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Don’t Do, BE

We spend too much time doing and not enough Being. Our lives are structured around activity: work, raising children, hobbies, exercise or sports, studying, entertainment (concerts, restaurants, movies, video games, reading), traveling, having sex, and so on. The list of things we do is practically infinite. Even when we aren't doing much, we're mostly likely thinking about or planning things we want to do in the future. We spend very little time just Being. We don't even know what this means and why it's important, let alone how to do it. When we are Being rather than doing, we have…

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from Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-book™ by Absolute Love Publishing.

Finding the Gift in Life

I'm lucky. I've been given a gift. It's not that I'm a successful teacher and musician for almost 40 years. It's simply the gift of life. A little over two years ago I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and the initial tests indicated a 10% survival rate. I felt as if I had fallen through a hole in the sky. Why me? I couldn't figure out what I had done to cause this awful disease. And then my doctor gave me a gift. She said, "This has nothing to do with what you ate or where you live or…

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Working on Yourself Doesn’t Work – Being Here Does.

The moment we stopped working on ourselves to get "better", our lives instantaneously transformed. This has profoundly impacted everything. What we have learned is not to take ourselves so seriously and to not work so hard to get somewhere. We have been raised in a forward-thinking culture where we have learned that something in the future will produce the sense of well-being or "OKness" that we all strive to achieve. It is this very striving, we've discovered, that produces dissatisfaction. The constant need to achieve what we think is better than what we have in the current moment stresses our…

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The Journey to a Meaningful Life

I am grateful to offer my perspective on the pathway to a meaningful life. I hope that these insights assist you on your journey. I have found these to be the basic principles of a well lived life: Know we are life itself Express life with passionate loving intent Experience the privilege of forgiving others and accept forgiveness graciously Celebrate daily Live life a moment at a time When we understand that we are life itself, it frees us from the unconscious terror of feeling alone. We become aware that we are the very breath that sustains the bodies we inhabit.…

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Make Time for What Matters Now, Not ‘Someday’

“Someday is not on the calendar.” Since 1988, that has become my motto. It was on a cold November night that year when my beautiful 23-year-old sister died four inches from my side in the passenger seat of my car. We were hit head-on by a drunk driver. Death of a loved one, or our own near-death, always offers new perspective on what truly matters… and what is simply irrelevant or insignificant. It is an acute reminder of both life’s fragility and unpredictability and, for me, a “note to self” that while our dreams have no expiry date, our physical…

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Choosing the Path of Least Resistance

Stay naive in the belief that everything is going to be all right. Because if you don't trust that this is true, the Universe won't be able to assist you. Don't take your thoughts too seriously. Learn to laugh about yourself. Choose the path of least resistance, which isn't the lazy or comfortable one, but the one led by your enthusiasm and joy. Understand that happiness can only be experienced now, in the embodiment of the present as it is. Happiness isn’t excitement. It’s not even an emotion. Happiness is a state of no-resistance, of acceptance of what-is. It’s neutrality within, regardless…

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Speak Briefly, with Compassion and Warmth

There is one piece of wisdom that I believe would make this world a better place to live: “Speak briefly, speak warmly, and fill every sentence with kindness, clarity, and optimism.” We're all bad communicators, but don't realize it. The human brain can only absorb about 5-10 words and recall them with any degree of accuracy. That's one sentence, about 10 seconds. But most people talk for an average of three minutes before pausing. That means that the listener can only recall about 1/20th of what you said, and it is often the wrong 10 words! That's why, when I…

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Why Your Life is Unique, Powerful, and Needed

Humanity has always confounded me. We are supposed to be an ever evolving species and yet we make choices to destroy each other, the planet and its resources. However, not all humans are destructive or violent…people to people we usually see our differences and learn. But politics, power, and greed get in the way of love, abundance and freedom. My wish for all who read this is to know that we all have a unique purpose, a one of a kind story to play out while we are alive. We are relationship beings who are more alike than different. My…

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3 Ways to Live Happy and Healthy

