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A Simple Guide to an Honest Heart

The more we give to others the happier we become. It can be as simple as a smile, a helping hand, a listening ear or a prayer. These little things can change a person's entire life. There is always good even in what seems like the worst situation. That might not change the way you feel, but it will eventually be understood. You can find comfort in the fact that one day, that moment will be the reason you are where you are. A messy house doesn’t mean you’re a failure- it means that you’re enjoying your family and living…

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We Are All One

In the end the question becomes ‘where to begin?’ Do you remember your beginning? The innocence that heated every breath? Don’t be afraid to go back to that in some small way. Let yourself be open. Open your heart to the fact that we are all one. We, and everything, are all connected beyond the scope and understanding of the brain. Trust your heart to lead your life. It is more capable than you know. Your head analyzes the sensible route. A road paved by fear, for it is only logical to take the path of least resistance and avoid unnecessary risk.…

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Loving-Kindness as a Path to Inner Peace

Many of us spend much of our lives searching for happiness and peace of mind. However, some never find them, and the reason is that they’re looking in all the wrong places. They think they’ll be happy once they acquire a certain amount of material wealth and possessions. While these things can bring us temporary pleasure, they don’t bring us real happiness, or peace of mind. If we want to be happy and at peace, then we need to look somewhere else. A wise prophet once told us many years ago that whatever we sow, so shall we reap. Those…

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The Biggest Life Lesson of All- Love

Love is worth it. It's been said a million times over for good reason. The immense gravity of love and connection is the biggest life lesson of all. It doesn't need to look how anyone else says it should. It doesn't have to check all the boxes that your family, your therapist, your friends, or society have laid out for you. What matters is that the love in your life touches your heart and resonates in your soul. Lean into it and let yourself be raw - in that rawness you will stretch your boundaries and live more deeply than…

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Unleash Your Champion Within

When you wake up in the morning, express gratitude for another day. You came into this world with unlimited potential; don’t waste it on pursuits that fail to fill your mind, satisfy your heart and increase your character. Don’t base your value upon the flawed perspective of others. Your worth is divine, it is pure and you do not need approval to throw off the shackles of expectation and fly free from fear, insecurity and doubt. Listen to your heart; our noisy, busy society is far too loud and if we are not careful we can lose our ability to…

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How To Create Inner Peace

World peace begins with inner peace. Your greatest impact on others and the world will only come when you have looked deeply inside and made peace with what you find there. But what if what you find makes you squirm? What if you hate what you find? The answer is love; it is always love. The person you need to love most--who most needs your love--is YOU. Loving and caring for yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s self-full. This means caring for your Self with gentleness and compassion. If you need to forgive yourself or others, do it and the energy of…

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Acceptance and Respect – The Keys to Life

It took me a long time to realize that to accept and respect — yourself and others — is the key to a happy life. In going around the country speaking about bullying, it dawned on me that the answer to bullying and many of society’s other ills really come down those two simple things. Having been bullied myself, I didn’t have enough self-respect to counter the taunts of the bullies at my school by walking away feeling good about myself in spite of their insults. And I didn’t accept myself to be okay enough with who I was to…

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Live the Enlightened Life

Love more, think less. The only law is love. Do not ask for love; give it. Love is strengthened when we love those who are difficult to love. Perfection is not in the future; it is now. Imperfection indicates a lack of love. The attainment of this wisdom is experiential. Love is not mental. States of ecstasy, love and bliss immerse you in your true nature. By shifting your identity to spirit, all desires are instantly fulfilled. Your wise and loving spirit has set out upon a great journey in life. In the process the spirit took on a mind,…

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Faith, from “Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date” by Absolute Love Publishing

Finding True Love

Here's what I know for sure: finding true love is possible for any one at any age if you're willing to prepare yourself, on all levels, to become a magnet for love. This wonderful Universe of ours is set up to deliver the people and things we draw to us that our consistent with our personal belief system. If you don't believe you will ever find the ONE, then, guess what? You get to be right... you probably won't. If, however, you learn to believe that the ONE is not only out there but is ALSO LOOKING FOR YOU, then…

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What Makes a Leader

If you are discouraged by all the discord you see in the world, I would like to share the one change that changes everything: changing how we lead. We hold the key to move beyond hope and through transformational change by looking at life differently and making different choices. We frequently use the terms leadership and management interchangeably as if they mean the same thing. They don't. We lead people and manage things, such as work and the everyday tasks of our lives. Leading is about our humanness, our relationships and our interactions with each other. Leaders are those who choose to make the…

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Love, Trust and Forgiveness

Whether our last day on Earth or the day of our birth, love, trust and forgiveness are the essentials of life. I know that I need these three nurturing ingredients, and I know you need them too. I have found that living within a family is a magnificent gift and a loving commitment. To make the family work, each member offers the gift of being physically, emotionally and spiritually available to the other family members. As insurance, we grow a connection between us so deep and strong that love, trust and forgiveness reach across time and distance to mutually nurture…

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Commit To Get

We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain”. Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter.…

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Radical Generosity

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” – The Dalai Lama I’ve always thought of myself as a kind person. But in my fourth decade of life, I learned what true kindness is. A brain surgeon had just asked me if I would give my daughter’s vital organs to strangers. Maya, 19, had been declared brain dead and doctors had signed her death certificate. They were preparing to remove the machines keeping her heart pumping and her lungs breathing. I was frozen with grief, paralyzed by anguish I thought I would never outlive. But I heard myself say…

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