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Making Choices with Love

I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven't done. Not so much "mistakes" made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these. I've learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I've learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with…

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Opening Your Doorways of Possibility

Our greatest untapped resource in living a wonderful life is the unlimited possibility created through connection – within our body, brain and being AND between other brains and minds. There is so much to know about how to build and grow connections within ourselves and with others. The best way to achieve this is to have a guide – an experienced coach and mentor. And so, Richard Hill has created Your Amazing Brain 3.0 to deliver an ongoing program of insight, curiosity and straightforward practical ways to build the connections that can do amazing things for your life. Simply watch our free videos to see and feel Richard’s enthusiasm, warmth and extensive knowledge. Let him guide you towards your most inspiring self – a person of possibility!

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Finding the Opportunity in a Stroke

I had a stroke in June 2011 and went through a complete transformation of self, learning so much from facing such a life-altering experience that almost killed me. The biggest questions in my mind became "What's really important in life?" and "How do I create a new life for myself?" We are presented with opportunities from one minute to the next throughout our lives, good and bad. When the opportunity comes in the form of a life-altering experience such as mine, our choices of how to handle it will either propel us forward on a journey of inner peace or…

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How to Take Advantage of Your Opportunity

The thrill of soaring comes with the fear of falling. Despite that, we should all aspire in life to dream big. There is so much opportunity just waiting for you - if you are willing to be consistent and persistent, there is no doubt you can achieve your dreams. It helps to discover who you truly are and live in a way that is authentic to yourself. You must do what you can to discover your truth... to achieve a deep connection with yourself and then with other people. Think about who you are now. If you are seeing habits,…

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5 Principles of Balanced Success

After having several successful careers, a marriage of fifty-one years, four children, and eight grandchildren, people ask how I’ve done it all. With hindsight, I see that I’ve always had these five guiding principles in the back of my mind. 1. When opportunity knocks, answer. Take every opportunity that comes your way, even if you don't have a clue how to do the task. You'll either figure out how to do it, or you'll fail and pick yourself up and move on. Either way you will have learned something. Remember, you don't learn to play tennis without hitting the ball…

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