We are called to love – it is our home.
From Absolute Love Publishing Creator Caroline A. Shearer in Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love
From Absolute Love Publishing Creator Caroline A. Shearer in Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love
- When you trust in this and every moment, you will find yourself being in a constant state of grace that will lead to an abiding sense of peace in your Life.
- The purpose of today is to create great memories for tomorrow, for ourselves and for others. Everyday spent doing that doubles the value of our lives.
The most fundamental confusion we have is between clouds and skies. When we strive to obtain a specific object or circumstance, we are seeking after a cloud. Even if we find it, it will hold only for a moment – and then it tumbles and evolves, changing endlessly. That is the nature of clouds. When we strive to arrange all the elements of our lives to match our vision of happiness, we are seeking to find a tableau of clouds all put together just right. Finding such a painting is even more difficult than seeking after a single cloud, and…
When I was born doctors quickly realized something was wrong. I started to turn blue. It was my heart. Doctors told my parents that if I was going to survive, I needed open-heart surgery and quickly. I was put on a helicopter and flown away for open-heart surgery. The surgery was incredibly risky but it was successful. After a lengthy recovery, my parents took their new son home. There were more surgeries and hospital visits, but it was 22 years before I faced the biggest challenge of my life. It was 2002 when my condition grew worse. Suddenly I couldn't…
- Live at least 5 minutes of every day as if it were your last.
- Live fully like it is your last day. Love freely like it is your first day. Laugh fiercely like a child. And let life flow.
- Make today someday.
The ultimate secret to balance, connection, and peace of mind is also the most important key to building trust instantly with everyone you touch. The secret centers around the simple, yet immeasurably profound principle of being fully present. Perhaps the most powerful way to understand this principle of being present is to look clearly at what it is not. Several years ago when I was the vice-president of a large training company, I became painfully aware of what it means to not be present. I had fallen into the habit of reaching the office by 5:00 a.m. and not returning…
I would share these ten tips. 1. Being broke is not the same as being broken, losing money is not the same as being lost, and finding your balance is not something you can do on a balance sheet. 2. Don't confuse having less with being less, having more with being more, or what you have with who you are. 3. Slow down. What you're chasing may be trying to catch you. 4. Prayer is a path where there is none. 5. Put your faith and not your fears in charge. 6. God only gave you two arms. If you're…
"So many silly wasted years trying to find happiness in all the wrong places". That's what I tell myself these days. Advice to the young woman I once was (if I were to listen!) would be: "Stop trying to find happiness in sensory pleasures like eating out, smoking, drinking, loud music, fine clothes and jewellery, the newest car, expensive holidays and thinking only of yourself all the time, because I know now that none of these things bring you lasting happiness." Phew! All that pressure to conform and trying to make other people like me! It was so exhausting! What a…
At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of you, you always have a choice. Your choice is how you respond to the world around you, and how you navigate the world inside you. It's how you choose to translate what happens and what everything means. As simple as it may sound, or perhaps as difficult as this may be to hear, you and you alone have full control over the quality of your experience here in the physical…
Here are five things to believe in for a bountiful life in the human community; five life habits that if considered daily, you can’t help enrich your existence. One: Truly listen. Look in the eyes of others and be in the moment. Wait to speak. Take in the words they offer and savor them before reacting. You might call this “the patience of thought.” You cannot honestly connect with another living thing if you are only considering your own response. Understand your fellow human and you will understand yourself. Two: Be kind. Consider your fellow human being’s experience, background, personal,…
What if we have had it all wrong? What if you are not on a journey and have never been? What if there is no end destination? What if one tiny shift in perception and attitude could lead to full radiance, illumination and brilliance? Here it is... You are not on a journey... YOU ARE THE JOURNEY. Have you bought into an idea that you are here to reach something, set goals, live out an agenda and attain status? Do you create intentions and repeat affirmations? Are you running forward, trying to escape the things that are behind you, aspiring…
Take your time; there is no other time. Even when everything seems to accelerate beyond control - especially then - take your time. Time does not exist as an objective thing; it depends completely on your perception and your connection with yourself. If you are present, in touch with how you experience reality and open to what you are experiencing, then you are the master of time, not its slave. How do we do that? The method is simple: it has a few basic steps that require no particular skills, talents or techniques. It is called "practicing presence". I imagine…
We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are, right where we are. Suddenly, we are living in intense present-moment awareness. Life can be difficult, but the light of consciousness can be in us! Everything we need is here inside. With a receptive attention, we can perceive the subtle energy animating us. A sacred energy is coming into us at every instant, just hidden from our usual mind. Recognizing its touch takes us from self-awareness across the threshold into…