- Every second is a second chance to see beautiful.
- You don’t know what you are capable of until you put yourself in a position to do something you have never done before.
5 Principles of Balanced Success
After having several successful careers, a marriage of fifty-one years, four children, and eight grandchildren, people ask how I’ve done it all. With hindsight, I see that I’ve always had these five guiding principles in the back of my mind. 1. When opportunity knocks, answer. Take every opportunity that comes your way, even if you don't have a clue how to do the task. You'll either figure out how to do it, or you'll fail and pick yourself up and move on. Either way you will have learned something. Remember, you don't learn to play tennis without hitting the ball…
- In a colossal, expanding universe, we’ve all been given that rarest of opportunities, the chance to experience life.
- Seek opportunities and experiences that invigorate you, those that are challenging, and that demand you show up as your very best self.
- Life is a window of opportunity and appreciating each day, whatever it may bring, is the key to fulfilment.
- When failure is not an option, any walls you hit are a mere challenge that needs a solution. And when you keep looking, there is always, always a solution.
Discovering How Beautiful Life Can Be
What inspires me is knowing anything is possible and that I am always being blessed with opportunities for growth, awareness and transformation. It is when we have an attitude of gratitude that we see the most beautiful vision of what life can really look like. You can make today and everyday the best day of your life by just beginning to think thoughts that are positive and empowering. Our natural state is one of excellence. We all have a calling in our hearts that is unique and special to who we are. The gift we bring to the planet has…
What Ties Possibility and Expression
You are the connection between possibility and expression. You are the miracle, the means through which thoughts and intentions are transformed into things and experiences. By your living of it you make life happen. With your love you make life beautiful. In your every urge is great power. For you can act and achieve and fulfill, and give meaning to every moment. Give generously of yourself, never holding back, never being afraid that you're not good enough. Within you is goodness itself, along with the desire to express and to spread that goodness in your own special way. Listen to…
Want to Make A Difference? Find Your Passion
Do you use your talents, knowledge and passion to inspire and help others? Begin with gratitude. Reinvent yourself. Everyone can find their passion and do what they want to do. Whether it's helping someone, inspiring people or making a difference in the lives of others, you can do it. Be grateful for what you have. Not for the material things, but the lessons learned in life, the adversity that made you grow stronger, and the continual falls that brought you to the road of success. I always dreamt of how I could make a difference but didn't quite get it…
9 Wisdom Keys for Creating Possibility
Growing up, I always asked why people do the things they do, to learn their mindset. Your mindset creates your moods, attitudes and habits. I developed the following nine wisdom keys for feeding your mindset with possibilities & positiveness. 1. If you reveal who you truly are, you will attract the people who will most complement your life. Life is short and unpredictable. Don't waste another minute on the people, places and things that don’t make you happy. You are the one thing you cannot run away from, no matter what your passion, vision or inner talent is. Don’t worry about what…
- “Your passion, enthusiasm, excitement, drive and vision will open new doors for you. Don’t wait to be discovered by someone: make your own opportunities.”
Insights from a Baby Boomer
As a female baby boomer, I am proud that my generation of women has made many forward strides with women’s rights and workplace equity, but there’s still so much that needs to be done. Gen Y Women – your combination of a clean slate, fresh insight on technology, and family values has the potential to change the world. It’s up to your generation now! To help you with this, I’m giving you a gift of the wisdom I’ve learned. Take Charge of Your Life Today. Do you really know what you value, what your important roles are, and what YOUR PASSION…
- Someone once told me that our life experiences teach us how to behave. But I believe our life experiences give us the opportunity to strengthen our true character.
- Mistakes are opportunities for inspiration.
Today’s Brilliance from Asara Lovejoy
Did you know that curiosity creates opportunity and solutions? It is true that when you are curious, you cannot be afraid or negative. You literally disengage from limited thinking by engaging a curious mind. Ask yourself - how curious am I? When faced with a conflict, or problem, financial, emotional, or health - do you get curious or do you react with fear? When you replace concerns and fears with curiosity, something physical happens in your brain - you re-engage your open potential where there is a solution to every problem and condition. You have a magnificent brain with different…
Americans Hate Their Jobs? Shocking!
I recently came across a headline that read “Americans Hate Their Jobs.” And at one time, I was one of them. And because of that, every time I give a talk on the importance of purpose in our life and work, I always talk about engagement, or better yet, the lack of engagement in the workplace today. Did you know that approximately 70% of employees are disengaged in their jobs? Nearly 20% poison the workplace. And this results in $550 billion annually in lost productivity. In other words, employers would be better off paying these people to stay home. The…
Issues? Never Let It Take You Down!
I truly believe that everyone has some disability and shouldn't let it get in the way of their dreams. There are disabilities that are visible and others that aren't. Because of my dystonia, I have trouble using my arms to do certain things. I can't carry some things, write or do certain sports. Sometimes I get embarrassed in school when I drop something or my arms twitch uncontrollably. My friend, Max, made me feel so much better one day when he said to me that at least I wasn't short. He said that being short isn't something you can hide…
Try Shoes On For Size (and Comfort!)
It is so true that until you walk a mile in someone's shoes, you have no idea what it's like. You can hypothesize and surmise, but you really have no idea. Even when that "someone" is you. It's easy to say what you "would" or "wouldn't" do in a situation prior to living it. But the truth is, you haven't a clue. Until we are faced with a situation, there isn't a way to fully understand how it feels for all the senses and all the emotions that arise. We often surprise ourselves with our reactions to occurrences in our lives…
New Year’s Eve, Drop All That No Longer Serves Behind You
Before midnight on New Year's Eve, take some time to reflect upon on your past. This past year and as far as you can remember. Refrain from going into story about the past or reliving old memories, just reflect. And everything that you don’t want to drag into 2014 with you, drop it. Drop it like the ball that falls in Times Square each year. Drop it like a hot potato and let it go once and for all. Leave the past in the past so that you can move into 2014 with clear unencumbered focus. Between Christmas and New Year's Eve…
Top 10 Things I’ve Learned from Bejeweled
Recently, I learned yet another lesson from a game called Bejeweled 2. I blogged about this game some time ago, but find I'm compelled to write about it again. For me, this game is a form of meditation as it requires great focus. I play it in my spare time, like when I'm waiting at the dentist's office or at the airport. Some days that may be 15-20 minutes and sometimes life gets too busy and I won't play for days. However, I always come away from the experience with a lesson. So, I decided to share my Top 10 Things…