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Being Mindful in a Busy World

Remember to relax. Since meditation ultimately is relaxation, my one word of advice is: Relax. Let go. Release your grasping. Can we just surrender to life moment by moment? Surrender to what is instead of arguing that our point of view is the correct one? Remember to send loving-kindness to yourself and to the world. Once while on retreat, I had a vivid dream that Death was in my single bed with me. I struggled briefly to escape his clutches, realized it was useless, turned to face him, and knew that all I could do was love Death. He was…

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4 Principles To Create a Magnificent Life

I made the most life-changing discovery of my life when I was 20 years old. I began to realize to fully grasp the fact that our thoughts and emotions are physical in the universe. I began to realize that time and time again, the thoughts and emotions that I was experiencing the most frequently were directly dictating how my life played out before me. When I made this realization, I had the "AH-HA" moment that I had complete control over how my life would transpire until I left this consciousness. It was one thing to understand this on an intellectual…

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Love Yourself, Love Your Life

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly. When you love yourself—unconditionally—your mindset shifts to the energy of love and abundance. It enables you to have more peace, confidence, and happiness which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and, you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life. To have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are much more than your physical self. You are a magnificent spiritual being within. Your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, love, and light! You are of infinite worth.…

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7 Thoughts to Keep You Inspired

Life is an internal job. Our external life mirrors the condition of our internal self. Emotional health determines our perceptions and influences our choices. Unresolved emotions tend to manifest themselves as turmoil in our external lives. To achieve the external harmony we desire, we need to first achieve internal harmony. Internal harmony can be achieved through engaging in spirituality, meditation or talk therapy to identify and resolve negative emotions. Accept what you can and can’t control. Life happens to everyone. Life’s experiences, whether good or bad, are here to serve as a catalyst for growth. Frustrations arise from our desire to control…

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Wabi Sabi Love

Does your significant other do things that make you crazy? Have you noticed they probably aren't going to change? There is an easy solution, and it's a fabulous book that shows you how to go from "annoyed to enjoyed" quickly! You can fall in love all over again when you read Arielle Fords's Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships. Wabi Sabi is an ancient Japanese art form that honors all things old, worn, weathered, imperfect, and impermanent. In fact, it seeks to find “beauty and perfection in the imperfections.” The best way to learn Wabi Sabi Love is through stories and fun, simple exercises, and that’s exactly what you’ll find in the book. Arielle reveals the Wabi Sabi secrets that create a passionate, joyful, and loving relationship. If you are ready for more love, fun, harmony, and passion in your relationship....

Order Wabi Sabi Love now!

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Making Choices with Love

I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven't done. Not so much "mistakes" made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these. I've learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I've learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with…

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Principles for Achieving Quantum Bliss

Wake up, be yourself, follow your dreams, and be alive. Boldness is pure energy. Seize the moment and engage life. Being contemplative-in-action is the secret key to success. Having a focused and harmonious connection to the “Spirit of the Universe” while working effectively toward your highest ideals will continually reveal results. Remember, you are connected with all possibility. Take hold of your divine rights to health, supply and success. Allow yourself to be great and to do great things. WE MUST CREATE. Build new ways of doing things, providing service, devising solutions, supply opportunity and help teach others. Follow your…

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From Survive to Thrive

What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that are woven into the fabric of everyday life—or choose empowerment. Breathe deeply, dance wildly, sing to the sparrows or indulge in hilarious laughter. Take brief respites from your endless list of tasks and drop into stillness. The spacious silence is a profound place to reawaken your intuition, creativity and life force. Instead of reacting from a jumble of emotions, develop inner calmness and shift from survive to thrive! Even in the…

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This Perfect Day

Dear Readers, I know this Today's Brilliance is a bit different, but I received this message early this morning with the instruction to write it down... This the perfect day I give you. Accept it. Use it. Express My Love through it. Rejoice in your talents through it. Rest in My certainty through it. I give this day to you freely, lovingly, fully. Use it for My glory and your joy. Feel the joy. Feel the rightness. Feel the fullness. Know you are doing all the right things this day through Me. If you are not sure, step away and ask.…

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Open Your Eyes to Love

What I have experienced in my life has shown me that love is real, and that we are here on Earth to experience love in action through living our Vision of life. I am not referring to love as in the Cinderella story which requires one person to complete another. Rather I now have a clear awareness that love is a vibrational energy that transcends our lives from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Love starts with self. Learning to overcome one's own self-blame, shame and guilt is the starting point to self-love. When I release negative thoughts and past regrets,…

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Getting to The Source with Meditation and Mindfulness

The truth that I would like to share with fellow beings is that there is a source of wisdom, joy and peace that anyone can draw upon. That source has nothing to do with the desires of the physical body, or the self-centeredness of the egoic mind. Yet it is to be found within each of us, accessible by simple means and eager to sustain and nourish the part of us that aspires to a loving, compassionate connection with humankind. Source has many names in different spiritual traditions. Some call it spirit, love or the higher self. Its name is…

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How to Embrace Your Soul

We are inherently spiritual in nature and all connected at higher levels of consciousness. As spiritual beings, we operate on multiple levels of higher consciousness simultaneously, but our physical senses create the illusions of individuality and of only the physical universe existing. Because we are connected spiritually, in your interactions with others always keep in mind that superficial differences like skin color, race, religion and nationality are insignificant. When you acknowledge your deeper spiritual connections with others, your compassion and love for others and yourself will deepen. The reason we are connected to others spiritually is because consciousness is imbued…

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The Art of Living

Life is nothing but living with nature in a natural and divine harmony. If we know to how to transform our life in such a way that we live in harmony with nature, we can enjoy a wonderful and amazing life. It can help us not only improve our quality of life, but also the lives of all other fellow beings we come in contact with, because our positive mindset emits positive energy. Living in harmony with life itself makes you energetic, enthusiastic and bubbling with joy. Accidentally, you learn how to love yourself, and if you love yourself, you…

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Go Make Pies

All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory. What I have learned is that we are all infinite beings with infinite power, abilities and access to infinite amounts of love. Look at nature and see how abundant it is, with plants, trees, birds, flies, animals abound. The same amount of abundance is available to each and every one of us. We are all infinite beings, we are equal, not better than, not worse than, but we all still have a unique essence (flavor). As an individual, you matter. You add something to the mix called life that…

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Love is the Only Answer

If I only had one word to describe and answer the questions I have posed to myself since I have been a little girl, the word would be Love. I would wish people were able to reach out to one another, to share, to cooperate, and to serve, realizing there is nothing to lose by being open-hearted, generous and fearless. There are only two emotions - love and fear - that determine our success and our joy in life. If one chooses love, there can be no fear because that person is willing to risk being different, unique, and to…

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The Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned From Dogs

Everything I've learned so far I've learned from dogs! I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded, and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are very fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous amount of fun just frolicking on the beach. Going home without having caught a bird doesn't for one moment diminish their love of life. When we realize that just being alive is the gift that keeps on giving, we may pursue our own…

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