When my mother died, I was filled with such pain that I yelled at God and said I wasn’t going on until I understood what was happening. I could not see the sense of loving a mother and then losing her. What a painful joke. That night God’s messenger came to me and explained everything about life. As the years unfolded, I have been gently led to more and more understanding. As I sit here today, I believe there are 3 things that are helping me to live a happier, healthier, prosperous, and meaningful life. I have been learning that…

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Why Giving Attention is So Important

Giving others our full attention is such a simple thing, and yet how often do we do it? Whether the person we are with is dying or living, attention is one of the greatest treasures we can give them. It is only when you bring all your senses to bear on whoever or whatever is in front of you that you will know how to proceed. We tend to approach most things with preconceived ideas. We carry forward whatever we noticed on earlier occasions, in the belief that it will be useful this time. There is an unspoken assumption that…

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Sweet Gratitude, So Underrated

People that know me know that I live an active life. I love tennis; I try to play an average of 6 hours of the game every week, which comes up to about 3 times a week. I work out quite regularly: a good number of push-ups and squats most mornings. I have no trouble in using the stairs, even when there is a lift. I used to go to spinning classes. I take long walks. I like taking my phone calls on my feet. I enjoy all these. They keep me healthy, allow me to believe I am in…

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Why Being Grateful is Just as Important as Breathing

Being grateful is just as important as breathing. Every human alive right now is breathing, but the act of breathing alone does not make for a happy, fulfilled person. It’s unfortunate how many people allow for their fear-ridden thoughts to control their lives and reality, when really ALL of us have the power to take back our mind and direct our energy in a positive way that serves our life and those around us. Gratitude is a major step in unwinding our negative mental habits. If a person lives their entire life not realizing how precious, miraculous and unique this life…

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How You Can Be Mindful, Courageous and Adventurous

Compassion, love, courage, patience, kindness, forgiveness and faith. These are basic tenants found in most philosophies, spiritual practices and religions globally. These are also answers to many of the pains that you may experience. Find out the power of these principles through practice. It seems that there is always an opportunity to express one if not all of these in any given situation. In dealing with hardships, pain or confusion it seems that there are always two roads to take – one of faith and love or one of fear. Having a daily practice of some sort allows for mindfulness…

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How to Love Yourself and Live Your Purpose

You are enough, right now, exactly as you are. You don’t have to do anything to prove your worth. You don’t have to accomplish more, do more, or reach a certain level of success. You don’t have behave perfectly. You are worthy simply because you exist as a human being on this planet. There is room for you and all your messiness and confusion and pain. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all in this together; we are all just walking each other home. Are you confused about your life purpose? You don’t have to figure it…

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There is No Repeat of Life – Live it Now!

We only get a one ticket admission to this thing we call life. Make the most of your time while you still can. Use it wisely. Experience it fully with eyes and heart wide open. See the beauty in the obvious, but do not forget the little things that go unnoticed. Take in the fragrance of the flowers in bloom as they are given drink by the early morning dew. Notice the artistry of the sky and the clouds that form recognizable images. Listen to the laughter of a child, still so innocent and unaware of the reality of the…

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4 Ways to Slow Down and be Mindful

Slow and steady really does win the race. When we believe that we have all the time in the world, we start living like we have all the time in the world. The more we focus on slowing down rather than speeding up, the more we add time to our lives and we create more space to be and enjoy every moment. What does living like you have all the time in the world look like and how can you begin to create this now? 1. Wake Up In Beauty: When you wake up each morning, do not think of…

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NOTICE – A 6-Step Morning Routine that Works

How do you start your day? Waking up with optimism, looking forward to the day ahead? Or do you hit the snooze button, putting off rolling out of bed until the last possible moment? I’d like to suggest how you begin each morning determines the quality of your day. I’ve created an acronym to use that will help you develop a routine to start mornings with enthusiasm, energy and high expectations - N.O.T.I.C.E. N: Be NICE. Practicing self-compassion is the first step. There is no such thing as perfect. When you are starting a new routine there will be days…

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