggle against our own fears and limits. Sergio has published 11 international best-selling books inspired by his love for the sea and surfing. As Vice-President of the Ecological organization Mundo Azul (Blue World) Sergio travels constantly in his philanthropic efforts to preserve the oceans and protect the creatures that live in it.

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What I’ve Learned in Life

I have learned that the most important things in life are free. That as long as I never forget that my spiritual life comes before my material life, I will be ok. That I should never judge a man for the color of his skin, his faith, the car he drives, or the clothes he wears. That when you speak to someone, always do it looking him straight to his eyes. That fear is just a state of mind, and nothing else. That I should be aware of how I see the world, because the world will be exactly as…

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