I would share the things I know to be true.
- Any ‘negative’ circumstances of your birth are just the backdrop setting the stage for the inspirational ending to your life story.
- No matter how wonderful your upbringing, you must continually seek wisdom to master all of the lessons necessary to lead a victorious life.
- You owe your parents for the gift of life, but what you make of it is entirely up to you.
- We are all more alike than we are different; look for commonality to touch the hearts of others.
- We must cultivate the wisdom and the discipline to use adversity to develop our inner strength.
- Suffering and death are the great equalizers; no matter one’s status none of us can escape either of them.
- The only worthwhile comparison one should engage in, is who I am today versus whom I am determined to become tomorrow.
- It takes great strength to be vulnerable.
- There is only one path to confidence and it is lined with roadblocks you must break through.
- Guilt and blame enslave; responsibility liberates.
- When you are loving you are never losing. If you don’t believe me, just observe someone who doesn’t know how.
- Grudge doesn’t discriminate – it blocks hurt as well as joy.
- You can exchange self-limiting beliefs just like anything else for something that fits you better.
- You can extract good fortune from misfortune if you do not let grief consume your ability to be objective.
- Ignorance is a plague killing more people than disease or natural disasters.
- There are Universal Laws that anyone can learn and follow to become a master of life.
- One should never confuse friendship with enabling.
- Cynicism is an inappropriate response to life.
- We suffer when we do not understand how life works; living consciously in rhythm with all that is life-affirming starts the journey of healing.
- Feeding our spiritual body is every bit as necessary as feeding our physical bodies in order to feel complete.
- Pursuing romantic love should not be our goal but rather the goal should be those the qualities necessary to attract and maintain enduring love.
- Stress is a sure-fire indicator of a need to deepen one’s faith.
- There is junk food for the spirit as well as the body; we should limit our intake of both in order to be healthy and happy.
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