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Attract Love In 21 Days

Looking for love? With our DailyOm course, Attract Love In 21 Days, it's not only possible, but probable! Five years ago founder Gail Lynne Goodwin met her husband online, using a very logical process that she's now sharing with others. Gail and her husband fell in love, he moved in three weeks later, and they married on the anniversary of their first date. It's been over five years and they are still blissfully in love. Using Gail's proven formula, you can Attract Love In 21 Days in your life too--at the price that works for you!

Enroll now!

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Manifest Your Soulmate

Arielle Ford’s Manifest Your Soulmate course details the PROVEN process to manifesting the man or woman of your dreams and provides the prayers, rituals, projects and exercises to do today. Manifestation involves preparing yourself on all levels, including healing the emotional wounds of the past, clearly manifesting your beloved. In this course, you'll receive:

  • Text and video guiding you through the steps of manifesting your soulmate, including how to release past lovers who still have their energetic hooks in you and how to prepare your mind, body, spirit & home.
  • Audio guided meditations, to assist you in releasing the past while creating a powerful and romantic future.
  • Interviews with soulmate couples who share their personal stories of how they manifested each other and how they keep romance alive.
  • The Soulmate IQ Test to determine if you are ready to manifest your soulmate

Click here to enroll in Manifest Your Soulmate!

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The Gift of Our Existence

Words spoken and unspoken millions of times Actions taken countless times throughout the day Trying at each moment to explain 'Love' As if 'Love' is a concept that can stand on its own The tendency to take concepts that are the embodiment of our soul and our being and trying to explain them as if we can remove ourself from that which by its definition is from within. This is a flaw of Western Logic. The most extraordinary pursuit we as human beings may endeavor during our lives, is to become whole, that is to fully prepare for our spiritual…

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Attracting A Great Relationship

When you're looking for something deep and long-lasting, the clearer you are, the better your chances for attracting someone great. Max Highstein's course Attracting A Great Relationship will not only help you get clear, but also help you purge the four "Relationship Killers" responsible for virtually every bad relationship on the planet. These unconscious negative ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving can lead us to attract bad relationships over and over again. We think we're sending out a clear, positive message, but what we're actually putting out to the world is entirely different. Erasing those destructive patterns paves the way for positive, healthy relationships that can stand the test of time. This five-week course will first teach you about the negative patterns that attract bad relationships through video and audio lectures. Then, in guided meditation programs, you'll go deep within and knock out that old programming. You'll even benefit more each time you listen to these relaxing and easy-to-follow programs. With this groundwork, you'll be ready for a great relationship and to attract your ideal mate soon.

Register now!

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Your Mission: Love Fully!

We live in the most technologically advanced times in our history, we can send people to the moon, invent iPhones, yet our world seems to be in a state of chaos. These are indeed intense times: war, terrorism, uncertainty, as well as technological advancements, and material wealth. Yet we are also plagued with great "soul poverty" and a famine of inner fulfillment. Often losing sight of what is real, and truly important. My message is simple: LOVE NOW! Growing up on 4 different continents, and seeing the reality that people from diverse walks of life live daily has deeply touched…

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Struggling with Stress? It’s Time to Remember Who You Are

During stage three breast cancer treatment I was graced with two out of body experiences. I walked away with two reflections: one, how well did I love God, myself and those people around me? Two, how did I connect on a daily basis with my God-given talents and abilities and use them to inspire and bless those people around me? Align yourself with what you value most in this life. Did you forget what you value most in this life? Tune into what moves you to linger in a moment. Don't miss the opportunity for expansion and growth in the…

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The Wisdom of 7 Decades

I'd share the deepest things I have learned in these seven decades. I would tell you that saying "I made a mistake" feels really awful, yet calling it a "learning experience" feels uplifting and growth-producing. I would suggest that "doing work" feels like drudgery, but "having a project" fires up enthusiasm. I would remind you to take control of your thinking, because if you "think" right, you will "do" right, and if you "do" right, you will "feel" right. And "feeling" right, or good about yourself, feels a lot better than feeling bad about yourself. Remember, you always have a…

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We are Souls on a Human Journey 

If there were one important - or invaluable - message I could share with the world, it would be that we are souls on a human journey.  Our physical bodies, material possessions and thoughts rooted in fear all boast impermanence and superficiality. This human experience is merely a playground for our souls. A classroom, if you will. Life on earth is a chance to physically express ourselves, to grow our divinity amidst a variety of challenges. We are love. Our roots, our core, our very being is love and light energy. We are intertwined, interconnected to everyone and everything. Such…

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Choose Sacred, Not Scared

Right now is a life and death battle between sacred and scared. The scale swings sometimes wildly. Fear is what comes and scares us. They came to you at some time in the past when you needed that protective warning and now they have overstayed their welcome and you haven't booted them out. The love/fear scale is to test our awareness. More love, less fear; more fear, less love. Love is the great dispeller of fear. Love is the great bringer of sacred. Have you noticed that when you go take care of someone else, when you listen to someone…

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