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You Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of you, you always have a choice. Your choice is how you respond to the world around you, and how you navigate the world inside you. It's how you choose to translate what happens and what everything means. As simple as it may sound, or perhaps as difficult as this may be to hear, you and you alone have full control over the quality of your experience here in the physical…

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5 Daily Habits for a Bountiful Life

Here are five things to believe in for a bountiful life in the human community; five life habits that if considered daily, you can’t help enrich your existence. One: Truly listen. Look in the eyes of others and be in the moment. Wait to speak. Take in the words they offer and savor them before reacting. You might call this “the patience of thought.” You cannot honestly connect with another living thing if you are only considering your own response. Understand your fellow human and you will understand yourself. Two: Be kind. Consider your fellow human being’s experience, background, personal,…

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You Are The Journey

What if we have had it all wrong? What if you are not on a journey and have never been? What if there is no end destination? What if one tiny shift in perception and attitude could lead to full radiance, illumination and brilliance? Here it is... You are not on a journey... YOU ARE THE JOURNEY. Have you bought into an idea that you are here to reach something, set goals, live out an agenda and attain status? Do you create intentions and repeat affirmations? Are you running forward, trying to escape the things that are behind you, aspiring…

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Avikal Costantino

3 Steps to Becoming Present

Take your time; there is no other time. Even when everything seems to accelerate beyond control - especially then - take your time. Time does not exist as an objective thing; it depends completely on your perception and your connection with yourself. If you are present, in touch with how you experience reality and open to what you are experiencing, then you are the master of time, not its slave. How do we do that? The method is simple: it has a few basic steps that require no particular skills, talents or techniques. It is called "practicing presence". I imagine…

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Letting Your Inner Sun Out

We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are, right where we are. Suddenly, we are living in intense present-moment awareness. Life can be difficult, but the light of consciousness can be in us! Everything we need is here inside. With a receptive attention, we can perceive the subtle energy animating us. A sacred energy is coming into us at every instant, just hidden from our usual mind. Recognizing its touch takes us from self-awareness across the threshold into…

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From Survive to Thrive

What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that are woven into the fabric of everyday life—or choose empowerment. Breathe deeply, dance wildly, sing to the sparrows or indulge in hilarious laughter. Take brief respites from your endless list of tasks and drop into stillness. The spacious silence is a profound place to reawaken your intuition, creativity and life force. Instead of reacting from a jumble of emotions, develop inner calmness and shift from survive to thrive! Even in the…

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Allow Today to Unfold as it Should

Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be. You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You meditate when you rise. You do your yoga stretches. You envision the graceful unfolding of your day, a day in which you experience joy and are of service to the world. These are all terrific habits. Sometimes, however, the universe has other things in store. Better yet, sometimes what the universe has planned for us is better than anything we have envisioned for ourselves. Even if what unfolds does not…

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Searching for Happiness? Try Living in the Moment

I believe true happiness must come from within. And in order to “make peace” within ourselves, we must try our best to live in the moment, every moment of the day. Mastering the art of living in the moment takes courage. Having awareness of the fact that most of our thoughts are held captive in the past or anxiously awaiting the future is the first step to freedom. How do we live in the moment? By awakening to the present, clearing away our illusions or the “dust in our eyes” that cloud our ability to see what is real. Here…

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How You Can Prepare For Your Destiny

No matter what life scenarios or predicaments you're in, just think of two words... adventure, adventure. We've heard the song, "Que será será, whatever will be, will be." Yet whatever is going to be, doesn't always have to become what is expected. Fate, destiny, karma, miracles, chi (qi), the Force... they're all intangibles in the invisible energies of the world/universe, yet their narratives, stories and conclusions are as visible as the ways they've been written and lived. We can't stop the next day from happening, yet if you're willing to work hard, you can prepare for the days ahead knowing…

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Living Intuitively In the Present Moment

My daughter, Raegan, has taught me much on this intricate journey of ours. She has shown me how to love, believe in God, and detach from my anger, fear, and frustration. Her smile and effervescent spirit is the ideal demonstration of perfection in imperfection—she does not allow her fragile, broken body to dim the brilliant light of her soul. We have learned to embrace our world, taking each day as it comes, thankful and blessed to be together, not allowing fears of the future to interfere with our joy of the present moment. We choose to leave our feelings of…

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Finding Your Blind-Spots

As I turn 50, my intention is to devote the second phase of my life to share my insights learned through my many missteps over the years and the introspection that followed, so that others need not go through the same bumps and falls that I had to endure on their journey to joy, fulfillment and peace. I truly believe that we can create an enlightened society where inner awareness can empower people to thrive in harmony. To generate joy and peace in your life and our world, we need to look at ourselves both as individuals and as a…

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Look for the Best Answers for You, Not the ‘Right’ Ones

When you’re faced with tough decisions, especially major ones, look for what will be best for you, not what the right thing to do is. You may think that the best answer is the same as the right answer, but you’d be wrong. Looking to do what’s right generally involves other people’s assessments or measuring up to norms or standards. Trying to make the right decision often comes from looking at your choices through others’ eyes, not gazing out at you in the world through your own eyes. The best decision won’t come from the most affirmative nods or applause you receive and it…

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You Have Everything You Need in This Moment

In this lifetime we can waste precious time and energy living for an external result, acquiring other's approval and needing things outside of ourselves for happiness. It doesn’t take long for us to realize that achieving goal after goal will not automatically create the happiness we crave so deeply. And when we live for something in the future, whether it’s a thinner body, the perfect mate or enough money in the bank to buy an island, we rob ourselves of the perfection of this present moment. We will find ourselves chasing a false dream, believing that when we have the…

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