- Great people become so by rising above trivial challenges and turning their energy and attention toward creating instead of criticizing, solving instead of succumbing, and growing instead of groveling.
Wishing for More? Stop Focusing on the Negative!
If you're like 90% of the population, you have a tendency to blame some friend that seems "have it out" for you. It feels like they're deliberately trying to hold you back, or at the very least, trying to sabotage your success. So you sit there feeling angry, frustrated, deflated or maybe even slightly depressed. You're probably talking about how nothing ever goes right. You're probably hanging out with other people who are constantly talking about it too and I would be willing to be that you're probably even talking about it on Facebook and Twitter! And as you continue…
5 Lessons for Happiness
Here are a few of the best lessons I can happily share: 1. Life is tough Agreed, life is filled with trials and tribulations. To say one is happy all the time is a lie. To know happiness is available at any time is a truth. Happiness will not wait for us. Happiness will not invite us to the party. We must invite ourselves to say, "yes", diving deeply and happily into life... all of it... the ups, downs, twists and turns of our miraculous journey. Happiness exists in tandem with adversity. Happiness waits in all the nooks and crannies…
Get Focused for Greater Success
It is difficult to accomplish much in life without focus and determination. The factor that focus plays in success is easy to overlook. But people who have achieved what it is that they want to in life will be quick to tell you just how important focus is for achieving success. Luck often plays a role in success. While it is true that successful people make their own luck, to an extent, this does not negate hard work, determination and focus. The facts are simple; without the benefit of focus, determination and hard work are impossible. After all, to work…
The Importance of Taking It Slow
In 2008, I was like most dynamic women: running on life's treadmill, overbooking myself, pursuing all my passions at once. Ha. Trying to "live my best life" almost stole it from me. I almost died from a brain aneurysm. It turned out to be a gift: The hectic pace of my life finally caught up and it was time to make a change. My recovery was amazing, according to doctors. So what did I learn? Focus. You need to start playing the record of your life at your speed, rather than letting it play you. Stress and change played a major…
Why You Need To Embrace Your Greed
Greed is good. Embrace it. Love it. Live it. In fact, greed may be the one thing that can save us. Don't believe me? Greed was the foundation for this country. The brave souls who risked their life to settle in a new country did so out of self interest. Our forefathers recognized the importance of self-interest in the Declaration of Independence where they emphasized our unalienable right to pursue happiness. Greed is good not just for your own life but for others as well. By elevating your life, you can radically elevate your family's life, your community, and yes,…
Reclaim Your Attention, Reclaim Your Power
What do you pay attention to? As you read this, become aware of how you're attending to these words. Are you distracted or focused? How do you pay attention? Your attention is powerful - full of power. The kind of attention I am talking about is your non-judgmental, welcoming, loving attention. This attention energizes and enlivens all things in your life. Your attention arises from inside you, from that presence we'll call your inner self. What you pay attention to and how you pay attention is how you use your power. When you reclaim your attention, you reclaim your power,…
Why You Stop Working Towards Your Goals
Achieving a goal isn't about the goal; it's about the motivation to achieve the goal. Can you maintain motivation, or do you find yourself psyched about achieving a goal, with a good plan and a detailed picture in your mind, only to find yourself not working on the goal anymore? Maybe your work schedule is super busy, or your emotions are tightly wound because you're having trouble in a close relationship. There are seven Motivation Assassinators and they are the reasons we stop working on our goals. But they are easily identified and easily overcome. Do you know what yours…
- There is a Golden Mean to which your body wants to gravitate: a balance of excitation and calm, of readiness and relaxation. External pressures push us away from it- inward focus can pull us back.
