I’ve learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don’t; not so much the things that I’ve done, but the things I haven’t done. Not so much “mistakes” made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these.
I’ve learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I’ve learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with no judgment, for there is judgment in simply learning to observe without judgment.
What matters is that we learn to love others, to give, share, communicate and interact with others in a way that allows them to experience this love. And know that we can do this even when argument or conflict arises and the setting doesn’t appear, on the surface, to be the most conducive to expressing love. True love is a state of being in which we exist by nature, although we may not always be conscious of it. And we express ourselves in many ways in this state of being as we continue to grow and evolve.
I’ve learned not to focus on the results, but rather on the process. For when we focus on specific results, be they money as a result of a job, or a specific outcome for a specific healing for a specific person, the most we attain is that on which our human, conscious, limited, educated minds have focused. Yet when we focus instead on the process, that which makes our hearts sing, the results – those which we’ve dreamed of and those we haven’t even dreamed of – manifest most exquisitely.
I’ve learned that we tend to make our choices either from fear or from love. And that we can’t give a gift we are unwilling to accept ourselves. We cannot stand in fear protecting ourselves in multi-colored flames, shaking off “bad” energies, spraying ourselves down with alcohol or protecting ourselves via other such rituals, and facilitate healings that reside in love.
We cannot stand in lack and limitation by adding things to ourselves such as healing toys, wands, jewelry, etc., and facilitate healings that reside in the abundance of us recognizing that we are truly enough.
We cannot stand in the need for control by following complex steps, techniques and procedures, and facilitate healings that reside in the freedom that comes from letting go of the need for control and allowing ourselves to exist in the elegant simplicity of being the seer and the seen, the witness and the witnessed, the observer and the observed. A state that we attain from letting go of judgment.
And even fear cannot exist without love, for fear is ultimately the fear of not being loved, of not being love and, therefore, of not being.
That which arises around us is, at one level, that which we’ve asked for and need for the healing or progression of our consciousnesses. I like your sentiments, friend – let go of the ultimate goal, live the question. Forget our knowledge, and explore the unknown.
Nice one Eric. I really like this one, and living mostly inthe love, but sometime take my will back. That causes problems for my. I living in harmony with nature, and love.
Thankyou Eric.
[…] I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven […]
[…] Eric Pearl- Making choices with Love […]
Beautifully written, Eric. Thanks for the reminders and some much needed inspiration. Miss you!
[…] Making Choices with Love […]
Ahh . . .becoming the observer to your life. Such a fabulous tool! It’s when I do so that I can clearly see the choices I make from a place of love rather than fear, and vice versa.
Beautiful post, Eric. Thank you!
[…] منبع: inspiremetoday.com […]
[…] Originally From: https://inspiremetoday.com/brilliance/making-choices-love/ […]
08/17th/2016.Inspire me today.”Making Choices with Love.” This time I feel that I’m INLOVE! maybe for the first TIME.Trouble Is: there’s no-response{Back}!! I’m not sure that this is intentional or the person is not aware of my feelings! For They advanced to me.’NOW’! there’s
just HAPPY Casusal,Friendlyness,Laughter,etc.(Dr.Pearl) Please Respond: Simply maybe they just changed their minds,eh?
:))))))) it’s time you learn the 1501th word in your life, Pearl: you are a FRAUD. time you go where your place is – jail.
Reconnective ‘healing’ is an international scam. Dr. Eric Pearl – The Reconnection corporation / Eric Pearl are organising ‘seminars’ all around the world where they claim they ‘train’ and ‘certify’ ‘reconnective healing practitioners’, seminars that they later on invalidate, while aggressively silencing up former ‘practitioners’ and clients. Seminars are organised and people are attracted using deceitful advertising and violent strategies of sabotage, boycott, public denigration and information censorship and distortion. About 500 people have been victims of this scam as practitioners only in my small country, but it is difficult to accurately assess the numbers of people that have been affected by this locally or globally. The scam reveals itself in time, as ‘doctor’ Pearl’s corporation has aggressive manipulation, intimidation and information distortion strategies in place, and the seminars and ‘healing sessions’ themselves keep people numb and unaware and deluded for long enough to enable him to continue campaigning for new seminars while invalidating the old ones without anyone being able to establish any connection between events. Pearl uses other people’s fame to credit his lie as ‘universal message’, and he uses ordinary people’s good faith and good will to credit and cover up the cracks in his and his corporation’s ‘evolved healers’ image. At the same time, the ‘healing’ that the ‘doctor’ preaches is a very dangerous, unprofessional and irresponsible ‘healthcare’ intervention that has damaged thousands of people in the world beyond the point of recovery. In order to stop the campaigns that the corporation is outrageously continuing to deploy around the world, as well as to prevent the danger that such fake and improper ‘healthcare services’ bring for people, criminal investigation has been initiated against this corporation and its leader. These are killers, not healers.
and no… deleting my comments so that you can make room for Pearl’s scum to kill some more no longer works. people have the right to know. Pearl and his bunch need to be put somewhere where they can’t hurt anyone – not even themselves. Let’s see that happening, rather sooner (or instantly) than later. SoulDrops