Achieving a goal isn’t about the goal; it’s about the motivation to achieve the goal. Can you maintain motivation, or do you find yourself psyched about achieving a goal, with a good plan and a detailed picture in your mind, only to find yourself not working on the goal anymore?
Maybe your work schedule is super busy, or your emotions are tightly wound because you’re having trouble in a close relationship. There are seven Motivation Assassinators and they are the reasons we stop working on our goals. But they are easily identified and easily overcome. Do you know what yours are?
The seven Assassinators are:
1. Lack of Focus
Do you get distracted or feel like your mind is scattered? Do you set a goal and even create a plan, only to realize three days later you’re no longer thinking about it? Lack of focus attacks quietly, but when we make up our minds to think each day about what we want, when we focus on WHAT we need to do and WHEN, we can prevent all the other Assassinators from attacking at all!
2. Negative Belief System
When thoughts like, “I can’t do this, it’s too hard, or I’m not smart enough,” attack, those are indicators of a belief system. Identify these thoughts and beliefs as the Motivation Stealers they are and don’t believe the LIES! Your goals can be achieved and your negative beliefs can turn positive with belief building.
3. Habits
We don’t even realize we sabotage our success because we just follow our routine, which is why this is the sneakiest Assassinator of them all. Bad habits can’t be removed from our lives either; they need to be replaced. By replacing one habit at a time, you begin to create many new, life-giving habits.
4. Emotional Reaction
Do you feel angry or frustrated when something happens to wreck your plans? Are there times you think about reacting negatively, realize it’s a bad idea then do it anyway? Respond instead and get control!
5. Energy
If you feel tired and unable to think clearly, an energy drainer might be to blame. Physical exhaustion often comes from mental overload, so journal or talk with a friend to relief stress. Get plenty of sleep, exercise, eat a healthful diet, and B vitamins boost energy as well.
6. Surroundings or Social Influence
Do you behave in certain ways because the people around you expect it? You need six positive relationships in order to be a healthy, balanced person. Do you have them?
7. Time Management
This is the biggest culprit of the 21st century! You may overpromise or procrastinate and always feel behind. Maybe you’re not sure how to fit it all in one day, but these are simply time management issues – issues which can easily be addressed.
The bottom line is … you CAN beat the Motivation Assassinators. Execute them before they execute your dreams!
Very well written, Donna.