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Making the Most of the Hand You’re Dealt

Life has a way of dealing each of us a deck of cards that ranges in numbers and colors. Each and every day we wake up and pull a card and the day has been defined. There are good days and great days and sad days and unhappy days; however there is one thing that is is guaranteed – you have the freedom to accept what you are dealt or you can fold. Over the course of a little more than four years, I had no idea what cards I would be dealt or that I would desperately need to find…

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Accept the Real You

Strive to be all you, all the time. Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. Are you so busy wearing masks that you've lost touch with your authentic core? Don't judge the real YOU. Just OWN it, love it, express it, BE it. Change can be scary as hell, but it can also be transforming. Go with the flow of the Universe and be willing to allow change into your life, even when it feels uncomfortable. How would you live if you took fear out of the equation? Are the fears you…

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Love Yourself, Love Your Life

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly. When you love yourself—unconditionally—your mindset shifts to the energy of love and abundance. It enables you to have more peace, confidence, and happiness which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and, you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life. To have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are much more than your physical self. You are a magnificent spiritual being within. Your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, love, and light! You are of infinite worth.…

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Making Choices with Love

I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven't done. Not so much "mistakes" made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these. I've learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I've learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with…

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Allow Today to Unfold as it Should

Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be. You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You meditate when you rise. You do your yoga stretches. You envision the graceful unfolding of your day, a day in which you experience joy and are of service to the world. These are all terrific habits. Sometimes, however, the universe has other things in store. Better yet, sometimes what the universe has planned for us is better than anything we have envisioned for ourselves. Even if what unfolds does not…

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Love is the Only Answer

If I only had one word to describe and answer the questions I have posed to myself since I have been a little girl, the word would be Love. I would wish people were able to reach out to one another, to share, to cooperate, and to serve, realizing there is nothing to lose by being open-hearted, generous and fearless. There are only two emotions - love and fear - that determine our success and our joy in life. If one chooses love, there can be no fear because that person is willing to risk being different, unique, and to…

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As Simple As ‘Be Happy!’

BE HAPPY! (Easier said than done right?!) When we are truly happy in the moment of life, we feel full, complete, whole and satisfied. Time stands still. Clarity is in our hearts. We LOVE life, others and ourselves. We feel good and authentic inside. And when we feel good, we do "good" in this world. We share our overflowing happiness with others, which then recycles right back to us. Our happiness is a gift to the world. So if it is that simple - BE HAPPY - why do we make it so elusive, difficult and complex to achieve? Because…

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You Have Everything You Need in This Moment

In this lifetime we can waste precious time and energy living for an external result, acquiring other's approval and needing things outside of ourselves for happiness. It doesn’t take long for us to realize that achieving goal after goal will not automatically create the happiness we crave so deeply. And when we live for something in the future, whether it’s a thinner body, the perfect mate or enough money in the bank to buy an island, we rob ourselves of the perfection of this present moment. We will find ourselves chasing a false dream, believing that when we have the…

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A Caring Future Is In Your Hands

It is hard to put a lifetime of experience into so few words. There are so many angles to look at it from and most lessons come from the past. I want to look at what lessons could come from the future, a future we can all aspire to today. There is a future reality where all ages of life are valued. A baby is never ill-treated by uncaring adults. A young child is never bullied or insulted by his friends. A teenager doesn't consider taking their life because there is no hope for a job or career. No child…

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Love is Contagious!

Be gentle with others and yourself. Cherish the ones you love the most and never use anyone just to vent. Connect from heart to heart, from Soul to Soul and experience who you really are. Smile to strangers. Look into the eyes of others with your heart wide open. When you hug, do it with your whole Being. Look with loving eyes. Talk to people instead of about them. Be positive or be silent. Be generous with compliments and scant on criticism. Be honest, yet choose your words carefully and with compassion. Speak your own truth and allow others to…

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Know the Beauty Within You

I rarely feel a desire to teach other people how to live or love. Why is this? I experience each person I meet as already "being Love"; as already being intelligent, whole, and with the ability to discover for themselves who they are and what life means to them. I find it more meaningful to simply love others, to listen without judgment and to infuse them with so much joy, laughter, tears and passion that we both are left hungering for Life. When we hunger enough, we find our own way. I believe we are all born fully knowing. It…

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Aiming for Perfection? Just Live!

Recently I offered several workshops focusing on self-compassion. I began each one by saying, “This weekend is a project in non-self-improvement.” This statement was often followed by laughter and then a slow realization that gradually revealed a premise that nearly every one of us carries: We must always be improving, forever trying to make ourselves better, thinner, more spiritual; in a word, perfect. For many of us, it is our primary motivating concern. Hidden under this pressure is a belief that says, “Unless I improve, make myself better, bordering on perfect, I will continue to live outside the circle of…

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Celebrate YOU!

Along the journey in my life, I have accepted the affirmation that I AM the gift in my life. I never could have imagined considering this belief prior to my transformational path of self-awareness to accept that I AM the gift. It was when I denied the gift of a friend's compliment that prompted an immediate life changing transformation. My friend was disappointed when I didn't accept her compliment that I am a gift in life, which was her gift to me. Imagine if I told you that you truly are the gift in your life. Would you accept it…

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Embracing Our Global Family

Anyone who has faced the prospects of leaving one's words for posterity for real instead of a theoretical exercise and survives is blessed beyond words. Sharing the following words becomes a privilege and yes, even a responsibility. There is nothing more certain in my mind than we are all members of the family of Man. Over the years it has become commonplace for leaders all over the globe to obscure the light represented by acknowledging that our family, while at times dysfunctional should be guided by love and never hate. The legacy I would like to survive me is that…

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How to Make Sure Your Glass is Always Full

Money does not make you rich, character does. There are lots of wealthy people who are absolutely impoverished in character. You cannot buy a reputation for being a person of good character. It is earned by being a respectful, kind and responsible. You are truly wealthy when you accept the greatest legacy you will ever leave is choosing how well you live. Be genuinely grateful for what you have in life and tearing up the list of what you do not have will be gratifying. Attitude is everything. Have an attitude of lack, and life will be a never-ending search…

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