Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be.
You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You meditate when you rise. You do your yoga stretches. You envision the graceful unfolding of your day, a day in which you experience joy and are of service to the world.
These are all terrific habits.
Sometimes, however, the universe has other things in store. Better yet, sometimes what the universe has planned for us is better than anything we have envisioned for ourselves. Even if what unfolds does not look that way upon first glance.
Here’s a story my friend Charlene relayed to me.
I was at the airport, and my flight home was canceled. This was a major nuisance. The airline put us up in a hotel, and I had to cancel three business appointments I had the following day. The next morning, as I sat down for breakfast in the hotel restaurant, I noticed a woman sitting at the table next to me. She was another passenger from the canceled flight. Well, we got into a conversation. This woman turned out to be a deeply spiritual person, and we had the most amazing connection. We have twice since gotten together for dinner with our spouses. Each get-together has been richly meaningful to me.
The universe in action. So here is my invitation to you.
Just for today, let go of any notion of how this day should unfold. Just for today, do not visualize your ideal day. Just for today, let go of any attachment you may have to desired outcomes. Honor your commitments. And simply show up and notice.
Yes, it is helpful to support the universe with intentional effort. But just for today, be fully open to what is. Be open and wholeheartedly accept.
Today may not turn out to be a day full of spine-tingling experiences. Today may bear unexpected challenges. You may not hear the angels sing. It may not be the day that changes your life.
Today just is.
Within the just is, the universe seeks to shower us with gifts. It always does, every single day. The gifts may not come in the form we desire, but they come.
Be open and notice:
– The smile of a stranger on the bus.
– The fleeting hallway conversation with your colleague from the second floor.
– The unexpected phone call from your college roommate.
– The text message from your mom.
– The pat on the shoulder from your boss.
– The good-night kiss from your spouse.
Simple moments. Ordinary ones. No drumrolls, no fanfare. These moments may not be part of your vision for this day. They simply are.
This is the true beauty of an acceptance mindset: Just for today, there is nothing you need to do to make this a better day. Simply show up. Show up and notice, and you will be in perfect synchronicity with what the universe has in mind for you. Whew. What a relief.
Because you show up with an acceptance mindset, you will more richly savor everything that is right in front of you. Even if what unfolds does not meet your standard for a great day.
Yes, what a relief!
Step into what is. Notice the gifts of the ordinary
The universe will do the rest.
This is so true…and quite often it is not for us, it is for someone else….our smile to a stranger, our text, our words of support, the arm we squeeze. Sometimes we don’t see or realize ‘why’ , whether it was for us or for someone else, When that happens, I just accept that the universe had a reason
What we notice is what we’re supposed to notice. You’re so right, Julie – the universe knows!
Nicely state Achim. Many times we put a ‘pressure’ or expectations on what ought to happen. That is our ego talking. We can plan certain things but need to be aware of what else is going on. I’m a big believer in ‘the little things’. They are the substance of life.
Absolutely! Recently, my flight was accidently, cancelled and rebooked the next day at a far away airport. I went with the flow and my experience was better. I got to spend more time with my family, was able to revise my flight and was upgraded to first class seats with my little one.
A great inspiration as I embark on some world travel. Thank you.
Thank you for this thoughtful and spot-on post! Just what I needed at this moment, and I was being open to whatever was being sent! Cheers!
How often do we imagine we are in control of life? the disappointments and frustration this thinking causes ruins our day. We have real power to chose our inner peace. Being in the flow gifts us with opportunities if we just allow them in. Lovely reminder -thank you.
Hi Achim. I just loved this. I have a sick pet and the whole day was upside down. Everything I had planned didn’t work out. I needed to let go, otherwise I would have just stretched myself too far.So, I sat outside and kept my little darling company. I tried not to be afraid. I just sat there; watched the trees, the sunlight through the leaves. I had no
other choice but to surrender. It’s funny how in doing so, what I needed to do got done a lot more effortlessly. Thank you for your wonderful article.
After reading that I am refreshed and motivated to accept on a deeper level….
“what is.” Perfect, Achim. And thank you.