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Moments: The Notes in Your Heart’s Song

Like notes in a song, moments lead us into the chorus of our life...the chorus of a song is the part that we all sing along to. The part we all remember! So, each moment is strung together to create a larger time period in our life and these larger time periods become our life... but the moments are the notes that create the song and the song is our life. It is the beautiful moments that create a beautiful life. A life so beautiful others sing along with it and are inspired to find the song of their heart!…

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Making the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to receive the most amazing gifts in return with a more fulfilled and enriched life. You’ll know when this commitment of giving back feels right because you will truly be living and breathing your own legacy... yes, LIVING your legacy... not leaving it behind when you exit the planet. If you have ever been mentored, guided or coached by someone in any way, you understand the feeling of being supported by…

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8 Ways to Live Compassionately In the Present Moment

If this was my last day on earth, my words to all of you would be is to live with an open, wise and compassionate heart. Please do no harm: to yourself and to all beings. Please recognize the sacredness of life and cherish it. You may want to consider being a vegetarian so you don't contribute to hurting animals. Respect the earth and treat her with care. Live simply. Grow a garden. Walk in the woods. Enjoy your friends and be of service to others. The secret of love is that the more you love others the more you…

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Be Yourself and Be Free

If the Truth we all seek, whatever that may be, is to be found at the top of a hill, how can you find the direct route, the clearest path? Know who you are. Live with thought-free awareness. The mind is the source of the suffering blocking your path; only when controlled and quieted can Truth be found. A thought can give you a headache, but does not define who you are. Close the lid, turn off the screens, end the illusion by ceasing to believe in it. Relinquish desire. Demand less; give more. Be content with you as you are.…

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Three Reminders For A Meaningful Life

When one is brought to the brink of death and back, he or she is suddenly exposed to new perspectives and new values. In my battle with cancer, I learned an endless number of lessons. If it was my last day, last hour, or last minute on this planet, I would be overflowing with words to tell the world. Because I would not have the time to tell them everything I would want to share, here are the three most important to me... The Time Is Now So many of us get caught up in the past or become anxious…

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Stand In Your Moment!

Sometimes life doesn't seem to make sense at all, especially when you are surrounded by the darkness of the unknown. Most often, the only sense comes through the healing and growth that you choose to experience. There is a common thread to each painful life challenge. Each experience offers you the opportunity to see the precious gems hidden beneath the pain, to reconnect with God, and to re-awaken to your soul...the true essence of who you are. Life's challenges knock at your door. You cover your ears, so you don't have to hear the persistant knocking, of cancer, of death,…

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5 Ways to Make Every Day Count

My Dad always told me to live each day as if it were my last, and as a child the specter of one's last day always seemed like a remote possibility. But with maturity and experience comes the realization that it's not just about one's last day, but also the lost chances and opportunities in life that should also be seen through a lens of hope and caring. So as you go about your daily chores it's always best to do all you can to make every day count. Be positive and upbeat: We all can find the glass that…

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You Can Have It All!

Life is not an ALL or nothing situation. I've spent a lot of years thinking that it was. Thinking that if I had plenty of time to spend with my family it meant that I couldn't have a successful career. Or that if I had a lot of income coming in that I couldn't or even shouldn't enjoy what I was doing. The either/or scenario seemed to overshadow me. But I've started to notice that the times in my life when I am most happy are when I am in "both" mode. Like when I work efficiently during the day…

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Just Be… A Timeless Treasure

While mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth have been pondering this for thousands of years... the mystery of life was unceremoniously revealed to me one Saturday afternoon.. What began as an ordinary weekend of classes became extraordinary. An unannounced curriculum change opened our class to a special session. Richard, a third year student skilled at shamanic work, had been selected to take us first year students on a shamanic journey. I was hesitant about visiting “invisible worlds” beyond ordinary reality. The thought of venturing to “Lower World” to meet and receive a gift from our power animal was scary. Suddenly…

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All Is Welcome

Some of the most important things to me are… To be authentic. Just be yourself, love yourself, and everyone else will love you. When we love ourselves it spills over and makes it a lot easier to love everyone. We get the feeling there’s only one of us here. To be grateful. Opening our eyes in the morning and being alive on this beautiful planet is already a miracle worthy of dedicating the day to thanks and appreciation. Once we start, there’s no end to the gifts to be grateful for. To be generous and available. Living in gratitude puts awareness on…

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Your No Worries Number

Thousands of years ago, the leaders of the Mayan culture created a deep-time calendar. We can only guess why they thought it so important. Perhaps our distant ancestors believed they could somehow control the future by mapping it. Many speculated whether or not this Mayan calendar pointed to the end of the world, since it appeared to conclude with the date 12/21/12. Why did it end there? The world did not end that day. Is it possible that this symmetric number, once so far into the distant future, represented instead a time after which the calendar's creators saw no need to…

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3 Lessons for Empowering Yourself

I experienced a shattering of my life at the peak of my success, when I was living my dreams to the fullest. As I hit rock bottom, I saw the light and was able to turn negativity into something positive, constructive, meaningful, purposeful and beautiful. My firsthand experiences taught me very valuable lessons that I like to share with others. Power of Forgiveness: Do not hold anger, pain, revenge, resentment and hatred towards others. If you look closely in the mirror of self-reflection, you will realize that by holding negativity you are abusing your mind, body and soul. The best…

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Trust In Your Path

Trust that your path is always perfect... That seems like a simple statement but as we know, simple is not the same as easy. Being a control freak is a well-loved tradition in my family - trying to control events, people and even the future can be exhausting. For me, learning to let go and trust the process of life has been nerve-wracking, nail-biting and ultimately, monumentally freeing. During one prolific struggle, a dear friend looked me in the eye and said, "You have to trust that your path is always perfect. It's the timing we wrestle with." Those words…

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Living Brilliantly From Within

You better get ready to change lives for the better! That's what I live for. This life is not for the passion-less but for the passionate. You can't afford to live like you have nothing to lose. And until you completely live free of what can be lost, you will never soar beyond who you are now. You must be completely willing to lose. Your Destiny gains power with each moment of deep inner belief. This life is what's really at leave nothing for the grave yard because it's not worthy of the dreams you carry within. All that has been poured into me…

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