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3 Lessons Learned from Serious Illness

When I was born doctors quickly realized something was wrong. I started to turn blue. It was my heart. Doctors told my parents that if I was going to survive, I needed open-heart surgery and quickly. I was put on a helicopter and flown away for open-heart surgery. The surgery was incredibly risky but it was successful. After a lengthy recovery, my parents took their new son home. There were more surgeries and hospital visits, but it was 22 years before I faced the biggest challenge of my life. It was 2002 when my condition grew worse. Suddenly I couldn't…

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Care to Measure Your Happiness Level?

We all want to be happy right? Happiness is the goal behind all goals… But how much time do we actually focus on how happy we are and increasing our happiness? None right… We just do things to make ourselves happy… However, what if you could measure your happiness? Do you think by you looking at it, and knowing accurately where you are on a ‘happiness scale’, that you could focus on making yourself happier… But a happiness scale… Impossible right? Well prepare to be amazed! Check out this surprisingly accurate Discovering Happiness Quiz: It’s brand new, and it’s been made by my friend Andy Shaw, who is an expert at helping people maximize their level of performance in life. Trust me this is no normal quiz… I just took it myself. I liked it so much I downloaded the detailed report.

Click here to take this free Discovering Happiness Quiz now.

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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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Start Living Your Best Life Today

Life is a wonderful journey to be embraced. Each day has the potential to uncover a new adventure if we condition our minds to look for the positives. My last words to humanity would be to love more, do more, be more, risk more…do all those positive things people said you wouldn’t be successful doing. Life is a one-way ticket. It is by experiencing every single opportunity that we find our destiny and live our best lives. There are dreams unrealized. Goals left unchecked. Visions that have all but dissipated. However, if we still hold a kindle of fire in our hearts…

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Make Time for What’s Important

Make time for your hopes, dreams and goals. Five years ago I had a life-altering experience that has contributed to the person that I am today, the adoption of my daughter, Mia. As my love for her grew, so did my hopes, dreams and goals, which were no longer just for me anymore but also for my daughter, husband, family, friends and the global community at large. With the demands of our busy lives it is so easy to lose sight of our hopes, dreams and goals. At every turn we are distracted by text messages, cell phone calls and…

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Setting Goals Before You Start Your Journey

We have to know where we are going if we want to get there. What does this mean? We have to set goals. Imagine you are given a box of LEGOs and asked to build a castle. There is only one problem. There is no blueprint or picture of how the castle is supposed to look. So where do you start? What pieces should be placed together? Of course, you can start building; however, without a blueprint or picture, you can never be sure if you are heading in the right direction. Life works in this same way. We have…

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You Have Everything You Need in This Moment

In this lifetime we can waste precious time and energy living for an external result, acquiring other's approval and needing things outside of ourselves for happiness. It doesn’t take long for us to realize that achieving goal after goal will not automatically create the happiness we crave so deeply. And when we live for something in the future, whether it’s a thinner body, the perfect mate or enough money in the bank to buy an island, we rob ourselves of the perfection of this present moment. We will find ourselves chasing a false dream, believing that when we have the…

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Why You Stop Working Towards Your Goals

Achieving a goal isn't about the goal; it's about the motivation to achieve the goal. Can you maintain motivation, or do you find yourself psyched about achieving a goal, with a good plan and a detailed picture in your mind, only to find yourself not working on the goal anymore? Maybe your work schedule is super busy, or your emotions are tightly wound because you're having trouble in a close relationship. There are seven Motivation Assassinators and they are the reasons we stop working on our goals. But they are easily identified and easily overcome. Do you know what yours…

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Make Time for What Matters Now, Not ‘Someday’

“Someday is not on the calendar.” Since 1988, that has become my motto. It was on a cold November night that year when my beautiful 23-year-old sister died four inches from my side in the passenger seat of my car. We were hit head-on by a drunk driver. Death of a loved one, or our own near-death, always offers new perspective on what truly matters… and what is simply irrelevant or insignificant. It is an acute reminder of both life’s fragility and unpredictability and, for me, a “note to self” that while our dreams have no expiry date, our physical…

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Living In The Now

I've been called the "Woman of Independent Means." Funny, but it seems to capture all the vigor and verve of self-sufficiency, achievement and hard core measurable goals which marked my passage and intentions upon entering the decade of the 90s. I determined to change the world, to make quantum leaps in financial gain, to publish and to produce. After all, 40 was upon me and time a'fleeting. Now, closer to 65 than to 40, I realize that the better triumphs have not come from reaching these goals but in the shadows and nuances of missing them. When things have not gone…

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The 4 Keys to Fulfillment

The keys to finding fulfillment in life may be different for each of us, but here is what I have discovered to work for me... and the essence of what I've discovered after my years on this wonderful planet. I hope these insights launch you into the next stage of your life with powerful new renewed force and energy. I discovered these four distinctions in the 50+ entrepreneurs I interviewed, but I do believe at their core, they also lead to a more fulfilling life: 1. Embrace a consuming passion by sharing it with others. Surround yourself with others who share…

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Turn Goals Into Promises

Turn important goals into heartfelt promises! Some years ago, when I was thinking about writing a book about the seven habits of SUCCESS and FAILURE, I shared many of my ideas with my mother, Virginia Hope Butler. I explained the concepts and how I thought this book would provide a guide for people who felt stuck, disempowered, and unable to make positive changes. She encouraged me to complete the book. The book was still unwritten when my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. As her conditioned worsened, I decided to promise to her that I would finish the book, get…

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9 Wisdom Keys for Creating Possibility

Growing up, I always asked why people do the things they do, to learn their mindset. Your mindset creates your moods, attitudes and habits. I developed the following nine wisdom keys for feeding your mindset with possibilities & positiveness. 1. If you reveal who you truly are, you will attract the people who will most complement your life. Life is short and unpredictable. Don't waste another minute on the people, places and things that don’t make you happy. You are the one thing you cannot run away from, no matter what your passion, vision or inner talent is. Don’t worry about what…

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17 Top Success Tips

I have trouble squeezing anything I write into 500 words or less because first, I talk too much... and second, I don’t know how to count. But I’ll try my best by giving you my top 17 success tips which took me over 30 years to discover. 1. Write down your goals and look at them every day. Follow these 4 steps: Step 1: Write down goals Step 2: Look at goals Step 3: Take action Step 4: Repeat 2. Have a support system in place for when you feel down or depressed. You'll always have "those days" so a…

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Manifest Your Goals By Dissolving the Ego

A wave of awakening is finally breaking into the mass consciousness that has been building for decades. As a planet, we are awakening from the dream of separation and learning to let go of victim consciousness as we take greater responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and beliefs and how they create what we experience as our "reality." Within the last few years, the Law of Attraction has reached the attention of millions of people with the advent of the book and movie phenomenon, The Secret. More recently, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle has brought forward a large and growing interest in awakening…

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9 Nuggets of Wisdom, Joy, and Love

I want to share some nuggets of wisdom that I have learned in my thirty years that will hopefully help you live a more happy and fulfilled life. Enjoy. Love yourself unconditionally no matter what! If you don't love yourself, how will you ever be able to love anyone else and fulfill the need for connection that we all so desperately crave. Know that you are a beautiful creation and you deserve all the love and happiness that life has to offer. Be grateful everyday for another day of life. Don't take this for granted! Follow your passions in life,…

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