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Jaden Sterling

What You Know to Be True, Happens for You

During the course of daily life, we are faced with a series of choices. Each choice comes with its own consequences, some lasting longer than others. Choices made out of fear or desperation will lead you to reacting from your head rather than leading with your heart. Fear is a useless emotion that will cause you to say and do things you will surely regret. Always have a plan in place to nip fear in the bud when you feel it start to bubble up. This will serve you well. The distance from your head to your heart is only…

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Choose Wisely… Your Thoughts Create Your Reality!

The original Star Trek series had a memorable episode in which the Enterprise visited a planet that allowed anything a person thought of to manifest. The planet was supposed to be used for entertainment purposes, but the unsuspecting Enterprise crew didn't know their thoughts were creating their reality -- and so suffered accordingly. What a perfect metaphor for our world! Human beings are creators and this world is our medium. We were created to create and we do so all the time, whether we are aware of it or not. There's an old saying, "Our creativity is our gift from God, and…

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3 Keys to Peace

I would share a message for my daughter.... If I don't wake tomorrow, I want to tell you that no matter what seems to be going on around you right now... Everything is alright. Really. I have learned, by living, teaching, coaching, listening, practicing and most of all, by loving, that there are three keys that make it possible to be at peace no matter what is going on... 1. Everything you ever suffer from is just a thought. 2. You always have choice and therefore you always have the power. 3. Love is what you are, not something that…

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It’s Your Choice

"You'll keep getting what you're getting as long as you keep doing what you're doing!" "The insanity principle is doing the same thing but expecting different results!" "If nothing changes, nothing changes!" These statements all pertain to personal power reinventing oneself and change. More importantly, they all pertain to choice. You have to choose to change YOU. Throughout my life, from childhood through college, corporate career to business owner, wedding day to divorce court, I've encountered people who were in situations they loathed but, for whatever reason, chose not to change how they responded to or viewed the situation. In…

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Transformation–The Journey Toward Our Greatest Potential

Transformation arises not through ambition or self-will, but amidst our surrender to the One Who holds all things together through His Word. Generally, we don’t take steps toward growth until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of change. Only in that place does true surrender begin. Transformation begins with a decision to forgive and to extend unconditional grace, acceptance, and love to the one who did us harm. Transformation grows with our decision to believe the best about another, remembering their best qualities, and overlooking their offenses. Transformation flourishes when we acknowledge we live in the midst…

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You Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of you, you always have a choice. Your choice is how you respond to the world around you, and how you navigate the world inside you. It's how you choose to translate what happens and what everything means. As simple as it may sound, or perhaps as difficult as this may be to hear, you and you alone have full control over the quality of your experience here in the physical…

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Live Your Life as if Your Body Were Perfect

Over the years, I have both loathed and loved my body. I have found that loving my body is much, much better. So I made a decision to love my body, not in spite of imagined flaws or ways that it deviates from the media ideal of what a body should look like, but rather because it is mine and it is perfect. I spent decades putting my life on hold—waiting to achieve an acceptably, socially, skinny body. I didn’t lose any weight (at least not permanently). All I lost was a few decades. So one day I made a…

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Making Choices with Love

I've learned that I regret not so much the choices that I make, but the choices that I don't; not so much the things that I've done, but the things I haven't done. Not so much "mistakes" made, for there are truly no mistakes, only opportunities not explored. And there is the seed of growth and development in each of these. I've learned to allow myself to become, more and more, the witness and the witnessed, the seer and the seen, the observer and the observed. And I've learned to do this with a minimum of judgment. Although not with…

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Participating in Your Own Rescue

When people ask what I've learned from the experiences in my life I have to smile. What always comes to my mind is faith, accountability, courage, forgiveness and compassion. I have learned perception is everything, And, most of all participating in your own rescue is not an option. It's a necessity. My life has been an amazing adventure from the very beginning. Some may hear my story and say, "How did she survive"? I have gone from the highs and lows of a childhood where I had no idea that my sense of always being different, feeling and seeing so…

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Allow Today to Unfold as it Should

Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be. You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You meditate when you rise. You do your yoga stretches. You envision the graceful unfolding of your day, a day in which you experience joy and are of service to the world. These are all terrific habits. Sometimes, however, the universe has other things in store. Better yet, sometimes what the universe has planned for us is better than anything we have envisioned for ourselves. Even if what unfolds does not…

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Simple Guidelines for Living the Life You Want

Going through rain, thunder and sunshine in life, I have learned this: Whatever color of the skin on people we all have the same feelings, the same joy, the same fears, the same biology, the same psychology. Yes, on the inside we are all the same. So never judge on the outside. Also be kind to everybody including yourself. Kindness feeds kindness and we need more of that on the globe. This definitely includes never, ever hit your children. Talk to them, show them what is right. Hit and abused children often grow up to be hitting and abusing grown-ups.…

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Get Focused for Greater Success

It is difficult to accomplish much in life without focus and determination. The factor that focus plays in success is easy to overlook. But people who have achieved what it is that they want to in life will be quick to tell you just how important focus is for achieving success. Luck often plays a role in success. While it is true that successful people make their own luck, to an extent, this does not negate hard work, determination and focus. The facts are simple; without the benefit of focus, determination and hard work are impossible. After all, to work…

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3 Important Actions for an Awesome Life

You can have an awesome life no matter where you start; you just have to believe and do your part. No circumstance determines your result. It took me a long time to learn that, but now it’s as much a part of me as my DNA. Growing up in a physically and emotionally damaging environment, and spending the majority of my time alone, I arrived at adulthood a very lonely, socially inept, financially challenged person with low confidence and almost no professional or personal skills. The person I am today, after years of development, is a stark contrast to the…

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Listen To Your Inner Voice

Do you hear something inside? Your inner voice may be speaking. Your special inner voice is like a feeling, sense, or a knowing trying to guide you to choices that are in your best interest. It urges and prods you to do or not do something, haunting you like a ghost in your heart until you heed its prompting. Sometimes, you may not be sure whether you’re sensing your true inner voice or whether you’re sensing your own emotions, logic, or other internal interferences. You may even feel torn between your own preferences and your inner voice. Finding your inner…

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How to Leave Behind a Worthwhile Impression

My daily choices surround themselves around the fact that my life affects much more than just me. The decisions I make, even one as simple as not listening to my alarm, influences those around me. If, for example, I wake up late, not only am I late but I inconvenience my husband, the staff at the daycare, and my fellow co-workers who expected a meeting to start at 8:00, not 8:15. So I guess what it boils down to is: Be aware of how your actions and choices affect others. One of the difficulties of having a family in today’s…

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