6 Ways to Keep Life in Perspective
Here are the top six pieces of advice that can increase the quality of life and easily keep it in perspective: 1) Nothing in life has any inherent meaning; it only has the meaning you assign to it. Shakespeare once said, “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” You can actively change the meaning of any circumstance in your life to one that empowers you. The way to do that is by asking empowering questions. These questions will lead to empowering answers. Here are a few examples: What is good about this? What is funny about this?…
3 Ways to Take Charge of Your Life
It's true we live in a time of questionable economic stability, nobody knows where to step or what's coming next. It's also true that without balance, timing, and know-how, surfing is impossible. Realizing that navigating the waves of flux in the economy is as simple as reading the landscape, balancing on an unsteady platform, and timing your market are they keys to success. More millionaires were made during the great depression than during any other time in history. We stand at the forefront of a tremendous opportunity to top that record. But everywhere I look I see opportunities that go…
Overcoming Failure
If you have ever hit a wall of failure at top speed, you know the paralyzing feeling that takes place inside your body. That paralyzing feeling stops you in your tracks, turns a great thing into your worst nightmare. If you have ever poured your heart and soul into something and somehow, someway, it failed, you know what it feels like. This feeling of defeat can lead you down two roads. One is the road to nowhere. This road is the road that keeps you from getting out of bed in the morning, changes your beliefs about yourself, changes the…
3 Questions for Finding Purpose and Fulfillment
For many of us, we grow up and the most important thing is who we are going to be when we grow up. Then we focus on doing all these things in order to have the stuff that someone who is like who we want to be would have. Unfortunately for many of us, we focus more on the having than the being. We are designed as human beings, and when we lose sight of that and begin to do things in order to have things, we lose sight of why we are here. Don't wait to find your purpose...define…
Insights from a Baby Boomer
As a female baby boomer, I am proud that my generation of women has made many forward strides with women’s rights and workplace equity, but there’s still so much that needs to be done. Gen Y Women – your combination of a clean slate, fresh insight on technology, and family values has the potential to change the world. It’s up to your generation now! To help you with this, I’m giving you a gift of the wisdom I’ve learned. Take Charge of Your Life Today. Do you really know what you value, what your important roles are, and what YOUR PASSION…
- Passion blurs distractions and brings purpose into focus.
Struggling? 10 Steps for Overcoming Tough Times
As a member of the human race, we have more in common with one another than we have differences. Just like death and taxes, we all experience tough times, and therefore, we can learn from each other’s mistakes to make our walk on the road just a little bit easier. From the more than 1000 Luminaries that we’ve featured on InspireMeToday.com, here’s the collective wisdom on how to get through tough times, that just might help you get through a difficult experience. Look at the worst thing that can happen. Feel it. Mourn it. Cry through it. Then picture the…
Appreciation: A Truly Humane Art
“The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out.” ~ Dale Carnegie in How to Win Friends & Influence People There is something wonderfully enigmatic about sensing that another person notices your efforts, weak attempts though they may be, and kindly expresses such recognition with even a single word of thankfulness. One paltry word, even? Yes. A mere word can make or break a person’s spirit, depend upon it. On any given day, individuals, young and old, from every life background have…
Golf as a Metaphor for Life
Golf is first and foremost one of my paths to self- mastery. I don’t mean mastery as in being the best in the world or striving to be perfect, I mean mastery by being my best each shot and each moment. I know I am completely capable of shooting under par every time I step onto the golf course. When I don’t, I have the opportunity to look more closely at myself. Was it fear, underlying emotions, mental blocks, lack of presence or something to do with my body that stopped me? How can I improve next time? Each new round…
School of HP: The Mechanics of Making Your Wishes Become Reality
If you have read any books on spirituality or listened to any teachers you likely have heard this statement before - in order to manifest your wishes you must be very specific about what you ask for, focus on it and then detach from it. It is with the last part that I always had trouble. I didn't understand in real terms why I need to let it go - until just awhile ago when it came to me. Let's say that you dreamed up a new concept for a car. You drew it on a piece of paper, thought for…
Change Your Focus – Change Your Experience
I recently had the honor of interviewing Neil Findlay on The Empowerment Show. In his episode, we discussed his charity work. He helps children living on the street in Madagascar who may be as young as five years old. No resources. No education. No future. A situation he could only describe as hopelessness. He also works with teens in Australia who often turn to drugs and alcohol due to their family situations. The teens have access to everything - food, shelter, education, and technology - yet there the suicide rate is rising. Suicide is rare in Madagascar where living conditions are…