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It is difficult to accomplish much in life without focus and determination. The factor that focus plays in success is easy to overlook. But people who have achieved what it is that they want to in life will be quick to tell you just how important focus is for achieving success. Luck often plays a role in success. While it is true that successful people make their own luck, to an extent, this does not negate hard work, determination and focus.

The facts are simple; without the benefit of focus, determination and hard work are impossible. After all, to work hard and maintain a determined outlook over a long period of time you need to be intensely focused. Steve Jobs didn’t build Apple without focus (and a little help from Bill Gates and Microsoft). Focus is of paramount importance. But why?

The reason is relatively simple. Life pulls us all in different directions, and this can make achieving our goals difficult. The chaos of life chips away at our days, which turn into weeks and years. All of this means that if you truly want to accomplish your goals, you need to focus on one task at a time.

Multitasking is seriously difficult. If you think you’re doing it well, guess again. Your life may require you to multitask from time to time, but the more you focus on just one task or one endeavor, the greater your success will be in the long run. Why? If you divide your mental resources among too many tasks, none of the tasks will get the attention they deserve. In the end, your work will be subpar. You might not even finish what you set out to do.

So how should you handle the issue of focus? Focus is one part discipline and one part decision-making. The discipline part of the equation is fairly straight forward, but the decision making part  is more complex. Part of effective focusing, and it’s the part that is usually overlooked, is the decision making part. You need to prioritize which tasks are the most important and which ones can wait until later. Additionally, you may need to reorient your life and how you approach your tasks. Understanding that you only have so much time at your disposal is an important realization that will orient your thinking so you can prioritize.

Achieving greater focus in life centers on effective and savvy prioritizing, but this is only one aspect of proper focus. Lifestyle is also critical to having the energy to achieve. Getting enough sleep, sunlight, fresh air, exercise and eating a healthy diet factor into how much energy you have.

Diet can be a remarkably important factor. If you want a true energy boost, don’t reach for energy drinks or more coffee, but instead transform your diet. How? Remove fast and processed food. These types of food choices are full of chemicals and pesticides that can trigger inflammation in your body and even increase the risk of disease. By eating more whole foods, you’ll give your body ample nutrition and, in turn, energy. Changing your diet might seem like a tall order, but you can do it. The first step is to begin working with a nutritionist. The second step is to eliminate unhealthy foods from your life. The third step is to become an avid label reader. Finally for the last step, take note of how much more energy you have on a healthy diet.

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Dr. Madeline Ann Lewis is President/CEO of the Executive Women’s Success Institute located in Maryland. She is committed to helping individuals tap into the centers of influence that will move their careers or businesses forward – with purpose, passion and a unique brand of success, using her proprietary 8 Habits of Highly Successful Women system. Dr. Lewis conducts workshops and seminars that have been presented throughout the United States and abroad. She received the Paul Anthony Foundation for “Successful Journey of Black Entrepreneurship” Award in 2015; Honorable Mention as a finalist for the Enterprising Women Award in 2015; the Prince George’s Chamber of Commerce “Business Women of the Year” Award in 2013 and was selected by the Minority Enterprise Executive Council as one of the “50 Women of Power in Business” in 2012, which is just a few of many accolades she has received. She has been certified by The Professional Woman Network as a Diversity Trainer with special emphasis in Women Issues. Dr. Lewis has appeared and been quoted in numerous magazines, journals, articles, online websites and radio shows to include the Women’s Advantage Shared Wisdom 2013, 2014 and 2015 Calendar.

For more information, please visit

Comments (4)

  1. Good article Madeline. One caution: advocate the removal of the bad fats (saturated and hydrogenated) and an increase in good fats (unsaturated fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats).

  2. True, we are what we eat, but as for me, a success that will last lies solely in my relationship with GOD. In this society today, many want to leave GOD out. I cannot possibly fathom that option. The ALMIGHTY can make people have favor on you that would not ordinarily want to do so. Eating right, hard work and determination are still primary factors that catapult us, I am not trying to minimize that; but from first hand experience, nothing happens in our lives by chance or by accident. There is a driving force greater than ourselves that gives us the “umption” to eat right, to treat people right, and to do right when nobody is looking in a world that lacks integrity. I commend you on bringing to the forefront that we have to eat right, no doubt about it; but there is so much more to success in this world than eating right. Shux, you can eat right, work hard, and go to the best of schools and still jeopardize your safety and security by not having a personal, intimate relationship with GOD.

  3. Madeline,

    Your article is a perfect way to start the New Year and just what I needed. My sincere gratitude for making such a valuable contribution to the lives of all who will receive so much benefit. While I’ve got the holistic health part down pat, I really needed to stop attempting multitasking, especially since I actually do know how to prioritize with honest wisdom.

    Bless you with the unlimited miracles you deserve,
    Norman B. Ratner

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